Harbor use cases

Proxy a public Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a public ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a public ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Docker Registry as the Provider, and enter public-ecr as the Name, and enter https://public.ecr.aws/ as the Endpoint URL. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on the NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-project as the Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose public-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public proxy project

  4. Pull images

    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-project/cloudwatch-agent/cloudwatch-agent:latest

Proxy a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a private ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a private ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as Provider, and enter private-ecr as Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER].dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ as Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by click on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-private-project as Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose private-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private proxy project

  4. Pull images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    Push an image to the created repository

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine [ACCOUNT NUMBER].dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/alpine:latest
    docker push [ACCOUNT NUMBER].dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/alpine:latest
    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-private-project/alpine:latest

Repository replication from Harbor to a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to replicate local images and charts to a private ECR repository in push mode. When a replication rule is set, all resources that match the defined filter patterns are replicated to the destination registry when the triggering condition is met.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a nonproxy project

    Harbor nonproxy project

  3. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on the NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as the Provider, and enter private-ecr as the Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER].dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ as the Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  4. Create a replication rule

    Harbor replication rule

  5. Prepare an image

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine:latest harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest
  6. Authenticate with Harbor with the default credential as shown below

    docker logout
    docker login harbor.eksa.demo:30003
  7. Push images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    docker push harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest

    The image should appear in the target ECR repository shortly.

    Harbor replication result

Set up trivy image scanner in an air-gapped environment

This use case is to manually import vulnerability database to Harbor trivy when Harbor is running in an air-gapped environment. All the following commands are assuming Harbor is running in the default namespace.

  1. Configure trivy

    TLS example with auto certificate generation

    apiVersion: packages.eks.amazonaws.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: https://harbor.eksa.demo:30003
             certSource: auto
               commonName: "harbor.eksa.demo"
             skipUpdate: true
             offlineScan: true     

    Non-TLS example

    apiVersion: packages.eks.amazonaws.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: http://harbor.eksa.demo:30002
             enabled: false
           skipUpdate: true
           offlineScan: true     

    If Harbor is already running without the above trivy configurations, run the following command to update both skipUpdate and offlineScan

    kubectl edit statefulsets/harbor-helm-trivy
  2. Download the vulnerability database to your local host

    Please follow oras installation instruction .

    oras pull ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-db:2 -a
  3. Upload database to trivy pod from your local host

    kubectl cp db.tar.gz harbor-helm-trivy-0:/home/scanner/.cache/trivy -c trivy
  4. Set up database on Harbor trivy pod

    kubectl exec -it harbor-helm-trivy-0 -c trivy bash
    cd /home/scanner/.cache/trivy
    mkdir db
    mv db.tar.gz db
    cd db
    tar zxvf db.tar.gz