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Curated Packages Workshop

Workshops for using curated packages.

1 - Prometheus use cases

1.1 - Prometheus with Grafana

This tutorial demonstrates how to config the Prometheus package to scrape metrics from an EKS Anywhere cluster, and visualize them in Grafana.

This tutorial walks through the following procedures:

Install the Prometheus package

The Prometheus package creates two components by default:

  • Prometheus-server, which collects metrics from configured targets, and stores the metrics as time series data;
  • Node-exporter, which exposes a wide variety of hardware- and kernel-related metrics for prometheus-server (or an equivalent metrics collector, i.e. ADOT collector) to scrape.

The prometheus-server is pre-configured to scrape the following targets at 1m interval:

  • Kubernetes API servers
  • Kubernetes nodes
  • Kubernetes nodes cadvisor
  • Kubernetes service endpoints
  • Kubernetes services
  • Kubernetes pods
  • Prometheus-server itself

If no config modification is needed, a user can proceed to the Prometheus installation guide .

Prometheus Package Customization

In this section, we cover a few frequently-asked config customizations. After determining the appropriate customization, proceed to the Prometheus installation guide to complete the package installation. Also refer to Prometheus package spec for additional config options.

Change prometheus-server global configs

By default, prometheus-server is configured with evaluation_interval: 1m, scrape_interval: 1m, scrape_timeout: 10s. Those values can be overwritten if preferred / needed.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  config: |
        evaluation_interval: "30s"
        scrape_interval: "30s"
        scrape_timeout: "15s"    

Run prometheus-server as statefulSets

By default, prometheus-server is created as a deployment with replicaCount equals to 1. If there is a need to increase the replicaCount greater than 1, a user should deploy prometheus-server as a statefulSet instead. This allows multiple prometheus-server pods to share the same data storage.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true    

Disable prometheus-server and use node-exporter only

A user may disable the prometheus-server when:

  • they would like to use node-exporter to expose hardware- and kernel-related metrics, while
  • they have deployed another metrics collector in the cluster and configured a remote-write storage solution, which fulfills the prometheus-server functionality (check out the ADOT with Amazon Managed Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana workshop to learn how to do so).

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

    kind: Package
      name: generated-prometheus
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: prometheus
      config: |
          enabled: false        

Disable node-exporter and use prometheus-server only

A user may disable the node-exporter when:

  • they would like to deploy multiple prometheus-server packages for a cluster, while
  • deploying only one or none node-exporter instance per node.

The following config allows the user to do such customization:

    kind: Package
      name: generated-prometheus
      namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
      packageName: prometheus
      config: |
          enabled: false        

Prometheus Package Test

To ensure the Prometheus package is installed correctly in the cluster, a user can perform the following tests.

Access prometheus-server web UI

Port forward Prometheus to local host 9090:

export PROM_SERVER_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace <namespace> -l "app=prometheus,component=server" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]")
kubectl port-forward $PROM_SERVER_POD_NAME -n <namespace> 9090

Go to http://localhost:9090 to access the web UI.

Run sample queries

Run sample queries in Prometheus web UI to confirm the targets have been configured properly. For example, a user can run the following query to obtain the CPU utilization rate by node.

100 - (avg by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m])) * 100 )

The output will be displayed on the Graph tab. Prometheus Grafana Import Dashboard

Install Grafana helm charts

A user can install Grafana in the cluster to visualize the Prometheus metrics. We used the Grafana helm chart as an example below, though other deployment methods are also possible.

  1. Get helm chart repo info

    helm repo add grafana
    helm repo update
  2. Install the helm chart

    helm install my-grafana grafana/grafana

Set up Grafana dashboards

Access Grafana web UI

  1. Obtain Grafana login password:

    kubectl get secret --namespace default my-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode; echo
  2. Port forward Grafana to local host 3000:

    export GRAFANA_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $GRAFANA_POD_NAME 3000
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000 to access the web UI. Log in with username admin, and password obtained from the Obtain Grafana login password in step 1 above.

Add Prometheus data source

  1. Click on the Configuration sign on the left navigation bar, select Data sources, then choose Prometheus as the Data source.

    Prometheus Grafana Add Data Source

  2. Configure Prometheus data source with the following details:

    • Name: Prometheus as an example.
    • URL: http://<prometheus-server-end-point-name>.<namespace>:9090. If the package default values are used, this will be http://generated-prometheus-server.observability:9090.
    • Scrape interval: 1m or the value specified by user in the package config.
    • Select Save and test. A notification data source is working should be displayed.

    Prometheus Grafana Config Data Source

Import dashboard templates

  1. Import a dashboard template by hovering over to the Dashboard sign on the left navigation bar, and click on Import. Type 315 in the Import via textbox and select Import. From the dropdown at the bottom, select Prometheus and select Import.

    Prometheus Grafana Import Dashboard

  2. A Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) dashboard will be displayed.

    Prometheus Grafana View Dashboard Kubernetes

  3. Perform the same procedure for template 1860. A Node Exporter Full dashboard will be displayed. Prometheus Grafana View Dashboard Node Exporter

2 - ADOT use cases

2.1 - ADOT with AMP and AMG

This tutorial demonstrates how to config the ADOT package to scrape metrics from an EKS Anywhere cluster, and send them to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) and Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG).

This tutorial walks through the following procedures:

Create an AMP workspace

An AMP workspace is created to receive metrics from the ADOT package, and respond to query requests from AMG. Follow steps below to complete the set up:

  1. Open the AMP console at

  2. Choose region us-west-2 from the top right corner.

  3. Click on Create to create a workspace.

  4. Type a workspace alias (adot-amp-test as an example), and click on Create workspace.

    ADOT AMP Create Workspace

  5. Make notes of the URLs displayed for Endpoint - remote write URL and Endpoint - query URL. You’ll need them when you configure your ADOT package to remote write metrics to this workspace and when you query metrics from this workspace. Make sure the workspace’s Status shows Active before proceeding to the next step.

    ADOT AMP Identify URLs

For additional options (i.e. through CLI) and configurations (i.e. add a tag) to create an AMP workspace, refer to AWS AMP create a workspace guide.

Create a cluster with IRSA

To enable ADOT pods that run in EKS Anywhere clusters to authenticate with AWS services, a user needs to set up IRSA at cluster creation. EKS Anywhere cluster spec for Pod IAM gives step-by-step guidance on how to do so. There are a few things to keep in mind while working through the guide:

  1. While completing step Create an OIDC provider , a user should:

    • create the S3 bucket in the us-west-2 region, and

    • attach an IAM policy with proper AMP access to the IAM role.

      Below is an example that gives full access to AMP actions and resources. Refer to AMP IAM permissions and policies guide for more customized options.

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Resource": "*"
  2. While completing step deploy pod identity webhook , a user should:

    • make sure the service account is created in the same namespace as the ADOT package (which is controlled by the package definition file with field spec.targetNamespace);
    • take a note of the service account that gets created in this step as it will be used in ADOT package installation;
    • add an annotation <role-arn> to the created service account.

    By default, the service account is installed in the default namespace with name pod-identity-webhook, and the annotation <role-arn> is not added automatically.

IRSA Set Up Test

To ensure IRSA is set up properly in the cluster, a user can create an awscli pod for testing.

  1. Apply the following yaml file in the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: awscli
      serviceAccountName: pod-identity-webhook
      - image: amazon/aws-cli
          - sleep
          - "infinity"
        name: awscli
        resources: {}
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
  2. Exec into the pod:

    kubectl exec -it awscli -- /bin/bash
  3. Check if the pod can list AMP workspaces:

    aws amp list-workspaces --region=us-west-2
  4. If the pod has issues listing AMP workspaces, re-visit IRSA set up guidance before proceeding to the next step.

  5. Exit the pod:


Install the ADOT package

The ADOT package will be created with three components:

  1. the Prometheus Receiver, which is designed to be a drop-in replacement for a Prometheus Server and is capable of scraping metrics from microservices instrumented with the Prometheus client library ;

  2. the Prometheus Remote Write Exporter, which employs the remote write features and send metrics to AMP for long term storage;

  3. the Sigv4 Authentication Extension, which enables ADOT pods to authenticate to AWS services.

Follow steps below to complete the ADOT package installation:

  1. Update the following config file. Review comments carefully and replace everything that is wrapped with a <> tag. Note this configuration aims to mimic the Prometheus community helm chart. A user can tailor the scrape targets further by modifying the receiver section below. Refer to ADOT package spec for additional explanations of each section.

    Click to expand ADOT package config
    kind: Package
      name: my-adot
      namespace: eksa-packages
      packageName: adot
      targetNamespace: default # this needs to match the namespace of the serviceAccount below
      config: |
        mode: deployment
          # Specifies whether a service account should be created
          create: false
          # Annotations to add to the service account
          annotations: {}
          # Specifies the serviceAccount annotated with
          name: "pod-identity-webhook" # name of the service account created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
              region: "us-west-2"
              service: "aps"
                sts_region: "us-west-2"
            # Scrape configuration for the Prometheus Receiver
                  scrape_interval: 15s
                  scrape_timeout: 10s
                - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: default;kubernetes;https
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    - __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: node
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                    target_label: __address__
                  - regex: (.+)
                    replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$$1/proxy/metrics
                    - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  - role: node
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                    target_label: __address__
                  - regex: (.+)
                    replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                    - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  scheme: https
                    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                    insecure_skip_verify: false
                - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_node
                - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                  - role: endpoints
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_node
                  scrape_interval: 5m
                  scrape_timeout: 30s
                - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                  - role: service
                  - action: keep
                    regex: pushgateway
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
                - job_name: kubernetes-services
                  - role: service
                  metrics_path: /probe
                    - http_2xx
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
                  - source_labels:
                    - __address__
                    target_label: __param_target
                  - replacement: blackbox
                    target_label: __address__
                  - source_labels:
                    - __param_target
                    target_label: instance
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  - source_labels:
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - source_labels:
                    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_name
                - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                  - role: pod
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: kubernetes_namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
                    target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
                  - action: drop
                    regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
                - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                  scrape_interval: 5m
                  scrape_timeout: 30s          
                  - role: pod
                  - action: keep
                    regex: true
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (https?)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
                    target_label: __scheme__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: (.+)
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
                    target_label: __metrics_path__
                  - action: replace
                    regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                    replacement: $$1:$$2
                    - __address__
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
                    target_label: __address__
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                    replacement: __param_$1
                  - action: labelmap
                    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
                    target_label: namespace
                  - action: replace
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
                    target_label: pod
                  - action: drop
                    regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                    - __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
              timeout: 60s
              logLevel: info
              endpoint: "<AMP-WORKSPACE>/api/v1/remote_write" # Replace with your AMP workspace
                authenticator: sigv4auth
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
              - sigv4auth
                receivers: [prometheus]
                processors: [batch/metrics]
                exporters: [logging, prometheusremotewrite]    
  2. Bind additional roles to the service account pod-identity-webhook (created at step Create a cluster with IRSA ) by applying the following file in the cluster (using kubectl apply -f <file-name>). This is because pod-identity-webhook by design does not have sufficient permissions to scrape all Kubernetes targets listed in the ADOT config file above. If modifications are made to the Prometheus Receiver, make updates to the file below to add / remove additional permissions before applying the file.

    Click to expand clusterrole and clusterrolebinding config
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: otel-prometheus-role
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - nodes
          - nodes/proxy
          - services
          - endpoints
          - pods
          - get
          - list
          - watch
      - apiGroups:
          - extensions
          - ingresses
          - get
          - list
          - watch
      - nonResourceURLs:
          - /metrics
          - get
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: otel-prometheus-role-binding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: otel-prometheus-role
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: pod-identity-webhook  # replace with name of the service account created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
        namespace: default  # replace with namespace where the service account was created at step Create a cluster with IRSA
  3. Use the ADOT package config file defined above to complete the ADOT installation. Refer to ADOT installation guide for details.

ADOT Package Test

To ensure the ADOT package is installed correctly in the cluster, a user can perform the following tests.

Check pod logs

Check ADOT pod logs using kubectl logs <adot-pod-name> -n <namespace>. It should display logs similar to below.

2022-09-30T23:22:59.184Z	info	service/telemetry.go:103	Setting up own telemetry...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.184Z	info	service/telemetry.go:138	Serving Prometheus metrics	{"address": "", "level": "basic"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.185Z	info	components/components.go:30	In development component. May change in the future.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging", "stability": "in development"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:42	Starting extensions...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	healthcheckextension@v0.58.0/healthcheckextension.go:44	Starting health_check extension	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "config": {"Endpoint":"","TLSSetting":null,"CORS":null,"Auth":null,"MaxRequestBodySize":0,"IncludeMetadata":false,"Path":"/","CheckCollectorPipeline":{"Enabled":false,"Interval":"5m","ExporterFailureThreshold":5}}}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.186Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	ballastextension/memory_ballast.go:52	Setting memory ballast	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast", "MiBs": 0}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "memory_ballast"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:45	Extension is starting...	{"kind": "extension", "name": "sigv4auth"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	extensions/extensions.go:49	Extension started.	{"kind": "extension", "name": "sigv4auth"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:74	Starting exporters...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:78	Exporter is starting...	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:82	Exporter started.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:78	Exporter is starting...	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheusremotewrite"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:82	Exporter started.	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheusremotewrite"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:86	Starting processors...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:90	Processor is starting...	{"kind": "processor", "name": "batch/metrics", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:94	Processor started.	{"kind": "processor", "name": "batch/metrics", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:98	Starting receivers...
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:102	Receiver is starting...	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.187Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.188Z	info	kubernetes/kubernetes.go:326	Using pod service account via in-cluster config	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics", "discovery": "kubernetes"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	pipelines/pipelines.go:106	Receiver started.	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "prometheus", "pipeline": "metrics"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	healthcheck/handler.go:129	Health Check state change	{"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "status": "ready"}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	service/collector.go:215	Starting aws-otel-collector...	{"Version": "v0.21.1", "NumCPU": 2}
2022-09-30T23:22:59.189Z	info	service/collector.go:128	Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.

Check AMP endpoint using awscurl

Use awscurl commands below to check if AMP received the metrics data sent by ADOT. The awscurl tool is a curl like tool with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing. The command below should return a status code success.

pip install awscurl
awscurl -X POST --region us-west-2 --service aps "<amp-query-endpoint>?query=up"

Create an AMG workspace and connect to the AMP workspace

An AMG workspace is created to query metrics from the AMP workspace and visualize the metrics in user-selected or user-built dashboards.

Follow steps below to create the AMG workspace:

  1. Enable AWS Single-Sign-on (AWS SSO). Refer to IAM Identity Center for details.

  2. Open the Amazon Managed Grafana console at

  3. Choose Create workspace.

  4. In the Workspace details window, for Workspace name, enter a name for the workspace.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Details

  5. In the config settings window, choose Authentication access by AWS IAM Identity Center, and Permission type of Service managed.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Configure Settings

  6. In the IAM permission access setting window, choose Current account access, and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus as data source.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Permission Settings

  7. Review all settings and click on Create workspace.

    ADOT AMG Workspace Review and Create

  8. Once the workspace shows a Status of Active, you can access it by clicking the Grafana workspace URL. Click on Sign in with AWS IAM Identity Center to finish the authentication.

Follow steps below to add the AMP workspace to AMG.

  1. Click on the config sign on the left navigation bar, select Data sources, then choose Prometheus as the Data source.

    ADOT AMG Add Data Source

  2. Configure Prometheus data source with the following details:

    • Name: AMPDataSource as an example.
    • URL: add the AMP workspace remote write URL without the api/v1/remote_write at the end.
    • SigV4 auth: enable.
    • Under the SigV4 Auth Details section:
      • Authentication Provider: choose Workspace IAM Role;
      • Default Region: choose us-west-2 (where you created the AMP workspace)
    • Select the Save and test, and a notification data source is working should be displayed.

    ADOT AMG Config Data Source

  3. Import a dashboard template by clicking on the plus (+) sign on the left navigation bar. In the Import screen, type 3119 in the Import via textbox and select Import. From the dropdown at the bottom, select AMPDataSource and select Import.

    ADOT AMG Import Dashboard

  4. A Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) dashboard will be displayed.

    ADOT AMG View Dashboard

3 - Harbor use cases

Proxy a public Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a public ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a public ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Docker Registry as the Provider, and enter public-ecr as the Name, and enter as the Endpoint URL. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on the NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-project as the Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose public-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor public proxy project

  4. Pull images

    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-project/cloudwatch-agent/cloudwatch-agent:latest

Proxy a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a private ECR repository, which helps limit the amount of requests made to a private ECR repository, avoiding consuming too much bandwidth or being throttled by the registry server.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as Provider, and enter private-ecr as Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER] as Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by click on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  3. Create a proxy project

    Navigate to Projects on the left panel and click on NEW PROJECT button. Enter proxy-private-project as Project Name, check Public access level, and turn on Proxy Cache and choose private-ecr from the pull-down list. Save the configuration by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private proxy project

  4. Pull images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    Push an image to the created repository

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine [ACCOUNT NUMBER]
    docker push [ACCOUNT NUMBER]
    docker pull harbor.eksa.demo:30003/proxy-private-project/alpine:latest

Repository replication from Harbor to a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository

This use case is to use Harbor to replicate local images and charts to a private ECR repository in push mode. When a replication rule is set, all resources that match the defined filter patterns are replicated to the destination registry when the triggering condition is met.

  1. Login

    Log in to the Harbor web portal with the default credential as shown below


    Harbor web portal

  2. Create a nonproxy project

    Harbor nonproxy project

  3. Create a registry proxy

    In order for Harbor to proxy a remote private ECR registry, an IAM credential with necessary permissions need to be created. Usually, it follows three steps:

    1. Policy

      This is where you specify all necessary permissions. Please refer to private repository policies , IAM permissions for pushing an image and ECR policy examples to figure out the minimal set of required permissions.

      For simplicity, the build-in policy AdministratorAccess is used here.

      Harbor private ecr policy

    2. User group

      This is an easy way to manage a pool of users who share the same set of permissions by attaching the policy to the group.

      Harbor private ecr user group

    3. User

      Create a user and add it to the user group. In addition, please navigate to Security credentials to generate an access key. Access keys consists of two parts: an access key ID and a secret access key. Please save both as they are used in the next step.

      Harbor private ecr user

    Navigate to Registries on the left panel, and then click on the NEW ENDPOINT button. Choose Aws ECR as the Provider, and enter private-ecr as the Name, https://[ACCOUNT NUMBER] as the Endpoint URL, use the access key ID part of the generated access key as Access ID, and use the secret access key part of the generated access key as Access Secret. Save it by clicking on OK.

    Harbor private ecr proxy

  4. Create a replication rule

    Harbor replication rule

  5. Prepare an image

    docker pull alpine
    docker tag alpine:latest harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest
  6. Authenticate with Harbor with the default credential as shown below

    docker logout
    docker login harbor.eksa.demo:30003
  7. Push images

    Create a repository in the target private ECR registry

    Harbor private ecr repository

    docker push harbor.eksa.demo:30003/nonproxy-project/alpine:latest

    The image should appear in the target ECR repository shortly.

    Harbor replication result

Set up trivy image scanner in an air-gapped environment

This use case is to manually import vulnerability database to Harbor trivy when Harbor is running in an air-gapped environment. All the following commands are assuming Harbor is running in the default namespace.

  1. Configure trivy

    TLS example with auto certificate generation

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: https://harbor.eksa.demo:30003
             certSource: auto
               commonName: "harbor.eksa.demo"
             skipUpdate: true
             offlineScan: true     

    Non-TLS example

    kind: Package
       name: my-harbor
       namespace: eksa-packages
       packageName: harbor
       config: |-
         secretKey: "use-a-secret-key"
         externalURL: http://harbor.eksa.demo:30002
             enabled: false
           skipUpdate: true
           offlineScan: true     

    If Harbor is already running without the above trivy configurations, run the following command to update both skipUpdate and offlineScan

    kubectl edit statefulsets/harbor-helm-trivy
  2. Download the vulnerability database to your local host

    Please follow oras installation instruction .

    oras pull -a
  3. Upload database to trivy pod from your local host

    kubectl cp db.tar.gz harbor-helm-trivy-0:/home/scanner/.cache/trivy -c trivy
  4. Set up database on Harbor trivy pod

    kubectl exec -it harbor-helm-trivy-0 -c trivy bash
    cd /home/scanner/.cache/trivy
    mkdir db
    mv db.tar.gz db
    cd db
    tar zxvf db.tar.gz