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List of EKS Anywhere curated packages
1 - Packages configuration
Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for curated packages.
This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. To generate your own package configuration, follow instructions from Package Management
section and modify it using descriptions below.
kind: PackageBundleController
name: eksa-packages-bundle-controller
namespace: eksa-packages
activeBundle: v1-21-83
privateRegistry: ""
upgradeCheckInterval: 24h0m0s
kind: PackageBundle
name: package-bundle
namespace: eksa-packages
- name: hello-eks-anywhere
repository: hello-eks-anywhere
- digest: sha256:c31242a2f94a58017409df163debc01430de65ded6bdfc5496c29d6a6cbc0d94
- digest: sha256:26e3f2f9aa546fee833218ece3fe7561971fd905cef40f685fd1b5b09c6fb71d
repository: hello-eks-anywhere
name: 0.1.1-083e68edbbc62ca0228a5669e89e4d3da99ff73b
schema: H4sIAJc5EW...
kind: Package
name: my-hello-eks-anywhere
namespace: eksa-packages
config: |
title: "My Hello"
packageName: hello-eks-anywhere
targetNamespace: eksa-packages
API Reference
Resource Types:
↩ Parent
PackageBundleController is the Schema for the packagebundlecontroller API.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
apiVersion |
string | |
true |
kind |
string |
PackageBundleController |
true |
metadata |
object |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. |
true |
spec |
object |
PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.
false |
status |
object |
PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
activeBundle |
string |
ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
false |
bundleRepository |
string |
Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle
Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
false |
createNamespace |
boolean |
Allow target namespace creation by the controller
Default: false
false |
defaultImageRegistry |
string |
DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images
false |
defaultRegistry |
string |
DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle
false |
logLevel |
integer |
LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.
Format: int32
false |
privateRegistry |
string |
PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
false |
upgradeCheckInterval |
string |
UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks.
The format is that of time's ParseDuration.
Default: 24h
false |
upgradeCheckShortInterval |
string |
UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem.
The format is that of time's ParseDuration.
Default: 1h
false |
↩ Parent
PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
detail |
string |
Detail of the state.
false |
spec |
object |
Spec previous settings
false |
state |
enum |
State of the bundle controller.
Enum: ignored, active, disconnected, upgrade available
false |
↩ Parent
Spec previous settings
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
activeBundle |
string |
ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
false |
bundleRepository |
string |
Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle
Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
false |
createNamespace |
boolean |
Allow target namespace creation by the controller
Default: false
false |
defaultImageRegistry |
string |
DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images
false |
defaultRegistry |
string |
DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle
false |
logLevel |
integer |
LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.
Format: int32
false |
privateRegistry |
string |
PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
false |
upgradeCheckInterval |
string |
UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks.
The format is that of time's ParseDuration.
Default: 24h
false |
upgradeCheckShortInterval |
string |
UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem.
The format is that of time's ParseDuration.
Default: 1h
false |
↩ Parent
PackageBundle is the Schema for the packagebundle API.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
apiVersion |
string | |
true |
kind |
string |
PackageBundle |
true |
metadata |
object |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. |
true |
spec |
object |
PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
false |
status |
object |
PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
packages |
[]object |
Packages supported by this bundle.
true |
minControllerVersion |
string |
Minimum required packages controller version
false |
↩ Parent
BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
source |
object |
Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
true |
name |
string |
Name of the package.
false |
workloadonly |
boolean |
WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster
false |
↩ Parent
Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
repository |
string |
Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
true |
versions |
[]object |
Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
true |
registry |
string |
Registry in which the package is found.
false |
↩ Parent
SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
digest |
string |
Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
true |
name |
string |
Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
true |
dependencies |
[]string |
Dependencies to be installed before the package
false |
images |
[]object |
Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
false |
schema |
string |
Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.
false |
↩ Parent
VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
digest |
string |
Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
true |
repository |
string |
Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
true |
↩ Parent
PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
state |
enum |
PackageBundleStateEnum defines the observed state of PackageBundle.
Enum: available, ignored, invalid, controller upgrade required
true |
spec |
object |
PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
packages |
[]object |
Packages supported by this bundle.
true |
minControllerVersion |
string |
Minimum required packages controller version
false |
↩ Parent
BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
source |
object |
Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
true |
name |
string |
Name of the package.
false |
workloadonly |
boolean |
WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster
false |
↩ Parent
Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
repository |
string |
Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
true |
versions |
[]object |
Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
true |
registry |
string |
Registry in which the package is found.
false |
↩ Parent
SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
digest |
string |
Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
true |
name |
string |
Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
true |
dependencies |
[]string |
Dependencies to be installed before the package
false |
images |
[]object |
Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
false |
schema |
string |
Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.
false |
↩ Parent
VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
digest |
string |
Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
true |
repository |
string |
Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
true |
↩ Parent
Package is the Schema for the package API.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
apiVersion |
string | |
true |
kind |
string |
Package |
true |
metadata |
object |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. |
true |
spec |
object |
PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.
false |
status |
object |
PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
packageName |
string |
PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
true |
config |
string |
Config for the package.
false |
packageVersion |
string |
PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
false |
targetNamespace |
string |
TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
currentVersion |
string |
Version currently installed.
true |
source |
object |
Source associated with the installation.
true |
detail |
string |
Detail of the state.
false |
spec |
object |
Spec previous settings
false |
state |
enum |
State of the installation.
Enum: initializing, installing, installing dependencies, installed, updating, uninstalling, unknown
false |
targetVersion |
string |
Version to be installed.
false |
upgradesAvailable |
[]object |
UpgradesAvailable indicates upgraded versions in the bundle.
false |
↩ Parent
Source associated with the installation.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
digest |
string |
Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
true |
registry |
string |
Registry in which the package is found.
true |
repository |
string |
Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
true |
version |
string |
Versions of the package supported.
true |
↩ Parent
Spec previous settings
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
packageName |
string |
PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
true |
config |
string |
Config for the package.
false |
packageVersion |
string |
PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
false |
targetNamespace |
string |
TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.
false |
↩ Parent
PackageAvailableUpgrade details the package’s available upgrade versions.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
tag |
string |
Tag is a specific version number or sha256 checksum for the package upgrade.
true |
version |
string |
Version is a human-friendly version name for the package upgrade.
true |
2 - Configuration Best Practice
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
3 - ADOT Configuration
OpenTelemetry Collector provides a vendor-agnostic solution to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. ADOT Collector is an AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
Configuration options for ADOT
3.1 - v0.21.1
Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec
We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.
kind: Package
name: my-adot
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: adot
targetNamespace: observability
config: |
mode: daemonset
Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
hostNetwork |
Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. |
false |
image.pullPolicy |
Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never . |
"IfNotPresent" |
mode |
Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset , deployment , or statefulset . |
"daemonset" |
ports.[*].containerPort |
Specifies containerPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].enabled |
Indicates if a port is enabled. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].hostPort |
Specifies hostPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].protocol |
Specifies protocol used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].servicePort |
Specifies servicePort used. |
See footnote |
resources.limits.cpu |
Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. |
1 |
resources.limits.memory |
Specifies memory resource limits for containers. |
"2Gi" |
Config |
config.config |
Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector
for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. |
See footnote |
config.config.receiver |
Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.processor |
Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended.
See footnote |
config.config.exporters |
Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.extensions |
Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. |
See footnote |
config.config.service |
Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. |
See footnote |
Deployment mode only |
replicaCount |
Specifies replicaCount for pods. |
1 |
service.type |
Specifies service types: ClusterIP , NodePort , LoadBalancer , ExternalName . |
"ClusterIP" |
3.2 - v0.23.0
Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec
We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.
kind: Package
name: my-adot
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: adot
targetNamespace: observability
config: |
mode: daemonset
Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
hostNetwork |
Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. |
false |
image.pullPolicy |
Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never . |
"IfNotPresent" |
mode |
Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset , deployment , or statefulset . |
"daemonset" |
ports.[*].containerPort |
Specifies containerPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].enabled |
Indicates if a port is enabled. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].hostPort |
Specifies hostPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].protocol |
Specifies protocol used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].servicePort |
Specifies servicePort used. |
See footnote |
resources.limits.cpu |
Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. |
1 |
resources.limits.memory |
Specifies memory resource limits for containers. |
"2Gi" |
Config |
config.config |
Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector
for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. |
See footnote |
config.config.receiver |
Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.processor |
Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended.
See footnote |
config.config.exporters |
Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.extensions |
Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. |
See footnote |
config.config.service |
Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. |
See footnote |
Deployment mode only |
replicaCount |
Specifies replicaCount for pods. |
1 |
service.type |
Specifies service types: ClusterIP , NodePort , LoadBalancer , ExternalName . |
"ClusterIP" |
3.3 - v0.25.0
Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec
We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.
kind: Package
name: my-adot
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: adot
targetNamespace: observability
config: |
mode: daemonset
Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
hostNetwork |
Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. |
false |
image.pullPolicy |
Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never . |
"IfNotPresent" |
mode |
Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset , deployment , or statefulset . |
"daemonset" |
ports.[*].containerPort |
Specifies containerPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].enabled |
Indicates if a port is enabled. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].hostPort |
Specifies hostPort used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].protocol |
Specifies protocol used. |
See footnote |
ports.[*].servicePort |
Specifies servicePort used. |
See footnote |
resources.limits.cpu |
Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. |
1 |
resources.limits.memory |
Specifies memory resource limits for containers. |
"2Gi" |
Config |
config.config |
Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector
for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. |
See footnote |
config.config.receiver |
Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.processor |
Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended.
See footnote |
config.config.exporters |
Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. |
See footnote |
config.config.extensions |
Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. |
See footnote |
config.config.service |
Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. |
See footnote |
Deployment mode only |
replicaCount |
Specifies replicaCount for pods. |
1 |
service.type |
Specifies service types: ClusterIP , NodePort , LoadBalancer , ExternalName . |
"ClusterIP" |
4 - Cert-Manager Configuration
The cert-manager package adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
Configuration options for Cert-Manager
4.1 - v1.9.1
Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec
kind: Package
name: my-cert-manager
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: cert-manager
config: |
logLevel: 4
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
namespace |
The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package |
cert-manager |
imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy |
IfNotPresent |
global |
global.logLevel |
The log level: integer from 0-6 |
2 |
Webhook |
webhook.timeoutSeconds |
The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server |
0 |
5 - Cluster Autoscaler Configuration
Cluster Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes.
Configuration options for Cluster Autoscaler
5.1 - v9.21.0
Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
cloudProvider |
Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi. Example: cloudProvider: “clusterapi” |
“clusterapi” |
autoDiscovery.clusterName |
Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale. Example: autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster” |
false |
clusterAPIMode |
Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
Example: clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig” |
“incluster-incluster” |
clusterAPICloudConfigPath |
Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig Example: clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value” |
“/etc/kubernetes/mgmt-kubeconfig” |
extraVolumeSecrets |
Additional volumes to mount from Secrets. Example: extraVolumeSecrets: {} |
{} |
6 - Emissary Configuration
Emissary Ingress is an open-source Kubernetes-native API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer + Kubernetes Ingress built on Envoy Proxy.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
Configuration options for Emissary
6.1 - v3.0.0
Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
hostNetwork |
Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup . Example: hostNetwork: false |
false |
createDefaultListeners |
Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443. Example: createDefaultListeners: false |
false |
replicaCount |
Replica count for Emissary to deploy. Example: replicaCount: 2 |
2 |
daemonSet |
Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment Example: daemonSet: false |
false |
6.2 - v3.3.0
Emissary version 0.3.3 has decoupled the CRD portion of the package, and now supports installing multiple instances of the emissary package in the same cluster.
Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
hostNetwork |
Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup . Example: hostNetwork: false |
false |
createDefaultListeners |
Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443. Example: createDefaultListeners: false |
false |
replicaCount |
Replica count for Emissary to deploy. Example: replicaCount: 2 |
2 |
daemonSet |
Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment Example: daemonSet: false |
false |
7 - Harbor configuration
Harbor is an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users such as security, identity and management. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can improve the image transfer efficiency. Harbor supports replication of images between registries, and also offers advanced security features such as user management, access control and activity auditing.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
Configuration options for Harbor
7.1 - v2.5.0
Trivy, Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.
Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
externalURL |
The external URL for Harbor core service | |
imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy |
IfNotPresent |
logLevel |
The log level: debug , info , warning , error or fatal |
info |
harborAdminPassword |
The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor |
Harbor12345 |
secretKey |
The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars |
"" |
Expose |
expose.type |
How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer , other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. |
nodePort |
expose.tls.enabled |
Enable TLS or not. |
true |
expose.tls.certSource |
The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto , secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. |
secret | |
The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto |
expose.tls.secret.secretName |
The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key |
harbor-tls-secret | |
The name of the NodePort service |
harbor |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
30002 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
443 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30003 | |
The name of the service |
harbor |
expose.loadBalancer.IP |
The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when the loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address |
"" |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30002 |
expose.loadBalancer.annotations |
The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service |
{} |
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges |
List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
Internal TLS |
internalTLS.enabled |
Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) |
true |
Persistence |
persistence.resourcePolicy |
Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. |
keep |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size |
The size of the volume |
5Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size |
The size of the volume |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size |
The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size |
The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volumem, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
Registry |
registry.relativeurls |
If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy |
false |
7.2 - v2.5.1
Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.
Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
externalURL |
The external URL for Harbor core service | |
imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy |
IfNotPresent |
logLevel |
The log level: debug , info , warning , error or fatal |
info |
harborAdminPassword |
The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor |
Harbor12345 |
secretKey |
The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars |
"" |
Expose |
expose.type |
How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer , other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. |
nodePort |
expose.tls.enabled |
Enable TLS or not. |
true |
expose.tls.certSource |
The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto , secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. |
secret | |
The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto |
expose.tls.secret.secretName |
The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key |
harbor-tls-secret | |
The name of the NodePort service |
harbor |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
30002 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
443 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30003 | |
The name of the service |
harbor |
expose.loadBalancer.IP |
The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address |
"" |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30002 |
expose.loadBalancer.annotations |
The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service |
{} |
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges |
List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
Internal TLS |
internalTLS.enabled |
Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) |
true |
Persistence |
persistence.resourcePolicy |
Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. |
keep |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size |
The size of the volume |
5Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size |
The size of the volume |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size |
The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size |
The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size |
The size of the volume |
5Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
Trivy |
trivy.enabled |
The flag to enable Trivy scanner |
true |
trivy.vulnType |
Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library . |
os,library |
trivy.severity |
Comma-separated list of severities to be checked |
trivy.skipUpdate |
The flag to disable Trivy DB
downloads from GitHub |
false |
trivy.offlineScan |
The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. |
false |
Registry |
registry.relativeurls |
If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy |
false |
7.3 - v2.7.1
Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.
Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
externalURL |
The external URL for Harbor core service | |
imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy |
IfNotPresent |
logLevel |
The log level: debug , info , warning , error or fatal |
info |
harborAdminPassword |
The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor |
Harbor12345 |
secretKey |
The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars |
"" |
Expose |
expose.type |
How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer , other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. |
nodePort |
expose.tls.enabled |
Enable TLS or not. |
true |
expose.tls.certSource |
The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto , secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. |
secret | |
The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto |
expose.tls.secret.secretName |
The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key |
harbor-tls-secret | |
The name of the NodePort service |
harbor |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
30002 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
443 |
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort |
The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30003 | |
The name of the service |
harbor |
expose.loadBalancer.IP |
The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address |
"" |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP |
80 |
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort |
The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS |
30002 |
expose.loadBalancer.annotations |
The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service |
{} |
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges |
List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges |
[] |
Internal TLS |
internalTLS.enabled |
Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) |
true |
Persistence |
persistence.resourcePolicy |
Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. |
keep |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size |
The size of the volume |
5Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.size |
The size of the volume |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size |
The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size |
The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
1Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored |
"" |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size |
The size of the volume |
5Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning |
"" |
Trivy |
trivy.enabled |
The flag to enable Trivy scanner |
true |
trivy.vulnType |
Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library . |
os,library |
trivy.severity |
Comma-separated list of severities to be checked |
trivy.skipUpdate |
The flag to disable Trivy DB
downloads from GitHub |
false |
trivy.offlineScan |
The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. |
false |
Registry |
registry.relativeurls |
If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy |
false |
8 - MetalLB Configuration
MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for on-premises Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
8.1 - v0.12.1
is currently not supported for MetalLB.
kind: Package
name: mylb
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: metallb
targetNamespace: metallb-system
config: |
- name: default
- name: bgp
- IPAddressPools:
- default
- IPAddressPools:
- bgp
- myASN: 123
peerASN: 55001
keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
IPAddressPools[] |
A list of IPAddressPool. |
None |
L2Advertisements[] |
A list of L2Advertisement. |
None |
BGPAdvertisements[] |
A list of BGPAdvertisement. |
None |
BGPPeers[] |
A list of BGPPeer. |
None |
— |
— |
— |
IPAddressPool |
A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs. |
name |
Name for the address pool. |
None |
addresses[] |
A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. |
None |
autoAssign |
AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. |
true |
— |
— |
— |
L2Advertisement |
L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2. |
IPAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. |
None |
— |
— |
— |
BGPAdvertisement |
BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected IPAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement. |
aggregationLength |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. |
32 |
aggregationLengthV6 |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. |
128 |
communities[] |
The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. |
None |
IPAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. |
None |
localPref |
The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. |
None |
— |
— |
— |
BGPPeer |
Peers for the BGP protocol. |
bfdProfile |
The name of the BFD Profile to be used for the BFD session associated to the BGP session. If not set, the BFD session won’t be set up. |
None |
holdTime |
Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. |
None |
keepaliveTime |
Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. |
None |
myASN |
AS number to use for the local end of the session. |
None |
password |
Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. |
None |
peerASN |
AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. |
None |
peerAddress |
Address to dial when establishing the session. |
None |
peerPort |
Port to dial when establishing the session. |
179 |
routerID |
BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. |
None |
sourceAddress |
Source address to use when establishing the session. |
None |
8.2 - v0.13.5
is currently not supported for MetalLB.
Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase. For example:
- IPAddressPools:
- default
- ipAddressPools:
- default
Top-level section names remain capitalized as they represent CRDs:
config: |
kind: Package
name: mylb
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: metallb
targetNamespace: metallb-system
config: |
- name: default
- name: bgp
- ipAddressPools:
- default
- ipAddressPools:
- bgp
autoAssign: false
- myASN: 123
peerASN: 55001
keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
Required |
IPAddressPools[] |
A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. |
None |
False |
L2Advertisements[] |
A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. |
None |
False |
BGPAdvertisements[] |
A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. |
None |
False |
BGPPeers[] |
A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
IPAddressPool |
A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs. |
name |
Name for the address pool. |
None |
True |
addresses[] |
A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. |
None |
True |
autoAssign |
AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. |
true |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
L2Advertisement |
L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2. |
ipAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. |
None |
True |
name |
Name for the L2Advertisement. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
BGPAdvertisement |
BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement. |
aggregationLength |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. |
32 |
False |
aggregationLengthV6 |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. |
128 |
False |
communities[] |
The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. |
None |
False |
ipAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. |
None |
True |
localPref |
The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. |
None |
False |
peers[] |
List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
BGPPeer |
Peers for the BGP protocol. |
holdTime |
Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. |
None |
False |
keepaliveTime |
Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. |
None |
False |
myASN |
AS number to use for the local end of the session. |
None |
True |
password |
Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. |
None |
False |
peerASN |
AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. |
None |
True |
peerAddress |
Address to dial when establishing the session. |
None |
True |
peerPort |
Port to dial when establishing the session. |
179 |
False |
routerID |
BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. |
None |
False |
sourceAddress |
Source address to use when establishing the session. |
None |
False |
8.3 - v0.13.7
is currently not supported for MetalLB.
Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase.
See v0.13.5
for details.
kind: Package
name: mylb
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: metallb
targetNamespace: metallb-system
config: |
- name: default
- name: bgp
- ipAddressPools:
- default
- ipAddressPools:
- bgp
autoAssign: false
- myASN: 123
peerASN: 55001
keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
Required |
IPAddressPools[] |
A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. |
None |
False |
L2Advertisements[] |
A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. |
None |
False |
BGPAdvertisements[] |
A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. |
None |
False |
BGPPeers[] |
A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
IPAddressPool |
A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs. |
name |
Name for the address pool. |
None |
True |
addresses[] |
A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. |
None |
True |
autoAssign |
AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. |
true |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
L2Advertisement |
L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2. |
ipAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. |
None |
True |
name |
Name for the L2Advertisement. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
BGPAdvertisement |
BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement. |
aggregationLength |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. |
32 |
False |
aggregationLengthV6 |
The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. |
128 |
False |
communities[] |
The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. |
None |
False |
ipAddressPools[] |
The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. |
None |
True |
localPref |
The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. |
None |
False |
peers[] |
List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. |
None |
False |
— |
— |
— |
— |
BGPPeer |
Peers for the BGP protocol. |
holdTime |
Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. |
None |
False |
keepaliveTime |
Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. |
None |
False |
myASN |
AS number to use for the local end of the session. |
None |
True |
password |
Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. |
None |
False |
peerASN |
AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. |
None |
True |
peerAddress |
Address to dial when establishing the session. |
None |
True |
peerPort |
Port to dial when establishing the session. |
179 |
False |
routerID |
BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. |
None |
False |
sourceAddress |
Source address to use when establishing the session. |
None |
False |
password |
Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. |
None |
False |
passwordSecret |
passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
passwordSecret: name: mySecret namespace: metallb-system |
None |
False |
9 - Metrics Server Configuration
Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.
Configuration options for Metrics Server
9.1 - v3.8.2
Configuring Metrics Server in EKS Anywhere package spec
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
args |
Additional args to provide to metrics-server Example: cloudProvider: ["–kubelet-insecure-tls"] |
[] |
10 - Prometheus Configuration
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects and stores metrics as time series data.
Best Practice
Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages
should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package
) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName
. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace
field: PackagebundleController.spec
Configuration options for Prometheus
10.1 - v2.39.1
Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec
kind: Package
name: generated-prometheus
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: prometheus
targetNamespace: observability
config: |
replicaCount: 2
enabled: true
Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
rbac.create |
Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter |
true |
sourceRegistry |
Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter |
"" |
Node-Exporter |
nodeExporter.enabled |
Indicates if node-exporter is enabled |
true |
nodeExporter.hostNetwork |
Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace |
true |
nodeExporter.hostPID |
Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace |
true |
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy |
Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never |
"IfNotPresent" |
nodeExporter.image.repository |
Specifies node-exporter image repository |
"prometheus/node-exporter" |
nodeExporter.resources |
Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements
field for more details |
{} |
nodeExporter.service |
Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service |
See footnote |
nodeExporter.tolerations |
Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration
field for more details. |
See footnote |
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations |
Specifies node-exporter service account annotations |
{} |
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create |
Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created |
true | |
Specifies node-exporter service account name |
"" |
Prometheus-Server |
server.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled |
true | |
Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated |
"1m" | |
Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets |
"1m" | |
Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out |
"10s" |
server.image.pullPolicy |
Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never |
"IfNotPresent" |
server.image.repository |
Specifies prometheus-server image repository |
"prometheus/prometheus" | |
Specifies prometheus-server container name |
"server" |
server.persistentVolume.accessModes |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes |
"ReadWriteOnce" |
server.persistentVolume.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim |
true |
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true . If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound |
"" |
server.persistentVolume.size |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size |
"8Gi" |
server.remoteRead |
Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read
for more details |
[] |
server.remoteWrite |
Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write
for more details |
[] |
server.replicaCount |
Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 |
1 |
server.resources |
Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements
field for more details |
{} |
server.retention |
Specifies prometheus-server data retention period |
"15d" |
server.service |
Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service |
See footnote |
server.statefulSet.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false , prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment |
false |
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs |
Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config
for more details |
See footnote |
serviceAccounts.server.annotations |
Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations |
{} |
serviceAccounts.server.create |
Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created |
true | |
Specifies prometheus-server service account name |
"" |
10.2 - v2.41.1
Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec
kind: Package
name: generated-prometheus
namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
packageName: prometheus
targetNamespace: observability
config: |
replicaCount: 2
enabled: true
Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
rbac.create |
Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter |
true |
sourceRegistry |
Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter |
"" |
Node-Exporter |
nodeExporter.enabled |
Indicates if node-exporter is enabled |
true |
nodeExporter.hostNetwork |
Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace |
true |
nodeExporter.hostPID |
Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace |
true |
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy |
Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never |
"IfNotPresent" |
nodeExporter.image.repository |
Specifies node-exporter image repository |
"prometheus/node-exporter" |
nodeExporter.resources |
Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements
field for more details |
{} |
nodeExporter.service |
Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service |
See footnote |
nodeExporter.tolerations |
Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration
field for more details. |
See footnote |
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations |
Specifies node-exporter service account annotations |
{} |
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create |
Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created |
true | |
Specifies node-exporter service account name |
"" |
Prometheus-Server |
server.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled |
true | |
Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated |
"1m" | |
Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets |
"1m" | |
Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out |
"10s" |
server.image.pullPolicy |
Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent , Always , Never |
"IfNotPresent" |
server.image.repository |
Specifies prometheus-server image repository |
"prometheus/prometheus" | |
Specifies prometheus-server container name |
"server" |
server.persistentVolume.accessModes |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes |
"ReadWriteOnce" |
server.persistentVolume.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim |
true |
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true . If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound |
"" |
server.persistentVolume.size |
Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size |
"8Gi" |
server.remoteRead |
Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read
for more details |
[] |
server.remoteWrite |
Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write
for more details |
[] |
server.replicaCount |
Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 |
1 |
server.resources |
Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements
field for more details |
{} |
server.retention |
Specifies prometheus-server data retention period |
"15d" |
server.service |
Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service |
See footnote |
server.statefulSet.enabled |
Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false , prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment |
false |
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs |
Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config
for more details |
See footnote |
serviceAccounts.server.annotations |
Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations |
{} |
serviceAccounts.server.create |
Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created |
true | |
Specifies prometheus-server service account name |
"" |