eksctl anywhere CLI reference

Details on the options and parameters for eksctl anywhere CLI

The eksctl CLI, with the EKS Anywhere plugin added, lets you create and manage EKS Anywhere clusters. While a cluster is running, most EKS Anywhere administration can be done using kubectl or other native Kubernetes tools.

Use this page as a reference to useful eksctl anywhere command examples for working with EKS Anywhere clusters. Available eksctl anywhere commands include:

  • create cluster To create an EKS Anywhere cluster
  • upgrade To upgrade a workload cluster
  • delete cluster To delete an EKS Anywhere cluster
  • generate [clusterconfig | support-bundle | support-bundle-config | packages | hardware] To generate cluster, support configs, package configs, and tinkerbell hardware files
  • help To get help information
  • version To get the EKS Anywhere version

Options used with multiple commands include:

  • -h or --help To get help for a command or subcommand
  • -v int or --verbosity int To set log level verbosity from 0-9
  • -f filenameor–filename filename` To identify the filename containing the cluster config
  • --force-cleanup To force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  • -w string or --w-config string To identify the kubeconfig file when needed to create a support bundle or upgrade a cluster

Other available options and arguments are listed with the command examples that follow.

eksctl anywhere generate

With eksctl anywhere generate, you can output sets of cluster resources to create a new cluster or troubleshoot an existing cluster. Here are some examples.

eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig

Using eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig you can generate a cluster configuration for a specific provider (-p or --providerprovider_name). Here are examples:

Generate a configuration file to create an EKS Anywhere cluster for a vsphere provider:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME} -p vsphere > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Generate a configuration file to create an EKS Anywhere cluster for a Docker provider:

export CLUSTER_NAME=docker01
eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME} -p docker > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Once you have generated the yaml configuration file, edit that file to add configuration information before you use the file to create your cluster. See local and production cluster creation procedures for details.

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle-config

If you would like to customize your support bundle, you can generate a support bundle configuration file (support-bundle-config), edit that file to choose the data you want to gather, then gather the selected data into a support bundle (support-bundle).

Generate a support bundle config file (then edit that file to select the log data you want to gather):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle-config > ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml 

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle

Once you have a bundle config file, generate a support bundle from an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. Additional options available for this command include:

  • --bundle-config string To identify the bundle config file to use to generate the support bundle
  • --since string To collect pod logs in the latest duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
  • --since-time string To collect pod logs after a specific datetime(RFC3339) like 2021-06-28T15:04:05Z

Here is an example:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle --bundle-config ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml \
   -w ${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig \
   --since 2h -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.yaml

The example just shown:

  • Uses ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle.yaml as the file to hold the results
  • Collects pod logs for the past two hours (2h)
  • Identifies the bundle config file to use (${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml)
  • Identifies the .kubeconfig file to use for a workload cluster

To change the command to generate a support bundle that gathers pod logs starting from a specific date (September 8, 2021) and time (1:27 PM):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle --bundle-config ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig \
   --since-time 2021-09-8T13:27:00Z 2h -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle.yaml

eksctl anywhere create cluster

Create an EKS Anywhere cluster from a cluster configuration file you generated (and modified) earlier. This example sets verbosity to most verbose (-v 9):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere create cluster -v 9 -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

See local and production cluster creation procedures for details.

eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster

Upgrade an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. This example uses maximum verbosity and forces a cleanup of the previously created bootstrap cluster:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml --force-cleanup -v9 \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig 

For more information on this and other ways to upgrade a cluster, see Upgrade cluster .

eksctl anywhere delete cluster

Delete an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. This example deletes all VMs and the forces the deletion of the previously created bootstrap cluster:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere delete cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml \
   --force-cleanup \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig 

For more information on deleting a cluster, see Delete cluster .

eksctl anywhere version

View the version of eksctl anywhere:

eksctl anywhere version

eksctl anywhere help

Use eksctl anywhere help or the -h option to see general options or options specific to a particular set of commands.

View general help information using help:

eksctl anywhere help

Use eksctl anywhere to build your own self-managing cluster on your hardware with the best of Amazon EKS

  eksctl anywhere [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create resources
  delete      Delete resources
  generate    Generate resources
  help        Help about any command
  upgrade     Upgrade resources
  version     Get the eksctl version

  -h, --help            help for eksctl
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity

Use "eksctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Display help options for generating a support bundle:

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle -h

This command is used to create a support bundle to troubleshoot a cluster

  eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle -f my-cluster.yaml [flags]

      --bundle-config string   Bundle Config file to use when generating support bundle
  -f, --filename string        Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                   help for support-bundle
      --since string           Collect pod logs in the latest duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
      --since-time string      Collect pod logs after a specific datetime(RFC3339) like 2021-06-28T15:04:05Z
  -w, --w-config string        Kubeconfig file to use when creating support bundle for a workload cluster

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity

Display options for creating a cluster:

eksctl anywhere create cluster -h
This command is used to create workload clusters

  eksctl anywhere create cluster [flags]

  -f, --filename string   Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
      --force-cleanup     Force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  -h, --help              help for cluster

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity