GitOpsConfig configuration

Configuration reference for GitOps cluster management.

GitOps Support (Optional)

EKS Anywhere can create clusters that supports GitOps configuration management with Flux. In order to add GitOps support, you need to configure your cluster by specifying the configuration file with gitOpsRef field when creating or upgrading the cluster. We currently support two types of configurations: FluxConfig and GitOpsConfig.

Flux Configuration

The flux configuration spec has three optional fields, regardless of the chosen git provider.

Flux Configuration Spec Details

systemNamespace (optional)

  • Description: Namespace in which to install the gitops components in your cluster. Defaults to flux-system
  • Type: string

clusterConfigPath (optional)

  • Description: The path relative to the root of the git repository where EKS Anywhere will store the cluster configuration files. Defaults to the cluster name
  • Type: string

branch (optional)

  • Description: The branch to use when committing the configuration. Defaults to main
  • Type: string

EKS Anywhere currently supports two git providers for FluxConfig: Github and Git.

Github provider

Please note that for the Flux config to work successfully with the Github provider, the environment variable EKSA_GITHUB_TOKEN needs to be set with a valid GitHub PAT . This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-github-flux-provider
    kind: FluxConfig
kind: FluxConfig
  name: my-github-flux-provider
  namespace: default
  systemNamespace: "my-alternative-flux-system-namespace"
  clusterConfigPath: "path-to-my-clusters-config"
  branch: "main"
    personal: true
    repository: myClusterGitopsRepo
    owner: myGithubUsername


github Configuration Spec Details

repository (required)

  • Description: The name of the repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration, and sync it to the cluster. If the repository exists, we will clone it from the git provider; if it does not exist, we will create it for you.
  • Type: string

owner (required)

  • Description: The owner of the Github repository; either a Github username or Github organization name. The Personal Access Token used must belong to the owner if this is a personal repository, or have permissions over the organization if this is not a personal repository.
  • Type: string

personal (optional)

  • Description: Is the repository a personal or organization repository? If personal, this value is true; otherwise, false. If using an organizational repository (e.g. personal is false) the owner field will be used as the organization when authenticating to
  • Default: true
  • Type: boolean

Git provider

Before you create a cluster using the Git provider, you will need to set and export the EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS and EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY environment variables.


EKS Anywhere uses the provided known hosts file to verify the identity of the git provider when connecting to it with SSH. The EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS environment variable should be a path to a known hosts file containing entries for the git server to which you’ll be connecting.

For example, if you wanted to provide a known hosts file which allows you to connect to and verify the identity of using a private key based on the key algorithm ecdsa, you can use the OpenSSH utility ssh-keyscan to obtain the known host entry used by for the ecdsa key type. EKS Anywhere supports ecdsa, rsa, and ed25519 key types, which can be specified via the sshKeyAlgorithm field of the git provider config.

ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa >> my_eksa_known_hosts

This will produce a file which contains known-hosts entries for the ecdsa key type supported by, mapping the host to the key-type and public key. ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg=

EKS Anywhere will use the content of the file at the path EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS to verify the identity of the remote git server, and the provided known hosts file must contain an entry for the remote host and key type.


The EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable should be a path to the private key file associated with a valid SSH public key registered with your Git provider. This key must have permission to both read from and write to your repository. The key can use the key algorithms rsa, ecdsa, and ed25519.

This key file must have restricted file permissions, allowing only the owner to read and write, such as octal permissions 600.

If your private key file is passphrase protected, you must also set EKSA_GIT_SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE with that value.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-git-flux-provider
    kind: FluxConfig
kind: FluxConfig
  name: my-git-flux-provider
  namespace: default
  systemNamespace: "my-alternative-flux-system-namespace"
  clusterConfigPath: "path-to-my-clusters-config"
  branch: "main"
    repositoryUrl: ssh://
    sshKeyAlgorithm: ecdsa

git Configuration Spec Details

repositoryUrl (required)

NOTE: The repositoryUrl value for private SSH repositories is of the format ssh://$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME.git. This may differ from the default SSH URL given by your provider. For example, the user interface provides an SSH URL containing a : before the repository owner, rather than a /. Make sure to replace this : with a /, if present.

  • Description: The URL of an existing repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration and sync it to the cluster. For private repositories, the SSH URL will be of the format ssh://$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME.git
  • Type: string

sshKeyAlgorithm (optional)

  • Description: The SSH key algorithm of the private key specified via EKSA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE. Defaults to ecdsa
  • Type: string

Supported SSH key algorithm types are ecdsa, rsa, and ed25519.

Be sure that this SSH key algorithm matches the private key file provided by EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and that the known hosts entry for the key type is present in EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS.

GitOps Configuration

Please note that for the GitOps config to work successfully the environment variable EKSA_GITHUB_TOKEN needs to be set with a valid GitHub PAT . This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-gitops
    kind: GitOpsConfig
kind: GitOpsConfig
  name: my-gitops
  namespace: default
      personal: true
      repository: myClusterGitopsRepo
      owner: myGithubUsername
      fluxSystemNamespace: ""
      clusterConfigPath: ""

GitOps Configuration Spec Details

flux (required)

  • Description: our supported gitops provider is flux. This is the only supported value.
  • Type: object

Flux Configuration Spec Details

github (required)

  • Description: github is the only currently supported git provider. This defines your github configuration to be used by EKS Anywhere and flux.
  • Type: object

github Configuration Spec Details

repository (required)

  • Description: The name of the repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration, and sync it to the cluster. If the repository exists, we will clone it from the git provider; if it does not exist, we will create it for you.
  • Type: string

owner (required)

  • Description: The owner of the Github repository; either a Github username or Github organization name. The Personal Access Token used must belong to the owner if this is a personal repository, or have permissions over the organization if this is not a personal repository.
  • Type: string

personal (optional)

  • Description: Is the repository a personal or organization repository? If personal, this value is true; otherwise, false. If using an organizational repository (e.g. personal is false) the owner field will be used as the organization when authenticating to
  • Default: true
  • Type: boolean

clusterConfigPath (optional)

  • Description: The path relative to the root of the git repository where EKS Anywhere will store the cluster configuration files.
  • Default: clusters/$MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME
  • Type: string

fluxSystemNamespace (optional)

  • Description: Namespace in which to install the gitops components in your cluster.
  • Default: flux-system.
  • Type: string

branch (optional)

  • Description: The branch to use when committing the configuration.
  • Default: main
  • Type: string