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Reference documents for EKS Anywhere configuration

1 - Config

Config reference for EKS Anywhere clusters

1.1 - Bare metal configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for a Bare Metal cluster.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. The following additional optional configuration can also be included:

To generate your own cluster configuration, follow instructions from the Bare Metal Create production cluster section and modify it using descriptions below. For information on how to add cluster configuration settings to this file for advanced node configuration, see Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration .

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
      cilium: {}
    count: 1
      host: "<Control Plane Endpoint IP>"
      kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-name-cp
    kind: TinkerbellDatacenterConfig
    name: my-cluster-name
  kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
    name: my-cluster-name
  - count: 1
      kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-name
    name: md-0

kind: TinkerbellDatacenterConfig
  name: my-cluster-name
  tinkerbellIP: "<Tinkerbell IP>"

kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-cp
  hardwareSelector: {}
  osFamily: bottlerocket
  templateRef: {}
  - name: ec2-user
    - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...

kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name
  hardwareSelector: {}
  osFamily: bottlerocket
    kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
    name: my-cluster-name
  - name: ec2-user
    - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...

Cluster Fields

name (required)

Name of your cluster (my-cluster-name in this example).

clusterNetwork (required)

Specific network configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)

CNI plugin to be installed in the cluster. The only supported value at the moment is cilium.

clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)

Subnet used by pods in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom pods CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the and network subnet range selected for the machines.[0] (required)

Subnet used by services in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom services CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks and network subnet range selected for the machines.

clusterNetwork.dns.resolvConf.path (optional)

Path to the file with a custom DNS resolver configuration.

controlPlaneConfiguration (required)

Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)

Number of control plane nodes. This number needs to be odd to maintain ETCD quorum. (required)

A unique IP you want to use for the control plane in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other machines.

NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing.

controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration for your nodes. See TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields below.


A list of taints to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster.

Replaces the default control plane taint (For k8s versions prior to 1.24, For k8s versions 1.24+, The default control plane components will tolerate the provided taints.

Modifying the taints associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes.

NOTE: The taints provided will be used instead of the default control plane taint. Any pods that you run on the control plane nodes must tolerate the taints you provide in the control plane configuration.


A list of labels to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration. See TinkerbellDatacenterConfig Fields below.

kubernetesVersion (required)

The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. Supported values: 1.25, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21


Identifies the name of the management cluster. If this is a standalone cluster or if it were serving as the management cluster for other workload clusters, this will be the same as the cluster name. Bare Metal EKS Anywhere clusters do not yet support the creation of separate workload clusters.


This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers.

You can omit workerNodeGroupConfigurations when creating Bare Metal clusters. In this case, control plane nodes will not be tainted and all pods will run on the control plane nodes. This mechanism can be used to deploy Bare Metal clusters on a single server.

NOTE: Empty workerNodeGroupConfigurations is not supported when Kubernetes version <= 1.21.


Number of worker nodes. Optional if autoscalingConfiguration is used, in which case count will default to autoscalingConfiguration.minCount.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Tinkerbell-specific configuration for your nodes. See TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)


Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


A list of taints to apply to the nodes in the worker node group.

Modifying the taints associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.

At least one node group must not have NoSchedule or NoExecute taints applied to it.


A list of labels to apply to the nodes in the worker node group. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.

TinkerbellDatacenterConfig Fields


Required field to identify the IP address of the Tinkerbell service. This IP address must be a unique IP in the network range that does not conflict with other IPs. Once the Tinkerbell services move from the Admin machine to run on the target cluster, this IP address makes it possible for the stack to be used for future provisioning needs. When separate management and workload clusters are supported in Bare Metal, the IP address becomes a necessity.


Optional field to replace the default Bottlerocket operating system. EKS Anywhere can only auto-import Bottlerocket. In order to use Ubuntu or Redhat see building baremetal node images to learn more on building and using Ubuntu with an EKS Anywhere cluster. This field is also useful if you want to provide a customized operating system image or simply host the standard image locally.


Optional field to replace the HookOS image. This field is useful if you want to provide a customized HookOS image or simply host the standard image locally. See Artifacts for details.

Example TinkerbellDatacenterConfig.spec

  tinkerbellIP: ""                                          # Available, routable IP
  osImageURL: "http://my-web-server/ubuntu-v1.23.7-eks-a-12-amd64.gz"   # Full URL to the OS Image hosted locally
  hookImagesURLPath: "http://my-web-server/hook"                        # Path to the hook images. This path must contain vmlinuz-x86_64 and initramfs-x86_64 

This is the folder structure for my-web-server:

├── hook
│   ├── initramfs-x86_64
│   └── vmlinuz-x86_64
└── ubuntu-v1.23.7-eks-a-12-amd64.gz


Optional field to skip deploying the default load balancer for Tinkerbell stack.

EKS Anywhere for Bare Metal uses kube-vip load balancer by default to expose the Tinkerbell stack externally. You can disable this feature by setting this field to true.

NOTE: If you skip load balancer deployment, you will have to ensure that the Tinkerbell stack is available at tinkerbellIP once the cluster creation is finished. One way to achieve this is by using the MetalLB package.

TinkerbellMachineConfig Fields

In the example, there are TinkerbellMachineConfig sections for control plane (my-cluster-name-cp) and worker (my-cluster-name) machine groups. The following fields identify information needed to configure the nodes in each of those groups.

NOTE: Currently, you can only have one machine group for all machines in the control plane, although you can have multiple machine groups for the workers.


Use fields under hardwareSelector to add key/value pair labels to match particular machines that you identified in the CSV file where you defined the machines in your cluster. Choose any label name you like. For example, if you had added the label node=cp-machine to the machines listed in your CSV file that you want to be control plane nodes, the following hardwareSelector field would cause those machines to be added to the control plane:

kind: TinkerbellMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-cp
    node: "cp-machine"

osFamily (required)

Operating system on the machine. For example, bottlerocket or ubuntu.

templateRef (optional)

Identifies the template that defines the actions that will be applied to the TinkerbellMachineConfig. See TinkerbellTemplateConfig fields below. EKS Anywhere will generate default templates based on osFamily during the create command. You can override this default template by providing your own template here.


The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through SSH.

The default is ec2-user. Currently, only one user is supported.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)

The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your machines through SSH (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)

This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys on all EKS Anywhere cluster machines so you can SSH into them. The user will be what is defined under name above. For example:

ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<machine-IP>

The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name> folder when not specifying a value.

Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration

When you generate a Bare Metal cluster configuration, the TinkerbellTemplateConfig is kept internally and not shown in the generated configuration file. TinkerbellTemplateConfig settings define the actions done to install each node, such as get installation media, configure networking, add users, and otherwise configure the node.

Advanced users can override the default values set for TinkerbellTemplateConfig. They can also add their own Tinkerbell actions to make personalized modifications to EKS Anywhere nodes.

The following shows two TinkerbellTemplateConfig examples that you can add to your cluster configuration file to override the values that EKS Anywhere sets: one for Ubuntu and one for Bottlerocket. Most actions used differ for different operating systems.

NOTE: For the stream-image action, DEST_DISK points to the device representing the entire hard disk (for example, /dev/sda). For UEFI-enabled images, such as Ubuntu, write actions use DEST_DISK to point to the second partition (for example, /dev/sda2), with the first being the EFI partition. For the Bottlerocket image, which has 12 partitions, DEST_DISK is partition 12 (for example, /dev/sda12). Device names will be different for different disk types.

Ubuntu TinkerbellTemplateConfig example

kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
  name: my-cluster-name
    global_timeout: 6000
    id: ""
    name: my-cluster-name
    - actions:
      - environment:
          COMPRESSED: "true"
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda
          IMG_URL: https://my-file-server/ubuntu-v1.23.7-eks-a-12-amd64.gz
        name: stream-image
        timeout: 360
      - environment:
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda2
          DEST_PATH: /etc/netplan/config.yaml
          STATIC_NETPLAN: true
          DIRMODE: "0755"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0644"
          UID: "0"
        name: write-netplan
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          CONTENTS: |
                metadata_urls: [<admin-machine-ip>, <tinkerbell-ip-from-cluster-config>]
                strict_id: false
            manage_etc_hosts: localhost
              dsid_missing_source: off            
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda2
          DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_tinkerbell.cfg
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0600"
          UID: "0"
        name: add-tink-cloud-init-config
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          CONTENTS: |
              config: disabled            
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda2
          DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0600"
          UID: "0"
        name: disable-cloud-init-network-capabilities
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          CONTENTS: | 
            datasource: Ec2
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda2
          DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0600"
          UID: "0"
        name: add-tink-cloud-init-ds-config
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          BLOCK_DEVICE: /dev/sda2
          FS_TYPE: ext4
        name: kexec-image
        pid: host
        timeout: 90
      name: my-cluster-name
      - /dev:/dev
      - /dev/console:/dev/console
      - /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware:ro
      worker: '{{.device_1}}'
    version: "0.1"

Bottlerocket TinkerbellTemplateConfig example

Pay special attention to the BOOTCONFIG_CONTENTS environment section below if you wish to set up console redirection for the kernel and systemd. If you are only using a direct attached monitor as your primary display device, no additional configuration is needed here. However, if you need all boot output to be shown via a server’s serial console for example, extra configuration should be provided inside BOOTCONFIG_CONTENTS.

An empty kernel {} key is provided below in the example; inside this key is where you will specify your console devices. You may specify multiple comma delimited console devices in quotes to a console key as such: console = "tty0", "ttyS0,115200n8". The order of the devices is significant; systemd will output to the last device specified. The console key belongs inside the kernel key like so:

kernel {
    console = "tty0", "ttyS0,115200n8"

The above example will send all kernel output to both consoles, and systemd output to ttyS0. Additional information about serial console setup can be found in the Linux kernel documentation .

kind: TinkerbellTemplateConfig
  name: my-cluster-name
    global_timeout: 6000
    id: ""
    name: my-cluster-name
    - actions:
      - environment:
          COMPRESSED: "true"
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda
        name: stream-image
        timeout: 360
      - environment:
          # An example console declaration that will send all kernel output to both consoles, and systemd output to ttyS0.
          # kernel {
          #     console = "tty0", "ttyS0,115200n8"
          # }
                        kernel {}
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda12
          DEST_PATH: /
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0644"
          UID: "0"
        name: write-bootconfig
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          CONTENTS: |
            # Version is required, it will change as we support
            # additional settings
            version = 1
            # "eno1" is the interface name
            # Users may turn on dhcp4 and dhcp6 via boolean
            dhcp4 = true
            # Define this interface as the "primary" interface
            # for the system.  This IP is what kubelet will use
            # as the node IP.  If none of the interfaces has
            # "primary" set, we choose the first interface in
            # the file
            primary = true            
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda12
          DEST_PATH: /net.toml
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0644"
          UID: "0"
        name: write-netconfig
        timeout: 90
      - environment:
          HEGEL_URL: http://<hegel-ip>:50061
          DEST_DISK: /dev/sda12
          DEST_PATH: /user-data.toml
          DIRMODE: "0700"
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          GID: "0"
          MODE: "0644"
          UID: "0"
        name: write-user-data
        timeout: 90
      - name: "reboot"
        timeout: 90
          - /worker:/worker
      name: my-cluster-name
      - /dev:/dev
      - /dev/console:/dev/console
      - /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware:ro
      worker: '{{.device_1}}'
    version: "0.1"

TinkerbellTemplateConfig Fields

The values in the TinkerbellTemplateConfig fields are created from the contents of the CSV file used to generate a configuration. The template contains actions that are performed on a Bare Metal machine when it first boots up to be provisioned. For advanced users, you can add these fields to your cluster configuration file if you have special needs to do so.

While there are fields that apply to all provisioned operating systems, actions are specific to each operating system. Examples below describe actions for Ubuntu and Bottlerocket operating systems.


Sets the timeout value for completing the configuration. Set to 6000 (100 minutes) by default.

Not set by default.


Within the TinkerbellTemplateConfig template under tasks is a set of actions. The following descriptions cover the actions shown in the example templates for Ubuntu and Bottlerocket: (Ubuntu and Bottlerocket)

The stream-image action streams the selected image to the machine you are provisioning. It identifies:

  • environment.COMPRESSED: When set to true, Tinkerbell expects IMG_URL to be a compressed image, which Tinkerbell will uncompress when it writes the contents to disk.
  • environment.DEST_DISK: The hard disk on which the operating system is deployed. The default is the first SCSI disk (/dev/sda), but can be changed for other disk types.
  • environment.IMG_URL: The operating system tarball (ubuntu or other) to stream to the machine you are configuring.
  • image: Container image needed to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that Tinkerbell has to stream the image, uncompress it, and write it to disk before timing out. Consider increasing this limit from the default 600 to a higher limit if this action is timing out.

Ubuntu-specific actions (Ubuntu)

The write-netplan action writes Ubuntu network configuration information to the machine (see Netplan ) for details. It identifies:

  • Identifies the network version.
  • Defines the service to manage networking. By default, the networkd systemd service is used.
  • Network interface to external network (eno1, by default) and whether or not to use dhcp4 (true, by default).
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Destination block storage device partition where the operating system is copied. By default, /dev/sda2 is used (sda1 is the EFI partition).
  • environment.DEST_PATH: File where the networking configuration is written (/etc/netplan/config.yaml, by default).
  • environment.DIRMODE: Linux directory permissions bits to use when creating directories (0755, by default)
  • environment.FS_TYPE: Type of filesystem on the partition (ext4, by default).
  • environment.GID: The Linux group ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root group) by default.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permission bits to set on file (0644, by default).
  • environment.UID: The Linux user ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root user) by default.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.

template.tasks.actions.add-tink-cloud-init-config (Ubuntu)

The add-tink-cloud-init-config action configures cloud-init features to further configure the operating system. See cloud-init Documentation for details. It identifies:

  • environment.CONTENTS.datasource: Identifies Ec2 (Ec2.metadata_urls) as the data source and sets Ec2.strict_id: false to prevent cloud-init from producing warnings about this datasource.
  • environment.CONTENTS.system_info: Creates the tink user and gives it administrative group privileges (wheel, adm) and passwordless sudo privileges, and set the default shell (/bin/bash).
  • environment.CONTENTS.manage_etc_hosts: Updates the system’s /etc/hosts file with the hostname. Set to localhost by default.
  • environment.CONTENTS.warnings: Sets dsid_missing_source to off.
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Destination block storage device partition where the operating system is located (/dev/sda2, by default).
  • environment.DEST_PATH: Location of the cloud-init configuration file on disk (/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_tinkerbell.cfg, by default)
  • environment.DIRMODE: Linux directory permissions bits to use when creating directories (0700, by default)
  • environment.FS_TYPE: Type of filesystem on the partition (ext4, by default).
  • environment.GID: The Linux group ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root group) by default.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permission bits to set on file (0600, by default).
  • environment.UID: The Linux user ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root user) by default.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.

template.tasks.actions.add-tink-cloud-init-ds-config (Ubuntu)

The add-tink-cloud-init-ds-config action configures cloud-init data store features. This identifies the location of your metadata source once the machine is up and running. It identifies:

  • environment.CONTENTS.datasource: Sets the datasource. Uses Ec2, by default.
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Destination block storage device partition where the operating system is located (/dev/sda2, by default).
  • environment.DEST_PATH: Location of the data store identity configuration file on disk (/etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg, by default)
  • environment.DIRMODE: Linux directory permissions bits to use when creating directories (0700, by default)
  • environment.FS_TYPE: Type of filesystem on the partition (ext4, by default).
  • environment.GID: The Linux group ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root group) by default.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permission bits to set on file (0600, by default).
  • environment.UID: The Linux user ID to set on file. Set to 0 (root user) by default.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.

template.tasks.actions.kexec-image (Ubuntu)

The kexec-image action performs provisioning activities on the machine, then allows kexec to pivot the kernel to use the system installed on disk. This action identifies:

  • environment.BLOCK_DEVICE: Disk partition on which the operating system is installed (/dev/sda2, by default)
  • environment.FS_TYPE: Type of filesystem on the partition (ext4, by default).
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • pid: Process ID. Set to host, by default.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.
  • volumes: Identifies mount points that need to be remounted to point to locations in the installed system.

There are known issues related to drivers with some hardware that may make it necessary to replace the kexec-image action with a full reboot. If you require a full reboot, you can change the kexec-image setting as follows:

- name: "reboot"
  timeout: 90
  - /worker:/worker

Bottlerocket-specific actions

template.tasks.actions.write-bootconfig (Bottlerocket)

The write-bootconfig action identifies the location on the machine to put content needed to boot the system from disk.

  • environment.BOOTCONFIG_CONTENTS.kernel: Add kernel parameters that are passed to the kernel when the system boots.
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Identifies the block storage device that holds the boot partition.
  • environment.DEST_PATH: Identifies the file holding boot configuration data (/ in this example).
  • environment.DIRMODE: The Linux permissions assigned to the boot directory.
  • environment.FS_TYPE: The filesystem type associated with the boot partition.
  • environment.GID: The group ID associated with files and directories created on the boot partition.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permissions assigned to files in the boot partition.
  • environment.UID: The user ID associated with files and directories created on the boot partition. UID 0 is the root user.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.

template.tasks.actions.write-netconfig (Bottlerocket)

The write-netconfig action configures networking for the system.

  • environment.CONTENTS: Add network values, including: version = 1 (version number), [eno1] (external network interface), dhcp4 = true (turns on dhcp4), and primary = true (identifies this interface as the primary interface used by kubelet).
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Identifies the block storage device that holds the network configuration information.
  • environment.DEST_PATH: Identifies the file holding network configuration data (/net.toml in this example).
  • environment.DIRMODE: The Linux permissions assigned to the directory holding network configuration settings.
  • environment.FS_TYPE: The filesystem type associated with the partition holding network configuration settings.
  • environment.GID: The group ID associated with files and directories created on the partition. GID 0 is the root group.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permissions assigned to files in the partition.
  • environment.UID: The user ID associated with files and directories created on the partition. UID 0 is the root user.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.

template.tasks.actions.write-user-data (Bottlerocket)

The write-user-data action configures the Tinkerbell Hegel service, which provides the metadata store for Tinkerbell.

  • environment.HEGEL_URL: The IP address and port number of the Tinkerbell Hegel service.
  • environment.DEST_DISK: Identifies the block storage device that holds the network configuration information.
  • environment.DEST_PATH: Identifies the file holding network configuration data (/net.toml in this example).
  • environment.DIRMODE: The Linux permissions assigned to the directory holding network configuration settings.
  • environment.FS_TYPE: The filesystem type associated with the partition holding network configuration settings.
  • environment.GID: The group ID associated with files and directories created on the partition. GID 0 is the root group.
  • environment.MODE: The Linux permissions assigned to files in the partition.
  • environment.UID: The user ID associated with files and directories created on the partition. UID 0 is the root user.
  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.

template.tasks.actions.reboot (Bottlerocket)

The reboot action defines how the system restarts to bring up the installed system.

  • image: Container image used to perform the steps needed by this action.
  • timeout: Time needed to complete the action, in seconds.
  • volumes: The volume (directory) to mount into the container from the installed system.


Matches the current version of the Tinkerbell template.

Custom Tinkerbell action examples

By creating your own custom Tinkerbell actions, you can add to or modify the installed operating system so those changes take effect when the installed system first starts (from a reboot or pivot). The following example shows how to add a .deb package (openssl) to an Ubuntu installation:

      - environment:
          BLOCK_DEVICE: /dev/sda1
          CHROOT: "y"
          CMD_LINE: apt -y update && apt -y install openssl
          DEFAULT_INTERPRETER: /bin/sh -c
          FS_TYPE: ext4
        name: install-openssl
        timeout: 90

The following shows an example of adding a new user (tinkerbell) to an installed Ubuntu system:

      - environment:
          BLOCK_DEVICE: <block device path> # E.g. /dev/sda1
          FS_TYPE: ext4
          CHROOT: y
          DEFAULT_INTERPRETER: "/bin/sh -c"
          CMD_LINE: "useradd --password $(openssl passwd -1 tinkerbell) --shell /bin/bash --create-home --groups sudo tinkerbell"
        name: "create-user"
        timeout: 90

Look for more examples as they are added to the Tinkerbell examples page.

1.2 - Nutanix configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for a Nutanix cluster.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference.

kind: Cluster
 name: mgmt
 namespace: default
   name: bundles-2
   namespace: eksa-system
     cilium: {}
   count: 3
     host: ""
     kind: NutanixMachineConfig
     name: mgmt-cp-machine
   kind: NutanixDatacenterConfig
   name: nutanix-cluster
 kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
   - count: 1
       kind: NutanixMachineConfig
       name: mgmt-machine
     name: md-0
kind: NutanixDatacenterConfig
 name: nutanix-cluster
 namespace: default
 port: 9440
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
 annotations: "true"
 name: mgmt-cp-machine
 namespace: default
   name: nx-cluster-01
   type: name
   name: eksa-ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.25
   type: name
 memorySize: 4Gi
 osFamily: ubuntu
   name: vm-network
   type: name
 systemDiskSize: 40Gi
   type: name
   name: my-project
   - name: eksa
       - ssh-rsa AAAA…
 vcpuSockets: 2
 vcpusPerSocket: 1
kind: NutanixMachineConfig
 name: mgmt-machine
 namespace: default
   name: nx-cluster-01
   type: name
   name: eksa-ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.25
   type: name
 memorySize: 4Gi
 osFamily: ubuntu
   name: vm-network
   type: name
 systemDiskSize: 40Gi
   type: name
   name: my-project
   - name: eksa
       - ssh-rsa AAAA…
 vcpuSockets: 2
 vcpusPerSocket: 1

Cluster Fields

name (required)

Name of your cluster mgmt in this example.

clusterNetwork (required)

Specific network configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)

CNI plugin configuration to be used in the cluster. The only supported configuration at the moment is cilium.


Optionally, you may specify a policyEnforcementMode of default, always, never.

clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)

Subnet used by pods in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom pods CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.[0] (required)

Subnet used by services in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom services CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.

controlPlaneConfiguration (required)

Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)

Number of control plane nodes

controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix specific configuration for your nodes. See NutanixMachineConfig fields below. (required)

A unique IP you want to use for the control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other VMs.

NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing. Suggestions on how to ensure this IP does not cause issues during cluster creation process are here .

workerNodeGroupConfigurations (required)

This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers. You may define one or more worker node groups.


Number of worker nodes. Optional if autoscalingConfiguration is used, in which case count will default to autoscalingConfiguration.minCount.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix specific configuration for your nodes. See NutanixMachineConfig fields below. (required)

Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)


Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with Nutanix environment specific configuration. See NutanixDatacenterConfig fields below.

kubernetesVersion (required)

The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. Supported values: 1.25, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21

NutanixDatacenterConfig Fields

endpoint (required)

The Prism Central server fully qualified domain name or IP address. If the server IP is used, the PC SSL certificate must have an IP SAN configured.

port (required)

The Prism Central server port. (Default: 9440)

insecure (optional)

Set insecure to true if the Prism Central server does not have a valid certificate. This is not recommended for production use cases. (Default: false)

additionalTrustBundle (optional; required if using a self-signed PC SSL certificate)

The PEM encoded CA trust bundle.

The additionalTrustBundle needs to be populated with the PEM-encoded x509 certificate of the Root CA that issued the certificate for Prism Central. Suggestions on how to obtain this certificate are here .


 additionalTrustBundle: |
    <certificate string>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    <certificate string>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----    

NutanixMachineConfig Fields


Reference to the Prism Element cluster.


Type to identify the Prism Element cluster. (Permitted values: name or uuid)

Name of the Prism Element cluster.


UUID of the Prism Element cluster.


Reference to the OS image used for the system disk.


Type to identify the OS image. (Permitted values: name or uuid) (name or UUID required)

Name of the image

image.uuid (name or UUID required)

UUID of the image


Size of RAM on virtual machines (Default: 4Gi)

osFamily (optional)

Operating System on virtual machines. (Permitted values: ubuntu)


Reference to the subnet to be assigned to the VMs. (name or UUID required)

Name of the subnet.


Type to identify the subnet. (Permitted values: name or uuid)

subnet.uuid (name or UUID required)

UUID of the subnet.


Amount of storage assigned to the system disk. (Default: 40Gi)


Amount of vCPU sockets. (Default: 2)


Amount of vCPUs per socket. (Default: 1)

project (optional)

Reference to an existing project used for the virtual machines.


Type to identify the project. (Permitted values: name or uuid) (name or UUID required)

Name of the project

project.uuid (name or UUID required)

UUID of the project

users (optional)

The users you want to configure to access your virtual machines. Only one is permitted at this time.

users[0].name (optional)

The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh.

The default is eksa if osFamily=ubuntu

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)

The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)

This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys on all EKS Anywhere cluster VMs so you can ssh into them. The user will be what is defined under name above. For example:

ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<VM-IP>

The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name> folder when not specifying a value

1.3 - Snow configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for a AWS Snow cluster.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. The following additional optional configuration can also be included:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
      cilium: {}
    count: 3
      host: ""
      kind: SnowMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-machines
    kind: SnowDatacenterConfig
    name: my-cluster-datacenter
    count: 3
      kind: SnowMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-machines
  kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
  - count: 1
      kind: SnowMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-machines
    name: md-0
kind: SnowDatacenterConfig
  name: my-cluster-datacenter
spec: {}

kind: SnowMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-machines
  amiID: ""
  instanceType: sbe-c.large
  sshKeyName: ""
  osFamily: ubuntu
  - ""
    size: 25
    - index: 1
      primary: true
        kind: SnowIPPool
        name: ip-pool-1
kind: SnowIPPool
  name: ip-pool-1
  - ipStart:
  - ipStart:

Cluster Fields

name (required)

Name of your cluster my-cluster-name in this example

clusterNetwork (required)

Specific network configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)

CNI plugin configuration to be used in the cluster. The only supported configuration at the moment is cilium.


Optionally, you may specify a policyEnforcementMode of default, always, never.

clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)

Subnet used by pods in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom pods CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the devices.[0] (required)

Subnet used by services in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom services CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the devices.

clusterNetwork.dns.resolvConf.path (optional)

Path to the file with a custom DNS resolver configuration.

controlPlaneConfiguration (required)

Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)

Number of control plane nodes

controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Snow specific configuration for your nodes. See SnowMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

A unique IP you want to use for the control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other devices.

NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing.


A list of taints to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster.

Replaces the default control plane taint. For k8s versions prior to 1.24, it replaces For k8s versions 1.24+, it replaces The default control plane components will tolerate the provided taints.

Modifying the taints associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes.

NOTE: The taints provided will be used instead of the default control plane taint. Any pods that you run on the control plane nodes must tolerate the taints you provide in the control plane configuration.


A list of labels to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations (required)

This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers. You may define one or more worker node groups.


Number of worker nodes. Optional if autoscalingConfiguration is used, in which case count will default to autoscalingConfiguration.minCount.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with Snow specific configuration for your nodes. See SnowMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)


Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


A list of taints to apply to the nodes in the worker node group.

Modifying the taints associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.

At least one node group must not have NoSchedule or NoExecute taints applied to it.


A list of labels to apply to the nodes in the worker node group. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.


Number of etcd members.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with Snow specific configuration for your etcd members. See SnowMachineConfig Fields below.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with Snow environment specific configuration. See SnowDatacenterConfig Fields below.

kubernetesVersion (required)

The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. Supported values: 1.25, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21

SnowDatacenterConfig Fields


Refers to the Kubernetes secret object with Snow devices credentials used to reconcile the cluster.

SnowMachineConfig Fields

amiID (optional)

AMI ID from which to create the machine instance. Snow provider offers an AMI lookup logic which will look for a suitable AMI ID based on the Kubernetes version and osFamily if the field is empty.

instanceType (optional)

Type of the Snow EC2 machine instance. See Quotas for Compute Instances on a Snowball Edge Device for supported instance types on Snow (Default: sbe-c.large).


Operating System on instance machines. Permitted value: ubuntu.

physicalNetworkConnector (optional)

Type of snow physical network connector to use for creating direct network interfaces. Permitted values: SFP_PLUS, QSFP, RJ45 (Default: SFP_PLUS).

sshKeyName (optional)

Name of the AWS Snow SSH key pair you want to configure to access your machine instances.

The default is eksa-default-{cluster-name}-{uuid}.


A device IP list from which to bootstrap and provision machine instances.


Custom network setting for the machine instances. DHCP and static IP configurations are supported.

network.directNetworkInterfaces[0].index (optional)

Index number of a direct network interface (DNI) used to clarify the position in the list. Must be no smaller than 1 and no greater than 8.

network.directNetworkInterfaces[0].primary (optional)

Whether the DNI is primary or not. One and only one primary DNI is required in the directNetworkInterfaces list.

network.directNetworkInterfaces[0].vlanID (optional)

VLAN ID to use for the DNI.

network.directNetworkInterfaces[0].dhcp (optional)

Whether DHCP is to be used to assign IP for the DNI.

network.directNetworkInterfaces[0].ipPoolRef (optional)

Refers to a SnowIPPool object which provides a range of ip addresses. When specified, an IP address selected from the pool will be allocated to the DNI.

containersVolume (optional)

Configuration option for customizing containers data storage volume.


Size of the storage for containerd runtime in Gi.

The field is optional for Ubuntu and if specified, the size must be no smaller than 8 Gi.

containersVolume.deviceName (optional)

Containers volume device name.

containersVolume.type (optional)

Type of the containers volume. Permitted values: sbp1, sbg1. (Default: sbp1)

sbp1 stands for capacity-optimized HDD. sbg1 is performance-optimized SSD.

nonRootVolumes (optional)

Configuration options for the non root storage volumes.


Non root volume device name. Must be specified and cannot have prefix “/dev/sda” as it is reserved for root volume and containers volume.


Size of the storage device for the non root volume. Must be no smaller than 8 Gi.

nonRootVolumes[0].type (optional)

Type of the non root volume. Permitted values: sbp1, sbg1. (Default: sbp1)

sbp1 stands for capacity-optimized HDD. sbg1 is performance-optimized SSD.

SnowIPPool Fields


Start address of an IP range.


End address of an IP range.


An IP subnet for determining whether an IP is within the subnet.


Gateway of the subnet for routing purpose.

1.4 - vSphere configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for a VMware vSphere cluster.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference.

Key: Provider-specific values are in red ; Resources are in green ; Links to field descriptions are in blue

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name             # Name of the cluster (required)
   clusterNetwork:                   # Cluster network configuration (required)
      cniConfig:                     # Cluster CNI plugin - default: cilium (required)
         cilium: {}
         cidrBlocks:                 # Subnet CIDR notation for pods (required)
         cidrBlocks:                 # Subnet CIDR notation for services (required)
   controlPlaneConfiguration:        # Specific cluster control plane config (required)
      count: 2                       # Number of control plane nodes (required)
      endpoint:                      # IP for control plane endpoint (required)
         host: ""
      machineGroupRef:               # vSphere-specific Kubernetes node config (required)
        kind: VSphereMachineConfig
        name: my-cluster-machines
      taints:                        # Taints applied to control plane nodes 
      - key: "key1"
        value: "value1"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      labels:                        # Labels applied to control plane nodes 
        "key1": "value1"
        "key2": "value2" 
   datacenterRef:                    # Kubernetes object with vSphere-specific config 
      kind: VSphereDatacenterConfig  
      name: my-cluster-datacenter
     count: 3                        # Number of etcd members 
     machineGroupRef:                # vSphere-specific Kubernetes etcd config
        kind: VSphereMachineConfig
        name: my-cluster-machines
   kubernetesVersion: "1.25"         # Kubernetes version to use for the cluster (required)
   workerNodeGroupConfigurations:    # List of node groups you can define for workers (required) 
   - count: 2                        # Number of worker nodes 
     machineGroupRef:                # vSphere-specific Kubernetes node objects (required) 
       kind: VSphereMachineConfig
       name: my-cluster-machines
     name: md-0                      # Name of the worker nodegroup (required) 
     taints:                         # Taints to apply to worker node group nodes 
     - key: "key1"                       
       value: "value1"
       effect: "NoSchedule"
     labels:                         # Labels to apply to worker node group nodes 
       "key1": "value1"
       "key2": "value2" 
kind: VSphereDatacenterConfig
   name: my-cluster-datacenter
  datacenter: "datacenter1"          # vSphere datacenter name on which to deploy EKS Anywhere (required) 
  disableCSI: false                  # Set to true to not have EKS Anywhere install and manage vSphere CSI driver
  server: "myvsphere.local"          # FQDN or IP address of vCenter server (required) 
  network: "network1"                # Path to the VM network on which to deploy EKS Anywhere (required) 
  insecure: false                    # Set to true if vCenter does not have a valid certificate 
  thumbprint: "1E:3B:A1:4C:B2:..."   # SHA1 thumprint of vCenter server certificate (required if insecure=false)

kind: VSphereMachineConfig
   name: my-cluster-machines
  diskGiB:  25                       # Size of disk on VMs, if no snapshots
  datastore: "datastore1"            # Path to vSphere datastore to deploy EKS Anywhere on (required)
  folder: "folder1"                  # Path to VM folder for EKS Anywhere cluster VMs (required)
  numCPUs: 2                         # Number of CPUs on virtual machines
  memoryMiB: 8192                    # Size of RAM on VMs
  osFamily: "bottlerocket"           # Operating system on VMs
  resourcePool: "resourcePool1"      # vSphere resource pool for EKS Anywhere VMs (required)
  storagePolicyName: "storagePolicy1"    # Storage policy name associated with VMs
  template: "bottlerocket-kube-v1-25"    # VM template for EKS Anywhere (required for RHEL/Ubuntu-based OVAs)
  users:                             # Add users to access VMs via SSH
  - name: "ec2-user"                 # Name of each user set to access VMs
    sshAuthorizedKeys:               # SSH keys for user needed to access VMs
    - "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E..."
  tags:                              # List of tags to attach to cluster VMs, in URN format
  - "urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:5b3e951f-4e1d-4511-95b1-5ba1ea97245c:GLOBAL"
  - "urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:cfee03d0-0189-4f27-8c65-fe75086a86cd:GLOBAL"

The following additional optional configuration can also be included:

Cluster Fields

name (required)

Name of your cluster my-cluster-name in this example

clusterNetwork (required)

Specific network configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)

CNI plugin configuration to be used in the cluster. The only supported configuration at the moment is cilium.


Optionally, you may specify a policyEnforcementMode of default, always, never.

clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)

Subnet used by pods in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom pods CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.[0] (required)

Subnet used by services in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom services CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.

clusterNetwork.dns.resolvConf.path (optional)

Path to the file with a custom DNS resolver configuration.

controlPlaneConfiguration (required)

Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)

Number of control plane nodes

controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with vsphere specific configuration for your nodes. See VSphereMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

A unique IP you want to use for the control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other VMs.

NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing. Suggestions on how to ensure this IP does not cause issues during cluster creation process are here


A list of taints to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster.

Replaces the default control plane taint. For k8s versions prior to 1.24, it replaces For k8s versions 1.24+, it replaces The default control plane components will tolerate the provided taints.

Modifying the taints associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes.

NOTE: The taints provided will be used instead of the default control plane taint. Any pods that you run on the control plane nodes must tolerate the taints you provide in the control plane configuration.


A list of labels to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations (required)

This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers. You may define one or more worker node groups.


Number of worker nodes. Optional if autoscalingConfiguration is used, in which case count will default to autoscalingConfiguration.minCount.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with vsphere specific configuration for your nodes. See VSphereMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)


Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


A list of taints to apply to the nodes in the worker node group.

Modifying the taints associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.

At least one node group must not have NoSchedule or NoExecute taints applied to it.


A list of labels to apply to the nodes in the worker node group. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

Modifying the labels associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.


Number of etcd members


Refers to the Kubernetes object with vsphere specific configuration for your etcd members. See VSphereMachineConfig Fields below.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with vsphere environment specific configuration. See VSphereDatacenterConfig Fields below.

kubernetesVersion (required)

The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. Supported values: 1.25, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21

VSphereDatacenterConfig Fields

datacenter (required)

The name of the vSphere datacenter to deploy the EKS Anywhere cluster on. For example SDDC-Datacenter.

network (required)

The path to the VM network to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on. For example, /<DATACENTER>/network/<NETWORK_NAME>. Use govc find -type n to see a list of networks.

server (required)

The vCenter server fully qualified domain name or IP address. If the server IP is used, the thumbprint must be set or insecure must be set to true.

insecure (optional)

Set insecure to true if the vCenter server does not have a valid certificate. (Default: false)

thumbprint (required if insecure=false)

The SHA1 thumbprint of the vCenter server certificate which is only required if you have a self signed certificate.

There are several ways to obtain your vCenter thumbprint. The easiest way is if you have govc installed, you can run:

govc about.cert -thumbprint -k

Another way is from the vCenter web UI, go to Administration/Certificate Management and click view details of the machine certificate. The format of this thumbprint does not exactly match the format required though and you will need to add : to separate each hexadecimal value.

Another way to get the thumbprint is use this command with your servers certificate in a file named ca.crt:

openssl x509 -sha1 -fingerprint -in ca.crt -noout

If you specify the wrong thumbprint, an error message will be printed with the expected thumbprint. If no valid certificate is being used, insecure must be set to true.

disableCSI (optional)

Set disableCSI to true if you don’t want to have EKS Anywhere install and manage the vSphere CSI driver for you. More details on the driver are here

NOTE: If you upgrade a cluster and disable the vSphere CSI driver after it has already been installed by EKS Anywhere, you will need to remove the resources manually from the cluster. Delete the DaemonSet and Deployment first, as they rely on the other resources. This should be done after setting disableCSI to true and running upgrade cluster.

These are the resources you would need to delete:

  • vsphere-csi-controller-role (kind: ClusterRole)
  • vsphere-csi-controller-binding (kind: ClusterRoleBinding)
  • (kind: CSIDriver)

These are the resources you would need to delete in the kube-system namespace:

  • vsphere-csi-controller (kind: ServiceAccount)
  • csi-vsphere-config (kind: Secret)
  • vsphere-csi-node (kind: DaemonSet)
  • vsphere-csi-controller (kind: Deployment)

These are the resources you would need to delete in the eksa-system namespace from the management cluster.

  • <cluster-name>-csi (kind: ClusterResourceSet)

Note: If your cluster is self-managed, you would delete <cluster-name>-csi (kind: ClusterResourceSet) from the same cluster.

VSphereMachineConfig Fields

memoryMiB (optional)

Size of RAM on virtual machines (Default: 8192)

numCPUs (optional)

Number of CPUs on virtual machines (Default: 2)

osFamily (optional)

Operating System on virtual machines. Permitted values: bottlerocket, ubuntu, redhat (Default: bottlerocket)

diskGiB (optional)

Size of disk on virtual machines if snapshots aren’t included (Default: 25)

users (optional)

The users you want to configure to access your virtual machines. Only one is permitted at this time

users[0].name (optional)

The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh.

The default is ec2-user if osFamily=bottlrocket and capv if osFamily=ubuntu

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)

The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)

This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys on all EKS Anywhere cluster VMs so you can ssh into them. The user will be what is defined under name above. For example:

ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<VM-IP>

The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name> folder when not specifying a value

template (optional)

The VM template to use for your EKS Anywhere cluster. This template was created when you imported the OVA file into vSphere . This is a required field if you are using Ubuntu-based or RHEL-based OVAs.

datastore (required)

The path to the vSphere datastore to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on, for example /<DATACENTER>/datastore/<DATASTORE_NAME>. Use govc find -type s to get a list of datastores.

folder (required)

The path to a VM folder for your EKS Anywhere cluster VMs. This allows you to organize your VMs. If the folder does not exist, it will be created for you. If the folder is blank, the VMs will go in the root folder. For example /<DATACENTER>/vm/<FOLDER_NAME>/.... Use govc find -type f to get a list of existing folders.

resourcePool (required)

The vSphere Resource pools for your VMs in the EKS Anywhere cluster. Examples of resource pool values include:

  • If there is no resource pool: /<datacenter>/host/<cluster-name>/Resources
  • If there is a resource pool: /<datacenter>/host/<cluster-name>/Resources/<resource-pool-name>
  • The wild card option */Resources also often works.

Use govc find -type p to get a list of available resource pools.

storagePolicyName (optional)

The storage policy name associated with your VMs. Generally this can be left blank. Use govc to get a list of available storage policies.

tags (optional)

Optional list of tags to attach to your cluster VMs in the URN format.


  - urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:8e0ce079-0675-47d6-8665-16ada4e6dabd:GLOBAL

Optional VSphere Credentials

Use the following environment variables to configure Cloud Provider and CSI Driver with different credentials.


Username for Cloud Provider (Default: $EKSA_VSPHERE_USERNAME).


Password for Cloud Provider (Default: $EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD).


Username for CSI Driver (Default: $EKSA_VSPHERE_USERNAME).


Password for CSI Driver (Default: $EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD).

1.5 - CloudStack configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for a CloudStack cluster.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. The following additional optional configuration can also be included:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
      cilium: {}
    count: 3
      host: ""
      kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-name-cp
    - key: ""
      value: ""
      effect: ""
      "<key1>": ""
      "<key2>": ""
    kind: CloudStackDatacenterConfig
    name: my-cluster-name
    count: 3
      kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-name-etcd
  kubernetesVersion: "1.23"
    name: my-cluster-name
  - count: 2
      kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
      name: my-cluster-name
    - key: ""
      value: ""
      effect: ""
      "<key1>": ""
      "<key2>": ""
kind: CloudStackDatacenterConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-datacenter
  - account: admin
    credentialsRef: global
    domain: domain1
    managementApiEndpoint: ""
    name: az-1
      name: zone1
        name: "net1"
kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-cp
    name: "m4-large"
  - name: capc
    - ssh-rsa AAAA...
    name: "rhel8-k8s-118"
    name: "Small"
    mountPath: "/data-small"
    device: "/dev/vdb"
    filesystem: "ext4"
    label: "data_disk"
    /var/log/kubernetes: /data-small/var/log/kubernetes
  - control-plane-anti-affinity
kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name
    name: "m4-large"
  - name: capc
    - ssh-rsa AAAA...
    name: "rhel8-k8s-118"
    name: "Small"
    mountPath: "/data-small"
    device: "/dev/vdb"
    filesystem: "ext4"
    label: "data_disk"
    /var/log/pods: /data-small/var/log/pods
    /var/log/containers: /data-small/var/log/containers
  - worker-affinity
    foo: bar
kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-etcd
  computeOffering: {}
    name: "m4-large"
  - name: "capc"
    - "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N...
    name: "rhel8-k8s-118"
    name: "Small"
    mountPath: "/data-small"
    device: "/dev/vdb"
    filesystem: "ext4"
    label: "data_disk"
    /var/lib: /data-small/var/lib
  - etcd-affinity

Cluster Fields

name (required)

Name of your cluster my-cluster-name in this example

clusterNetwork (required)

Specific network configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

clusterNetwork.cniConfig (required)

CNI plugin configuration to be used in the cluster. The only supported configuration at the moment is cilium.


Optionally, you may specify a policyEnforcementMode of default, always, never.

clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks[0] (required)

Subnet used by pods in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom pods CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.[0] (required)

Subnet used by services in CIDR notation. Please note that only 1 custom services CIDR block specification is permitted. This CIDR block should not conflict with the network subnet range selected for the VMs.

controlPlaneConfiguration (required)

Specific control plane configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.

controlPlaneConfiguration.count (required)

Number of control plane nodes (required)

A unique IP you want to use for the control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose an IP in your network range that does not conflict with other VMs.

NOTE: This IP should be outside the network DHCP range as it is a floating IP that gets assigned to one of the control plane nodes for kube-apiserver loadbalancing. Suggestions on how to ensure this IP does not cause issues during cluster creation process are here

controlPlaneConfiguration.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with CloudStack specific configuration for your nodes. See CloudStackMachineConfig Fields below.


A list of taints to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster.

Replaces the default control plane taint, The default control plane components will tolerate the provided taints.

Modifying the taints associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes.

NOTE: The taints provided will be used instead of the default control plane taint Any pods that you run on the control plane nodes must tolerate the taints you provide in the control plane configuration.


A list of labels to apply to the control plane nodes of the cluster. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default.

A special label value is supported by the CAPC provider:

    labels: ds.meta_data.failuredomain

The ds.meta_data.failuredomain value will be replaced with a failuredomain name where the node is deployed, such as az-1.

Modifying the labels associated with the control plane configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes.


Refers to the Kubernetes object with CloudStack environment specific configuration. See CloudStackDatacenterConfig Fields below.


Number of etcd members


Refers to the Kubernetes object with CloudStack specific configuration for your etcd members. See CloudStackMachineConfig Fields below.

kubernetesVersion (required)

The Kubernetes version you want to use for your cluster. Supported values: 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21

managementCluster (required)

Identifies the name of the management cluster. If this is a standalone cluster or if it were serving as the management cluster for other workload clusters, this will be the same as the cluster name.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations (required)

This takes in a list of node groups that you can define for your workers. You may define one or more worker node groups.


Number of worker nodes. Optional if autoscalingConfiguration is used, in which case count will default to autoscalingConfiguration.minCount.

workerNodeGroupConfigurations.machineGroupRef (required)

Refers to the Kubernetes object with CloudStack specific configuration for your nodes. See CloudStackMachineConfig Fields below. (required)

Name of the worker node group (default: md-0)


Minimum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


Maximum number of nodes for this node group’s autoscaling configuration.


A list of taints to apply to the nodes in the worker node group.

Modifying the taints associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled-out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.

At least one node group must not have NoSchedule or NoExecute taints applied to it.


A list of labels to apply to the nodes in the worker node group. This is in addition to the labels that EKS Anywhere will add by default. A special label value is supported by the CAPC provider:

    labels: ds.meta_data.failuredomain

The ds.meta_data.failuredomain value will be replaced with a failuredomain name where the node is deployed, such as az-1.

Modifying the labels associated with a worker node group configuration will cause new nodes to be rolled out, replacing the existing nodes associated with the configuration.


availabilityZones.account (optional)

Account used to access CloudStack. As long as you pass valid credentials, through availabilityZones.credentialsRef, this value is not required.

availabilityZones.credentialsRef (required)

If you passed credentials through the environment variable EKSA_CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET noted in Create CloudStack production cluster , you can identify those credentials here. For that example, you would use the profile name global. You can instead use a previously created secret on the Kubernetes cluster in the eksa-system namespace.

availabilityZones.domain (optional)

CloudStack domain to deploy the cluster. The default is ROOT.

availabilityZones.managementApiEndpoint (required)

Location of the CloudStack API management endpoint. For example,

availabilityZones.{id,name} (required)

Name or ID of the CloudStack zone on which to deploy the cluster.{id,name} (required)

CloudStack network name or ID to use with the cluster.


In the example above, there are separate CloudStackMachineConfig sections for the control plane (my-cluster-name-cp), worker (my-cluster-name) and etcd (my-cluster-name-etcd) nodes.

computeOffering.{id,name} (required)

Name or ID of the CloudStack compute instance.

users[0].name (optional)

The name of the user you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh. You can add as many users object as you want.

The default is capc.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys (optional)

The SSH public keys you want to configure to access your virtual machines through ssh (as described below). Only 1 is supported at this time.

users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys[0] (optional)

This is the SSH public key that will be placed in authorized_keys on all EKS Anywhere cluster VMs so you can ssh into them. The user will be what is defined under name above. For example:

ssh -i <private-key-file> <user>@<VM-IP>

The default is generating a key in your $(pwd)/<cluster-name> folder when not specifying a value.

template.{id,name} (required)

The VM template to use for your EKS Anywhere cluster. Currently, a VM based on RHEL 8.6 is required. This can be a name or ID. See the Artifacts page for instructions for building RHEL-based images.

diskOffering (optional)

Name representing a disk you want to mount into nodes for this CloudStackMachineConfig

diskOffering.mountPath (optional)

Mount point on which to mount the disk.

diskOffering.device (optional)

Device name of the disk partition to mount.

diskOffering.filesystem (optional)

File system type used to format the filesystem on the disk.

diskOffering.label (optional)

Label to apply to the disk partition.

Symbolic link of a directory or file you want to mount from the host filesystem to the mounted filesystem.

userCustomDetails (optional)

Add key/value pairs to nodes in a CloudStackMachineConfig. These can be used for things like identifying sets of nodes that you want to add to a security group that opens selected ports.

affinityGroupIDs (optional)

Group ID to attach to the set of host systems to indicate how affinity is done for services on those systems.

affinity (optional)

Allows you to set pro and anti affinity for the CloudStackMachineConfig. This can be used in a mutually exclusive fashion with the affinityGroupIDs field.

1.6 - Optional configuration

Config reference to optional features for EKS Anywhere clusters

1.6.1 - Autoscaling configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml autoscaling configuration specification reference

Cluster Autoscaling (Optional)

Cluster Autoscaler configuration in EKS Anywhere cluster spec

EKS Anywhere supports autoscaling worker node groups using the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler ’s clusterapi cloudProvider.

  • Configure a worker node group to be picked up by a cluster autoscaler deployment by adding a autoscalingConfiguration block to the workerNodeGroupConfiguration:
    kind: Cluster
      name: my-cluster-name
        - autoscalingConfiguration:
            minCount: 1
            maxCount: 5
            kind: VSphereMachineConfig
            name: worker-machine-a
          name: md-0
        - count: 1
            minCount: 1
            maxCount: 3
            kind: VSphereMachineConfig
            name: worker-machine-b
          name: md-1

Note that if no count is specified it will default to the minCount value.

EKS Anywhere will automatically apply the following annotations to your MachineDeployment objects: <minCount> <maxCount>

After deploying the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler from upstream or as a curated package , the deployment will pick up your MachineDeployment and scale the nodes as per your min and max count values.

Cluster Autoscaler Deployment Topologies

The Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler can only scale a single cluster per deployment.

This means that each cluster you want to scale will need its own cluster autoscaler deployment.

We support three deployment topologies:

  1. Cluster Autoscaler deployed in the management cluster to autoscale the management cluster itself
  2. Cluster Autoscaler deployed in the management cluster to autoscale a remote workload cluster
  3. Cluster Autoscaler deployed in the workload cluster to autoscale the workload cluster itself

If your cluster architecture supports management clusters with resources to run additional workloads, you may want to consider using deployment topologies (1) and (2). Instructions for using this topology can be found here .

If your deployment topology runs small management clusters though, you may want to follow deployment topology (3) and deploy the cluster autoscaler to run in a workload cluster .

1.6.2 - CNI plugin configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml cni plugin specification reference

Specifying CNI Plugin in EKS Anywhere cluster spec

EKS Anywhere currently supports two CNI plugins: Cilium and Kindnet. Only one of them can be selected for a cluster, and the plugin cannot be changed once the cluster is created. Up until the 0.7.x releases, the plugin had to be specified using the cni field on cluster spec. Starting with release 0.8, the plugin should be specified using the new cniConfig field as follows:

  • For selecting Cilium as the CNI plugin:

    kind: Cluster
      name: my-cluster-name
          cilium: {}

    EKS Anywhere selects this as the default plugin when generating a cluster config.

  • Or for selecting Kindnetd as the CNI plugin:

    kind: Cluster
      name: my-cluster-name
          kindnetd: {}

NOTE: EKS Anywhere allows specifying only 1 plugin for a cluster and does not allow switching the plugins after the cluster is created.

Policy Configuration options for Cilium plugin

Cilium accepts policy enforcement modes from the users to determine the allowed traffic between pods. The allowed values for this mode are: default, always and never. Please refer the official Cilium documentation for more details on how each mode affects the communication within the cluster and choose a mode accordingly. You can choose to not set this field so that cilium will be launched with the default mode. Starting release 0.8, Cilium’s policy enforcement mode can be set through the cluster spec as follows:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
        policyEnforcementMode: "always"

Please note that if the always mode is selected, all communication between pods is blocked unless NetworkPolicy objects allowing communication are created. In order to ensure that the cluster gets created successfully, EKS Anywhere will create the required NetworkPolicy objects for all its core components. But it is up to the user to create the NetworkPolicy objects needed for the user workloads once the cluster is created.

Network policies created by EKS Anywhere for “always” mode

As mentioned above, if Cilium is configured with policyEnforcementMode set to always, EKS Anywhere creates NetworkPolicy objects to enable communication between its core components. EKS Anywhere will create NetworkPolicy resources in the following namespaces allowing all ingress/egress traffic by default:

  • kube-system
  • eksa-system
  • All core Cluster API namespaces:
    • capi-system
    • capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system
    • capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
    • etcdadm-bootstrap-provider-system
    • etcdadm-controller-system
    • cert-manager
  • Infrastructure provider’s namespace (for instance, capd-system OR capv-system)
  • If Gitops is enabled, then the gitops namespace (flux-system by default)

This is the NetworkPolicy that will be created in these namespaces for the cluster:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-all-ingress-egress
  namespace: test
  podSelector: {}
  - {}
  - {}
  - Ingress
  - Egress

Switching the Cilium policy enforcement mode

The policy enforcement mode for Cilium can be changed as a part of cluster upgrade through the cli upgrade command.

  1. Switching to always mode: When switching from default/never to always mode, EKS Anywhere will create the required NetworkPolicy objects for its core components (listed above). This will ensure that the cluster gets upgraded successfully. But it is up to the user to create the NetworkPolicy objects required for the user workloads.

  2. Switching from always mode: When switching from always to default mode, EKS Anywhere will not delete any of the existing NetworkPolicy objects, including the ones required for EKS Anywhere components (listed above). The user must delete NetworkPolicy objects as needed.

Node IPs configuration option

Starting with release v0.10, the node-cidr-mask-size flag for Kubernetes controller manager (kube-controller-manager) is configurable via the EKS anywhere cluster spec. The clusterNetwork.nodes being an optional field, is not generated in the EKS Anywhere spec using generate clusterconfig command. This block for nodes will need to be manually added to the cluster spec under the clusterNetwork section:

      cilium: {}
      cidrMaskSize: 24

If the user does not specify the clusterNetwork.nodes field in the cluster yaml spec, the value for this flag defaults to 24 for IPv4. Please note that this mask size needs to be greater than the pods CIDR mask size. In the above spec, the pod CIDR mask size is 16 and the node CIDR mask size is 24. This ensures the cluster 256 blocks of /24 networks. For example, node1 will get, node2 will get, node3 will get and so on.

To support more than 256 nodes, the cluster CIDR block needs to be large, and the node CIDR mask size needs to be small, to support that many IPs. For instance, to support 1024 nodes, a user can do any of the following things

  • Set the pods cidr blocks to and node cidr mask size to 26
  • Set the pods cidr blocks to and node cidr mask size to 25

Please note that the node-cidr-mask-size needs to be large enough to accommodate the number of pods you want to run on each node. A size of 24 will give enough IP addresses for about 250 pods per node, however a size of 26 will only give you about 60 IPs. This is an immutable field, and the value can’t be updated once the cluster has been created.

1.6.3 - IAM Roles for Service Accounts configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster spec for Pod IAM (IRSA)

IAM Role for Service Account on EKS Anywhere clusters with self-hosted signing keys

IAM Roles for Service Account (IRSA) enables applications running in clusters to authenticate with AWS services using IAM roles. The current solution for leveraging this in EKS Anywhere involves creating your own OIDC provider for the cluster, and hosting your cluster’s public service account signing key. The public keys along with the OIDC discovery document should be hosted somewhere that AWS STS can discover it. The steps below assume the keys will be hosted on a publicly accessible S3 bucket. Refer this doc to ensure that the s3 bucket is publicly accessible.

The steps below are based on the guide for configuring IRSA for DIY Kubernetes, with modifications specific to EKS Anywhere’s cluster provisioning workflow. The main modification is the process of generating the keys.json document. As per the original guide, the user has to create the service account signing keys, and then use that to create the keys.json document prior to cluster creation. This order is reversed for EKS Anywhere clusters, so you will create the cluster first, and then retrieve the service account signing key generated by the cluster, and use it to create the keys.json document. The sections below show how to do this in detail.

Create an OIDC provider and make its discovery document publicly accessible

  1. Create an s3 bucket to host the public signing keys and OIDC discovery document for your cluster as per this section. Ensure you follow all the steps and save the $HOSTNAME and $ISSUER_HOSTPATH.

  2. Create the OIDC discovery document as follows:

    cat <<EOF > discovery.json
        "issuer": "https://$ISSUER_HOSTPATH",
        "jwks_uri": "https://$ISSUER_HOSTPATH/keys.json",
        "authorization_endpoint": "urn:kubernetes:programmatic_authorization",
        "response_types_supported": [
        "subject_types_supported": [
        "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
        "claims_supported": [
  3. Upload it to the publicly accessible S3 bucket:

    aws s3 cp --acl public-read ./discovery.json s3://$S3_BUCKET/.well-known/openid-configuration
  4. Create an OIDC provider for your cluster. Set the Provider URL to https://$ISSUER_HOSTPATH, and audience to

  5. Note down the Provider field of OIDC provider after it is created.

  6. Assign an IAM role to this OIDC provider.

    1. From the IAM console, select and click on the OIDC provider created from above, and click on Assign role at the top right.

    2. Select Create a new role.

    3. In the Select type of trusted entity section, choose Web identity.

    4. In the Choose a web identity provider section:

      • For Identity provider, choose the auto selected Identity Provider URL for your cluster.
      • For Audience, choose
    5. Choose Next: Permissions.

    6. In the Attach Policy section, select the IAM policy that has the permissions that you want your applications running in the pods to use.

    7. Continue with the next sections of adding tags if desired and a suitable name for this role and create the role.

    8. Below is a sample trust policy of IAM role for your pods. Remember to replace Account ID and ISSUER_HOSTPATH with required values.

       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Principal": {
          "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:oidc-provider/ISSUER_HOSTPATH"
         "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
         "Condition": {
          "__doc_comment": "scope the role to the service account (optional)",
          "StringEquals": {
           "ISSUER_HOSTPATH:sub": "system:serviceaccount:default:my-serviceaccount"
          "__doc_comment": "OR scope the role to a namespace (optional)",
          "StringLike": {
           "ISSUER_HOSTPATH/CLUSTER_ID:sub": ["system:serviceaccount:default:*","system:serviceaccount:observability:*"]
    9. After the role is created, note down the name of this IAM Role as OIDC_IAM_ROLE.

    10. Once the cluster is created, you can create service accounts and grant them this role by editing the trust relationship of this role. You can use StringLike condition to add required service accounts, as mentioned in the above sample. Please also refer to section Configure the trust relationship for the OIDC provider’s IAM Role .

Create the EKS Anywhere cluster

  1. When creating the EKS Anywhere cluster, you need to configure the kube-apiserver’s service-account-issuer flag so it can issue and mount projected service account tokens in pods. For this, use the value obtained in the first section for $ISSUER_HOSTPATH as the service-account-issuer. Configure the kube-apiserver by setting this value through the EKS Anywhere cluster spec as follows:
    kind: Cluster
      name: my-cluster-name
        serviceAccountIssuer: https://$ISSUER_HOSTPATH

Set the remaining fields in cluster spec as required and create the cluster using the eksctl anywhere create cluster command.

Generate keys.json and make it publicly accessible

  1. The cluster provisioning workflow generates a pair of service account signing keys. Retrieve the public signing key generated and used by the cluster, and create a keys.json document containing the public signing key.

    git clone
    cd amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook
    kubectl get secret ${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa -n eksa-system -o jsonpath={.data.tls\\.crt} | base64 --decode > ${CLUSTER_NAME}    
    go run ./hack/self-hosted/main.go -key ${CLUSTER_NAME} | jq '.keys += [.keys[0]] | .keys[1].kid = ""' > keys.json
  2. Upload the keys.json document to the s3 bucket.

    aws s3 cp --acl public-read ./keys.json s3://$S3_BUCKET/keys.json

Deploy pod identity webhook

  1. After hosting the service account public signing key and OIDC discovery documents, the applications running in pods can start accessing the desired AWS resources, as long as the pod is mounted with the right service account tokens. This part of configuring the pods with the right service account tokens and env vars is automated by the amazon pod identity webhook . Once the webhook is deployed, it mutates any pods launched using service accounts annotated with

  2. Clone amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook if not done already.

  3. Set the $KUBECONFIG env var to the path of the EKS Anywhere cluster.

  4. Create my-service-account.yaml with OIDC_IAM_ROLE and other annotations as mentioned in sample below.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: my-serviceaccount
      namespace: default
        # set this with value of OIDC_IAM_ROLE      "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/s3-reader"
        # optional: Defaults to "" if not set ""
        # optional: When set to "true", adds AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS env var
        #   to containers "true"
        # optional: Defaults to 86400 for expirationSeconds if not set
        #   Note: This value can be overwritten if specified in the pod 
        #         annotation as shown in the next step. "86400"
  5. Run the following command to apply the manifests for the amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook. The image used here will be pulled from Optionally, the image can be imported into (or proxied through) your private registry. Change the IMAGE= argument here to your private registry if needed.

    make cluster-up IMAGE=amazon/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook:latest
  6. Finally, apply the my-service-account.yaml file to create your service account.

    kubectl apply -f my-service-account.yaml
  7. You can validate IRSA by using test steps mentioned here . Ensure awscli pod is deployed in same namespace of ServiceAccount pod-identity-webhook.

Configure the trust relationship for the OIDC provider’s IAM Role

In order to grant certain service accounts access to the desired AWS resources, edit the trust relationship for the OIDC provider’s IAM Role (OIDC_IAM_ROLE) created in the first section, and add in the desired service accounts.

  1. Choose the role in the console to open it for editing.

  2. Choose the Trust relationships tab, and then choose Edit trust relationship.

  3. Find the line that looks similar to the following:

    "$ISSUER_HOSTPATH:aud": ""
  4. Change the line to look like the following line. Replace aud with sub and replace KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMESPACE and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME with the name of your Kubernetes service account and the Kubernetes namespace that the account exists in.

  5. Refer this doc for different ways of configuring one or multiple service accounts through the condition operators in the trust relationship.

  6. Choose Update Trust Policy to finish.

1.6.4 - etcd configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml etcd specification reference

NOTE: Currently, the Unstacked etcd topology is not supported with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Bare Metal and Nutanix deployment options.

There are two types of etcd topologies for configuring a Kubernetes cluster:

  • Stacked: The etcd members and control plane components are colocated (run on the same node/machines)
  • Unstacked/External: With the unstacked or external etcd topology, etcd members have dedicated machines and are not colocated with control plane components

The unstacked etcd topology is recommended for a HA cluster for the following reasons:

  • External etcd topology decouples the control plane components and etcd member. So if a control plane-only node fails, or if there is a memory leak in a component like kube-apiserver, it won’t directly impact an etcd member.
  • Etcd is resource intensive, so it is safer to have dedicated nodes for etcd, since it could use more disk space or higher bandwidth. Having a separate etcd cluster for these reasons could ensure a more resilient HA setup.

EKS Anywhere supports both topologies. In order to configure a cluster with the unstacked/external etcd topology, you need to configure your cluster by updating the configuration file before creating the cluster. This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
         cilium: {}
      count: 1
         host: ""
         kind: VSphereMachineConfig
         name: my-cluster-name-cp
      kind: VSphereDatacenterConfig
      name: my-cluster-name
   # etcd configuration
      count: 3
        kind: VSphereMachineConfig
        name: my-cluster-name-etcd
   kubernetesVersion: "1.19"
      - count: 1
           kind: VSphereMachineConfig
           name: my-cluster-name
        name: md-0

externalEtcdConfiguration (under Cluster)

This field accepts any configuration parameters for running external etcd.

count (required)

This determines the number of etcd members in the cluster. The recommended number is 3.

machineGroupRef (required)

1.6.5 - AWS IAM Authenticator configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml specification AWS IAM Authenticator reference

AWS IAM Authenticator support (optional)

EKS Anywhere can create clusters that support AWS IAM Authenticator-based api server authentication. In order to add IAM Authenticator support, you need to configure your cluster by updating the configuration file before creating the cluster. This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
   # IAM Authenticator support
      - kind: AWSIamConfig
        name: aws-iam-auth-config
kind: AWSIamConfig
   name: aws-iam-auth-config
    awsRegion: ""
        - ""
        - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/myRole
          username: myKubernetesUsername
          - ""
        - userARN: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/myUser
          username: myKubernetesUsername
          - ""
    partition: ""

identityProviderRefs (Under Cluster)

List of identity providers you want configured for the Cluster. This would include a reference to the AWSIamConfig object with the configuration below.

awsRegion (required)

  • Description: awsRegion can be any region in the aws partition that the IAM roles exist in.
  • Type: string

backendMode (required)

  • Description: backendMode configures the IAM authenticator server’s backend mode (i.e. where to source mappings from). We support EKSConfigMap and CRD modes supported by AWS IAM Authenticator, for more details refer to backendMode
  • Type: string
  • Description: When using EKSConfigMap backendMode, we recommend providing either mapRoles or mapUsers to set the IAM role mappings at the time of creation. This input is added to an EKS style ConfigMap. For more details refer to EKS IAM

  • Type: list object

    roleARN, userARN (required)

    • Description: IAM ARN to authenticate to the cluster. roleARN specifies an IAM role and userARN specifies an IAM user.
    • Type: string

    username (required)

    • Description: The Kubernetes username the IAM ARN is mapped to in the cluster. The ARN gets mapped to the Kubernetes cluster permissions associated with the username.
    • Type: string


    • Description: List of kubernetes user groups that the mapped IAM ARN is given permissions to.
    • Type: list string


  • Description: This field is used to set the aws partition that the IAM roles are present in. Default value is aws.
  • Type: string

1.6.6 - OIDC configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml specification OIDC reference

OIDC support (optional)

EKS Anywhere can create clusters that support api server OIDC authentication.

In order to add OIDC support, you need to configure your cluster by updating the configuration file to include the details below. The OIDC configuration can be added at cluster creation time, or introduced via a cluster upgrade in VMware and CloudStack.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
   # OIDC support
      - kind: OIDCConfig
        name: my-cluster-name
kind: OIDCConfig
   name: my-cluster-name
    clientId: ""
    groupsClaim: ""
    groupsPrefix: ""
    issuerUrl: "https://x"
      - claim: ""
        value: ""
    usernameClaim: ""
    usernamePrefix: ""

identityProviderRefs (Under Cluster)

List of identity providers you want configured for the Cluster. This would include a reference to the OIDCConfig object with the configuration below.

clientId (required)

  • Description: ClientId defines the client ID for the OpenID Connect client
  • Type: string

groupsClaim (optional)

  • Description: GroupsClaim defines the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups
  • Type: string

groupsPrefix (optional)

  • Description: GroupsPrefix defines a string to be prefixed to all groups to prevent conflicts with other authentication strategies
  • Type: string

issuerUrl (required)

  • Description: IssuerUrl defines the URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted
  • Type: string

requiredClaims (optional)

List of RequiredClaim objects listed below. Only one is supported at this time.

requiredClaims[0] (optional)

  • Description: RequiredClaim defines a key=value pair that describes a required claim in the ID Token
    • claim
      • type: string
    • value
      • type: string
  • Type: object

usernameClaim (optional)

  • Description: UsernameClaim defines the OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default (‘sub’) is not guaranteed to be unique and immutable
  • Type: string

usernamePrefix (optional)

  • Description: UsernamePrefix defines a string to be prefixed to all usernames. If not provided, username claims other than ‘email’ are prefixed by the issuer URL to avoid clashes. To skip any prefixing, provide the value ‘-’.
  • Type: string

1.6.7 - GitOpsConfig configuration

Configuration reference for GitOps cluster management.

GitOps Support (Optional)

EKS Anywhere can create clusters that supports GitOps configuration management with Flux. In order to add GitOps support, you need to configure your cluster by specifying the configuration file with gitOpsRef field when creating or upgrading the cluster. We currently support two types of configurations: FluxConfig and GitOpsConfig.

Flux Configuration

The flux configuration spec has three optional fields, regardless of the chosen git provider.

Flux Configuration Spec Details

systemNamespace (optional)

  • Description: Namespace in which to install the gitops components in your cluster. Defaults to flux-system
  • Type: string

clusterConfigPath (optional)

  • Description: The path relative to the root of the git repository where EKS Anywhere will store the cluster configuration files. Defaults to the cluster name
  • Type: string

branch (optional)

  • Description: The branch to use when committing the configuration. Defaults to main
  • Type: string

EKS Anywhere currently supports two git providers for FluxConfig: Github and Git.

Github provider

Please note that for the Flux config to work successfully with the Github provider, the environment variable EKSA_GITHUB_TOKEN needs to be set with a valid GitHub PAT . This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-github-flux-provider
    kind: FluxConfig
kind: FluxConfig
  name: my-github-flux-provider
  namespace: default
  systemNamespace: "my-alternative-flux-system-namespace"
  clusterConfigPath: "path-to-my-clusters-config"
  branch: "main"
    personal: true
    repository: myClusterGitopsRepo
    owner: myGithubUsername


github Configuration Spec Details

repository (required)

  • Description: The name of the repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration, and sync it to the cluster. If the repository exists, we will clone it from the git provider; if it does not exist, we will create it for you.
  • Type: string

owner (required)

  • Description: The owner of the Github repository; either a Github username or Github organization name. The Personal Access Token used must belong to the owner if this is a personal repository, or have permissions over the organization if this is not a personal repository.
  • Type: string

personal (optional)

  • Description: Is the repository a personal or organization repository? If personal, this value is true; otherwise, false. If using an organizational repository (e.g. personal is false) the owner field will be used as the organization when authenticating to
  • Default: true
  • Type: boolean

Git provider

Before you create a cluster using the Git provider, you will need to set and export the EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS and EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY environment variables.


EKS Anywhere uses the provided known hosts file to verify the identity of the git provider when connecting to it with SSH. The EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS environment variable should be a path to a known hosts file containing entries for the git server to which you’ll be connecting.

For example, if you wanted to provide a known hosts file which allows you to connect to and verify the identity of using a private key based on the key algorithm ecdsa, you can use the OpenSSH utility ssh-keyscan to obtain the known host entry used by for the ecdsa key type. EKS Anywhere supports ecdsa, rsa, and ed25519 key types, which can be specified via the sshKeyAlgorithm field of the git provider config.

ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa >> my_eksa_known_hosts

This will produce a file which contains known-hosts entries for the ecdsa key type supported by, mapping the host to the key-type and public key. ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg=

EKS Anywhere will use the content of the file at the path EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS to verify the identity of the remote git server, and the provided known hosts file must contain an entry for the remote host and key type.


The EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable should be a path to the private key file associated with a valid SSH public key registered with your Git provider. This key must have permission to both read from and write to your repository. The key can use the key algorithms rsa, ecdsa, and ed25519.

This key file must have restricted file permissions, allowing only the owner to read and write, such as octal permissions 600.

If your private key file is passphrase protected, you must also set EKSA_GIT_SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE with that value.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-git-flux-provider
    kind: FluxConfig
kind: FluxConfig
  name: my-git-flux-provider
  namespace: default
  systemNamespace: "my-alternative-flux-system-namespace"
  clusterConfigPath: "path-to-my-clusters-config"
  branch: "main"
    repositoryUrl: ssh://
    sshKeyAlgorithm: ecdsa

git Configuration Spec Details

repositoryUrl (required)

NOTE: The repositoryUrl value for private SSH repositories is of the format ssh://$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME.git. This may differ from the default SSH URL given by your provider. For example, the user interface provides an SSH URL containing a : before the repository owner, rather than a /. Make sure to replace this : with a /, if present.

  • Description: The URL of an existing repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration and sync it to the cluster. For private repositories, the SSH URL will be of the format ssh://$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME.git
  • Type: string

sshKeyAlgorithm (optional)

  • Description: The SSH key algorithm of the private key specified via EKSA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE. Defaults to ecdsa
  • Type: string

Supported SSH key algorithm types are ecdsa, rsa, and ed25519.

Be sure that this SSH key algorithm matches the private key file provided by EKSA_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and that the known hosts entry for the key type is present in EKSA_GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS.

GitOps Configuration

Please note that for the GitOps config to work successfully the environment variable EKSA_GITHUB_TOKEN needs to be set with a valid GitHub PAT . This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference:

kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster-name
  namespace: default
  #GitOps Support
    name: my-gitops
    kind: GitOpsConfig
kind: GitOpsConfig
  name: my-gitops
  namespace: default
      personal: true
      repository: myClusterGitopsRepo
      owner: myGithubUsername
      fluxSystemNamespace: ""
      clusterConfigPath: ""

GitOps Configuration Spec Details

flux (required)

  • Description: our supported gitops provider is flux. This is the only supported value.
  • Type: object

Flux Configuration Spec Details

github (required)

  • Description: github is the only currently supported git provider. This defines your github configuration to be used by EKS Anywhere and flux.
  • Type: object

github Configuration Spec Details

repository (required)

  • Description: The name of the repository where EKS Anywhere will store your cluster configuration, and sync it to the cluster. If the repository exists, we will clone it from the git provider; if it does not exist, we will create it for you.
  • Type: string

owner (required)

  • Description: The owner of the Github repository; either a Github username or Github organization name. The Personal Access Token used must belong to the owner if this is a personal repository, or have permissions over the organization if this is not a personal repository.
  • Type: string

personal (optional)

  • Description: Is the repository a personal or organization repository? If personal, this value is true; otherwise, false. If using an organizational repository (e.g. personal is false) the owner field will be used as the organization when authenticating to
  • Default: true
  • Type: boolean

clusterConfigPath (optional)

  • Description: The path relative to the root of the git repository where EKS Anywhere will store the cluster configuration files.
  • Default: clusters/$MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME
  • Type: string

fluxSystemNamespace (optional)

  • Description: Namespace in which to install the gitops components in your cluster.
  • Default: flux-system.
  • Type: string

branch (optional)

  • Description: The branch to use when committing the configuration.
  • Default: main
  • Type: string

1.6.8 - Proxy configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml specification proxy configuration reference

Proxy support (optional)

You can configure EKS Anywhere to use a proxy to connect to the Internet. This is the generic template with proxy configuration for your reference:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
      httpProxy: http-proxy-ip:port
      httpsProxy: https-proxy-ip:port
      - list of no proxy endpoints

Configuring Docker daemon

EKS Anywhere will proxy for you given the above configuration file. However, to successfully use EKS Anywhere you will also need to ensure your Docker daemon is configured to use the proxy.

This generally means updating your daemon to launch with the HTTPS_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables.

For an example of how to do this with systemd, please see Docker’s documentation here .

Configuring EKS Anywhere proxy without config file

For commands using a cluster config file, EKS Anywhere will derive its proxy config from the cluster configuration file.

However, for commands that do not utilize a cluster config file, you can set the following environment variables:

export HTTPS_PROXY=https-proxy-ip:port
export HTTP_PROXY=http-proxy-ip:port

Proxy Configuration Spec Details

proxyConfiguration (required)

  • Description: top level key; required to use proxy.
  • Type: object

httpProxy (required)

  • Description: HTTP proxy to use to connect to the internet; must be in the format IP:port
  • Type: string
  • Example: httpProxy:

httpsProxy (required)

  • Description: HTTPS proxy to use to connect to the internet; must be in the format IP:port
  • Type: string
  • Example: httpsProxy:

noProxy (optional)

  • Description: list of endpoints that should not be routed through the proxy; can be an IP, CIDR block, or a domain name
  • Type: list of strings
  • Example
   - localhost

1.6.9 - Registry Mirror configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml specification for registry mirror configuration

Registry Mirror Support (optional)

You can configure EKS Anywhere to use a private registry as a mirror for pulling the required images.

The following cluster spec shows an example of how to configure registry mirror:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
    endpoint: <private registry IP or hostname>
    port: <private registry port>
      - registry: <upstream registry IP or hostname>
        namespace: <namespace in private registry>
    caCertContent: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----        

Registry Mirror Configuration Spec Details

registryMirrorConfiguration (required)

  • Description: top level key; required to use a private registry.
  • Type: object

endpoint (required)

  • Description: IP address or hostname of the private registry for pulling images
  • Type: string
  • Example: endpoint:

port (optional)

  • Description: port for the private registry. This is an optional field. If a port is not specified, the default HTTPS port 443 is used
  • Type: string
  • Example: port: 443

ociNamespaces (optional)

  • Description: mapping from upstream registries to the locations of the private registry. When specified, the artifacts pulled from an upstream registry will be put in its corresponding location/namespace in the private registry. The target location/namespace must be already existing.
  • Type: array
  • Example:
      - registry: ""
        namespace: "eks-anywhere"
      - registry: ""
        namespace: "curated-packages"

caCertContent (optional)

  • Description: certificate Authority (CA) Certificate for the private registry . When using self-signed certificates it is necessary to pass this parameter in the cluster spec. This must be the individual public CA cert used to sign the registry certificate. This will be added to the cluster nodes so that they are able to pull images from the private registry.

    It is also possible to configure CACertContent by exporting an environment variable:
    export EKSA_REGISTRY_MIRROR_CA="/path/to/certificate-file"

  • Type: string

  • Example:

    CACertContent: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----  

authenticate (optional)

  • Description: optional field to authenticate with a private registry. When using private registries that require authentication, it is necessary to set this parameter to true in the cluster spec.
  • Type: boolean
  • Example: authenticate: true

To use an authenticated private registry, please also set the following environment variables:

export REGISTRY_USERNAME=<username>
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<password>

insecureSkipVerify (optional)

  • Description: optional field to skip the registry certificate verification. Only use this solution for isolated testing or in a tightly controlled, air-gapped environment. Currently only supported for Ubuntu OS.
  • Type: boolean

Import images into a private registry

You can use the download images and import images commands to pull images from and push them to your private registry. The copy packages must be used if you want to copy EKS Anywhere Curated Packages to your registry mirror. The download images command also pulls the cilium chart from and pushes it to the registry mirror. It requires the registry credentials for performing a login. Set the following environment variables for the login:

export REGISTRY_ENDPOINT=<registry_endpoint>
export REGISTRY_USERNAME=<username>
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<password>

Download the EKS Anywhere artifacts to get the EKS Anywhere bundle:

eksctl anywhere download artifacts
tar -xzf eks-anywhere-downloads.tar.gz

Download and import EKS Anywhere images:

eksctl anywhere download images -o eks-anywhere-images.tar
docker login https://${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}
eksctl anywhere import images -i eks-anywhere-images.tar --bundles eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml --registry ${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}

Use the EKS Anywhere bundle to copy packages:

eksctl anywhere copy packages --bundle ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml --dst-cert rootCA.pem ${REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}

Docker configurations

It is necessary to add the private registry’s CA Certificate to the list of CA certificates on the admin machine if your registry uses self-signed certificates.

For Linux , you can place your certificate here: /etc/docker/certs.d/<private-registry-endpoint>/ca.crt

For Mac , you can follow this guide to add the certificate to your keychain:

Registry configurations

Depending on what registry you decide to use, you will need to create the following projects:


For example, if a registry is available at private-registry.local, then the following projects will have to be created:


1.6.10 - Package controller configuration

EKS Anywhere cluster yaml specification for package controller configuration

Package Controller Configuration (optional)

You can configure EKS Anywhere controller configuration.

The following cluster spec shows an example of how to configure registry mirror:

kind: Cluster
   name: my-cluster-name
    disable: false
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 750m
          memory: 450Mi

Package Controller Configuration Spec Details

packages (optional)

  • Description: Top level key; required controller configuration.
  • Type: object

packages.disable (optional)

  • Description: Disable the package controller.
  • Type: bool
  • Example: disable: true

packages.controller (optional)

  • Description: Disable the package controller.
  • Type: object

packages.controller.resources (optional)

  • Description: Resources for the package controller.
  • Type: object

packages.controller.resources.limits (optional)

  • Description: Resource limits.
  • Type: object

packages.controller.resources.limits.cpu (optional)

  • Description: CPU limit.
  • Type: string

packages.controller.resources.limits.memory (optional)

  • Description: Memory limit.
  • Type: string

packages.controller.resources.requests (optional)

  • Description: Requested resources.
  • Type: object

packages.controller.resources.requests.cpu (optional)

  • Description: Requested cpu.
  • Type: string

packages.controller.resources.limits.memory (optional)

  • Description: Requested memory.
  • Type: string

packages.cronjob (optional)

  • Description: Disable the package controller.
  • Type: object

packages.cronjob.disable (optional)

  • Description: Disable the cron job.
  • Type: bool
  • Example: disable: true

packages.cronjob.resources (optional)

  • Description: Resources for the package controller.
  • Type: object

packages.cronjob.resources.limits (optional)

  • Description: Resource limits.
  • Type: object

packages.cronjob.resources.limits.cpu (optional)

  • Description: CPU limit.
  • Type: string

packages.cronjob.resources.limits.memory (optional)

  • Description: Memory limit.
  • Type: string

packages.cronjob.resources.requests (optional)

  • Description: Requested resources.
  • Type: object

packages.cronjob.resources.requests.cpu (optional)

  • Description: Requested cpu.
  • Type: string

packages.cronjob.resources.limits.memory (optional)

  • Description: Requested memory.
  • Type: string

2 - Bare Metal

Preparing a Bare Metal provider for EKS Anywhere

2.1 - Requirements for EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal

Bare Metal provider requirements for EKS Anywhere

To run EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal, you need to meet the hardware and networking requirements described below.

Administrative machine

Set up an Administrative machine as described in Install EKS Anywhere .

Compute server requirements

The minimum number of physical machines needed to run EKS Anywhere on bare metal is 1. To configure EKS Anywhere to run on a single server, set controlPlaneConfiguration.count to 1, and omit workerNodeGroupConfigurations from your cluster configuration.

The recommended number of physical machines for production is at least:

  • Control plane physical machines: 3
  • Worker physical machines: 2

The compute hardware you need for your Bare Metal cluster must meet the following capacity requirements:

  • vCPU: 2
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Storage: 25GB

Upgrade requirements

If you are running a standalone cluster with only one control plane node, you will need at least one additional, temporary machine for each control plane node grouping. For cluster with multiple control plane nodes, you can perform a rolling upgrade with or without an extra temporary machine. For worker node upgrades, you can perform a rolling upgrade with or without an extra temporary machine.

When upgrading without an extra machine, keep in mind that your control plane and your workload must be able to tolerate node unavailability. When upgrading with extra machine(s), you will need additional temporary machine(s) for each control plane and worker node grouping. Refer to Upgrade Bare Metal Cluster and Advanced configuration for rolling upgrade .

NOTE: For single node clusters that require an additional temporary machine for upgrading, if you don’t want to set up the extra hardware, you may recreate the cluster for upgrading and handle data recovery manually.

Network requirements

Each machine should include the following features:

  • Network Interface Cards: At least one NIC is required. It must be capable of network booting.
  • BMC integration (recommended): An IPMI or Redfish implementation (such a Dell iDRAC, RedFish-compatible, legacy or HP iLO) on the computer’s motherboard or on a separate expansion card. This feature is used to allow remote management of the machine, such as turning the machine on and off.

NOTE: BMC integration is not required for an EKS Anywhere cluster. However, without BMC integration, upgrades are not supported and you will have to physically turn machines off and on when appropriate.

Here are other network requirements:

  • All EKS Anywhere machines, including the Admin, control plane and worker machines, must be on the same layer 2 network and have network connectivity to the BMC (IPMI, Redfish, and so on).

  • You must be able to run DHCP on the control plane/worker machine network.

NOTE:: If you have another DHCP service running on the network, you need to prevent it from interfering with the EKS Anywhere DHCP service. You can do that by configuring the other DHCP service to explicitly block all MAC addresses and exclude all IP addresses that you plan to use with your EKS Anywhere clusters.

  • The administrative machine and the target workload environment will need network access to:

    • To download the EKS Anywhere binaries, manifests and OVAs
    • To download EKS Distro binaries and manifests
    • For EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images
  • Two IP addresses routable from the cluster, but excluded from DHCP offering. One IP address is to be used as the Control Plane Endpoint IP. The other is for the Tinkerbell IP address on the target cluster. Below are some suggestions to ensure that these IP addresses are never handed out by your DHCP server. You may need to contact your network engineer to manage these addresses.

    • Pick IP addresses reachable from the cluster subnet that are excluded from the DHCP range or
    • Create an IP reservation for these addresses on your DHCP server. This is usually accomplished by adding a dummy mapping of this IP address to a non-existent mac address.

NOTE: When you set up your cluster configuration YAML file, the endpoint and Tinkerbell addresses are set in the and tinkerbellIP fields, respectively.

  • Ports must be open to the Admin machine and cluster machines as described in Ports and protocols .

Validated hardware

Through extensive testing in a variety of on premises customer environments during our beta phase, we expect Amazon EKS Anywhere on bare metal to run on most generic hardware that meets the above requirements. In addition, we have collaborated with our hardware original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners to provide you a list of validated hardware:

Bare metal servers BMC NIC OS
Dell PowerEdge R740 iDRAC9 Mellanox ConnectX-4 LX 25GbE Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1
Dell PowerEdge R7525 (NVIDIA Tesla™ T4 GPU’s) iDRAC9 Mellanox ConnectX-4 LX 25GbE & Intel Ethernet 10G 4P X710 OCP Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1
Dell PowerFlex (R640) iDRAC9 Mellanox ConnectX-4 LX 25GbE Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1
SuperServer SYS-510P-M IPMI2.0/Redfish API Intel® Ethernet Controller i350 2x 1GbE Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1 and Bottlerocket v1.8.0
Dell PowerEdge R240 iDRAC9 Broadcom 57414 Dual Port 10/25GbE Validated with Ubuntu v20.04 and Bottlerocket v1.8.0
HPE ProLiant DL20 iLO5 HPE 361i 1G Validated with Ubuntu v20.04 and Bottlerocket v1.8.0
HPE ProLiant DL160 Gen10 iLO5 HPE Eth 10/25Gb 2P 640SFP28 A Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1
Dell PowerEdge R340 iDRAC9 Broadcom 57416 Dual Port 10GbE Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1 and Bottlerocket v1.8.0
HPE ProLiant DL360 iLO5 HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1
Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 XClarity Controller Enterprise v7.92
  • Intel I350 1GbE RJ45 4-port OCP
  • Marvell QL41232 10/25GbE SFP28
    2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter
Validated with Ubuntu v20.04.1

2.2 - Preparing Bare Metal for EKS Anywhere

Set up a Bare Metal cluster to prepare it for EKS Anywhere

After gathering hardware described in Bare Metal Requirements , you need to prepare the hardware and create a CSV file describing that hardware.

Prepare hardware

To prepare your computer hardware for EKS Anywhere, you need to connect your computer hardware and do some configuration. Once the hardware is in place, you need to:

  • Obtain IP and MAC addresses for your machines' NICs.
  • Obtain IP addresses for your machines' BMC interfaces.
  • Obtain the gateway address for your network to reach the Internet.
  • Obtain the IP address for your DNS servers.
  • Make sure the following settings are in place:
    • UEFI is enabled on all target cluster machines, unless you are provisioning RHEL systems. Enable legacy BIOS on any RHEL machines.
    • Netboot (PXE or HTTP) boot is enabled for the NIC on each machine for which you provided the MAC address. This is the interface on which the operating system will be provisioned.
    • IPMI over LAN and/or Redfish is enabled on all BMC interfaces.
  • Go to the BMC settings for each machine and set the IP address (bmc_ip), username (bmc_username), and password (bmc_password) to use later in the CSV file.

Prepare hardware inventory

Create a CSV file to provide information about all physical machines that you are ready to add to your target Bare Metal cluster. This file will be used:

  • When you generate the hardware file to be included in the cluster creation process described in the Create Bare Metal production cluster Getting Started guide.
  • To provide information that is passed to each machine from the Tinkerbell DHCP server when the machine is initially network booted.

The following is an example of an EKS Anywhere Bare Metal hardware CSV file:


The CSV file is a comma-separated list of values in a plain text file, holding information about the physical machines in the datacenter that are intended to be a part of the cluster creation process. Each line represents a physical machine (not a virtual machine).

The following sections describe each value.


The hostname assigned to the machine.

bmc_ip (optional)

The IP address assigned to the BMC interface on the machine.

bmc_username (optional)

The username assigned to the BMC interface on the machine.

bmc_password (optional)

The password associated with the bmc_username assigned to the BMC interface on the machine.


The MAC address of the network interface card (NIC) that provides access to the host computer.


The IP address providing access to the host computer.


The netmask associated with the ip_address value. In the example above, a /23 subnet mask is used, allowing you to use up to 510 IP addresses in that range.


IP address of the interface that provides access (the gateway) to the Internet.


The IP address of the server that you want to provide DNS service to the cluster.


The optional labels field can consist of a key/value pair to use in conjunction with the hardwareSelector field when you set up your Bare Metal configuration . The key/value pair is connected with an equal (=) sign.

For example, a TinkerbellMachineConfig with a hardwareSelector containing type: cp will match entries in the CSV containing type=cp in its label definition.


The device name of the disk on which the operating system will be installed. For example, it could be /dev/sda for the first SCSI disk or /dev/nvme0n1 for the first NVME storage device.

2.3 - Netbooting and Tinkerbell for Bare Metal

Overview of Tinkerbell and network booting for EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal

EKS Anywhere uses Tinkerbell to provision machines for a Bare Metal cluster. Understanding what Tinkerbell is and how it works with EKS Anywhere can help you take advantage of advanced provisioning features or overcome provisioning problems you encounter.

As someone deploying an EKS Anywhere cluster on Bare Metal, you have several opportunities to interact with Tinkerbell:

  • Create a hardware CSV file: You are required to create a hardware CSV file that contains an entry for every physical machine you want to add at cluster creation time.
  • Create an EKS Anywhere cluster: By modifying the Bare Metal configuration file used to create a cluster, you can change some Tinkerbell settings or add actions to define how the operating system on each machine is configured.
  • Monitor provisioning: You can follow along with the Tinkerbell Overview in this page to monitor the progress of your hardware provisioning, as Tinkerbell finds machines and attempts to network boot, configure, and restart them.

Using Tinkerbell on EKS Anywhere

The sections below step through how Tinkerbell is integrated with EKS Anywhere to deploy a Bare Metal cluster. While based on features described in Tinkerbell Documentation , EKS Anywhere has modified and added to Tinkerbell components such that the entire Tinkerbell stack is now Kubernetes-friendly and can run on a Kubernetes cluster.

Create bare metal CSV file

The information that Tinkerbell uses to provision machines for the target EKS Anywhere cluster needs to be gathered in a CSV file with the following format:


Each physical, bare metal machine is represented by a comma-separated list of information on a single line. It includes information needed to identify each machine (the NIC’s MAC address), network boot the machine, point to the disk to install on, and then configure and start the installed system. See Preparing hardware inventory for details on the content and format of that file.

Modify the cluster specification file

Before you create a cluster using the Bare Metal configuration file, you can make Tinkerbell-related changes to that file. In particular, TinkerbellDatacenterConfig fields , TinkerbellMachineConfig fields , and Tinkerbell Actions can be added or modified.

Tinkerbell actions vary based on the operating system you choose for your EKS Anywhere cluster. Actions are stored internally and not shown in the generated cluster specification file, so you must add those sections yourself to change from the defaults (see Ubuntu TinkerbellTemplateConfig example and Bottlerocket TinkerbellTemplateConfig example for details).

In most cases, you don’t need to touch the default actions. However, you might want to modify an action (for example to change kexec to a reboot action if the hardware requires it) or add an action to further configure the installed system. Examples in Advanced Bare Metal cluster configuration show a few actions you might want to add.

Once you have made all your modifications, you can go ahead and create the cluster. The next section describes how Tinkerbell works during cluster creation to provision your Bare Metal machines and prepare them to join the EKS Anywhere cluster.

Overview of Tinkerbell in EKS Anywhere

When you run the command to create an EKS Anywhere Bare Metal cluster, a set of Tinkerbell components start up on the Admin machine. One of these components runs in a container on Docker, while other components run as either controllers or services in pods on the Kubernetes kind cluster that is started up on the Admin machine. Tinkerbell components include Boots, Hegel, Rufio, and Tink.

Tinkerbell Boots service

The Boots service runs in a single container to handle the DHCP service and network booting activities. In particular, Boots hands out IP addresses, serves iPXE binaries via HTTP and TFTP, delivers an iPXE script to the provisioned machines, and runs a syslog server.

Boots is different from the other Tinkerbell services because the DHCP service it runs must listen directly to layer 2 traffic. (The kind cluster running on the Admin machine doesn’t have the ability to have pods listening on layer 2 networks, which is why Boots is run directly on Docker instead, with host networking enabled.)

Because Boots is running as a container in Docker, you can see the output in the logs for the Boots container by running:

docker logs boots

From the logs output, you will see iPXE try to network boot each machine. If the process doesn’t get all the information it wants from the DHCP server, it will time out. You can see iPXE loading variables, loading a kernel and initramfs (via DHCP), then booting into that kernel and initramfs: in other words, you will see everything that happens with iPXE before it switches over to the kernel and initramfs. The kernel, initramfs, and all images retrieved later are obtained remotely over HTTP and HTTPS.

Tinkerbell Hegel, Rufio, and Tink components

After Boots comes up on Docker, a small Kubernetes kind cluster starts up on the Admin machine. Other Tinkerbell components run as pods on that kind cluster. Those components include:

  • Hegel: Manages Tinkerbell’s metadata service. The Hegel service gets its metadata from the hardware specification stored in Kubernetes in the form of custom resources. The format that it serves is similar to an Ec2 metadata format.
  • Rufio: Handles talking to BMCs (which manages things like starting and stopping systems with IPMI or Redfish). The Rufio Kubernetes controller sets things such as power state, persistent boot order. BMC authentication is managed with Kubernetes secrets.
  • Tink: The Tink service consists of three components: Tink server, Tink controller, and Tink worker. The Tink controller manages hardware data, templates you want to execute, and the workflows that each target specific hardware you are provisioning. The Tink worker is a small binary that runs inside of HookOS and talks to the Tink server. The worker sends the Tink server its MAC address and asks the server for workflows to run. The Tink worker will then go through each action, one-by-one, and try to execute it.

To see those services and controllers running on the kind bootstrap cluster, type:

kubectl get pods -n eksa-system
NAME                                      READY STATUS    RESTARTS AGE
hegel-sbchp                               1/1   Running   0        3d
rufio-controller-manager-5dcc568c79-9kllz 1/1   Running   0        3d
tink-controller-manager-54dc786db6-tm2c5  1/1   Running   0        3d
tink-server-5c494445bc-986sl              1/1   Running   0        3d

Provisioning hardware with Tinkerbell

After you start up the cluster create process, the following is the general workflow that Tinkerbell performs to begin provisioning the bare metal machines and prepare them to become part of the EKS Anywhere target cluster. You can set up kubectl on the Admin machine to access the bootstrap cluster and follow along:

export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/generated/${CLUSTER_NAME}.kind.kubeconfig

Power up the nodes

Tinkerbell starts by finding a node from the hardware list (based on MAC address) and contacting it to identify a baseboard management job (job.bmc) that runs a set of baseboard management tasks (task.bmc). To see that information, type:

kubectl get job.bmc -A
NAMESPACE    NAME                                           AGE
eksa-system  mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxvh2-provision   12m
kubectl get tasks.bmc -A
NAMESPACE    NAME                                                AGE
eksa-system  mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-0  55s
eksa-system  mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-1  51s
eksa-system  mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-2  47s

The following shows snippets from the tasks.bmc output that represent the three tasks: Power Off, enable network boot, and Power On.

kubectl describe tasks.bmc -n eksa-system eksa-system mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-0
    Power Action:  Off
  Completion Time:   2022-06-27T20:32:59Z
    Status:    True
    Type:      Completed 
kubectl describe tasks.bmc -n eksa-system eksa-system mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-1
    One Time Boot Device Action:
      Efi Boot:  true
  Completion Time:   2022-06-27T20:33:04Z
    Status:    True
    Type:      Completed   
kubectl describe tasks.bmc -n eksa-system eksa-system mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2-provision-task-2
    Power Action:  on
  Completion Time:   2022-06-27T20:33:10Z
    Status:    True
    Type:      Completed   

Rufio converts the baseboard management jobs into task objects, then goes ahead and executes each task. To see Rufio logs, type:

kubectl logs -n eksa-system rufio-controller-manager-5dcc568c79-9kllz | less

Network booting the nodes

Next the Boots service netboots the machine and begins streaming the HookOS (vmlinuz and initramfs) to the machine. HookOS runs in memory and provides the installation environment. To watch the Boots log messages as each node powers up, type:

docker logs boots 

You can search the output for vmlinuz and initramfs to watch as the HookOS is downloaded and booted from memory on each machine.

Running workflows

Once the HookOS is up, Tinkerbell begins running the tasks and actions contained in the workflows. This is coordinated between the Tink worker, running in memory within the HookOS on the machine, and the Tink server on the kind cluster. To see the workflows being run, type the following:

kubectl get -n eksa-system
NAME                                TEMPLATE                            STATE
mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2   mycluster-md-0-1656099863422-vxh2   STATE_RUNNING

This shows the workflow for the first machine that is being provisioned. Add -o yaml to see details of that workflow template:

kubectl get -n eksa-system -o yaml
  - actions
    - environment:
        COMPRESSED: "true"
        DEST_DISK: /dev/sda
      name: stream-image
      seconds: 35
      startedAt: "2022-06-27T20:37:39Z"
      status: STATE_SUCCESS

You can see that the first action in the workflow is to stream (stream-image) the operating system to the destination disk (DEST_DISK) on the machine. In this example, the Bottlerocket operating system that will be copied to disk (/dev/sda) is being served from the location specified by IMG_URL. The action was successful (STATE_SUCCESS) and it took 35 seconds.

Each action and its status is shown in this output for the whole workflow. To see details of the default actions for each supported operating system, see the Ubuntu TinkerbellTemplateConfig example and Bottlerocket TinkerbellTemplateConfig example .

In general, the actions include:

  • Streaming the operating system image to disk on each machine.
  • Configuring the network interfaces on each machine.
  • Setting up the cloud-init or similar service to add users and otherwise configure the system.
  • Identifying the data source to add to the system.
  • Setting the kernel to pivot to the installed system (using kexec) or having the system reboot to bring up the installed system from disk.

If all goes well, you will see all actions set to STATE_SUCCESS, except for the kexec-image action. That should show as STATE_RUNNING for as long as the machine is running.

You can review the CAPT logs to see provisioning activity. For example, at the start of a new provisioning event, you would see something like the following:

kubectl logs -n capt-system capt-controller-manager-9f8b95b-frbq | less
..."Created BMCJob to get hardware ready for provisioning"...

You can follow this output to see the machine as it goes through the provisioning process.

After the node is initialized, completes all the Tinkerbell actions, and is booted into the installed operating system (Ubuntu or Bottlerocket), the new system starts cloud-init to do further configuration. At this point, the system will reach out to the Tinkerbell Hegel service to get its metadata.

If something goes wrong, viewing Hegel files can help you understand why a stuck system that has booted into Ubuntu or Bottlerocket has not joined the cluster yet. To see the Hegel logs, get the internal IP address for one of the new nodes. Then check for the names of Hegel logs and display the contents of one of those logs, searching for the IP address of the node:

kubectl get nodes -o wide
NAME        STATUS   ROLES                 AGE    VERSION               INTERNAL-IP    ...
eksa-da04   Ready    control-plane,master  9m5s   v1.22.10-eks-7dc61e8
kubectl get logs -n eksa-system | grep hegel
kubectl logs -n eksa-system hegel-n7ngs
..."Retrieved IP peer IP..."userIP":"

If the log shows you are getting requests from the node, the problem is not a cloud-init issue.

After the first machine successfully completes the workflow, each other machine repeats the same process until the initial set of machines is all up and running.

Tinkerbell moves to target cluster

Once the initial set of machines is up and the EKS Anywhere cluster is running, all the Tinkerbell services and components (including Boots) are moved to the new target cluster and run as pods on that cluster. Those services are deleted on the kind cluster on the Admin machine.

Reviewing the status

At this point, you can change your kubectl credentials to point at the new target cluster to get information about Tinkerbell services on the new cluster. For example:

export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

First check that the Tinkerbell pods are all running by listing pods from the eksa-system namespace:

kubectl get pods -n eksa-system
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
boots-5dc66b5d4-klhmj                       1/1     Running   0          3d
hegel-sbchp                                 1/1     Running   0          3d
rufio-controller-manager-5dcc568c79-9kllz   1/1     Running   0          3d
tink-controller-manager-54dc786db6-tm2c5    1/1     Running   0          3d
tink-server-5c494445bc-986sl                1/1     Running   0          3d

Next, check the list of Tinkerbell machines. If all of the machines were provisioned successfully, you should see true under the READY column for each one.

kubectl get tinkerbellmachine -A
NAMESPACE    NAME                                                   CLUSTER    STATE  READY  INSTANCEID                          MACHINE
eksa-system  mycluster-control-plane-template-1656099863422-pqq2q   mycluster         true   tinkerbell://eksa-system/eksa-da04  mycluster-72p72

You can also check the machines themselves. Watch the PHASE change from Provisioning to Provisioned to Running. The Running phase indicates that the machine is now running as a node on the new cluster:

kubectl get machines -n eksa-system
NAME              CLUSTER    NODENAME    PROVIDERID                         PHASE    AGE  VERSION
mycluster-72p72   mycluster  eksa-da04   tinkerbell://eksa-system/eksa-da04 Running  7m25s   v1.22.10-eks-1-22-8

Once you have confirmed that all your machines are successfully running as nodes on the target cluster, there is not much for Tinkerbell to do. It stays around to continue running the DHCP service and to be available to add more machines to the cluster.

2.4 - Customize HookOS for EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal

Customizing HookOS for EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal

To initially network boot bare metal machines used in EKS Anywhere clusters, Tinkerbell acquires a kernel and initial ramdisk that is referred to as the HookOS. A default HookOS is provided when you create an EKS Anywhere cluster. However, there may be cases where you want to override the default HookOS, such as to add drivers required to boot your particular type of hardware.

The following procedure describes how to get the Tinkerbell stack’s Hook/Linuxkit OS built locally. For more information on Tinkerbell’s Hook Installation Environment, see the Tinkerbell Hook repo .

  1. Clone the hook repo or your fork of that repo:

    git clone
    cd hook/
  2. Pull down the commit that EKS Anywhere is tracking for Hook:

    git checkout -b <new-branch> 03a67729d895635fe3c612e4feca3400b9336cc9

    NOTE: This commit number can be obtained from the EKS-A build tooling repo .

  3. Make changes shown in the following diff in the Makefile located in the root of the repo using your favorite editor.

    diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
    index e7fd844..8e87c78 100644
    --- a/Makefile
    +++ b/Makefile
    @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     ### !!NOTE!!
     # If this is changed then a fresh output dir is required (`git clean -fxd` or just `rm -rf out`)
     # Handling this better shows some of make's suckiness compared to newer build tools (redo, tup ...) where the command lines to tools invoked isn't tracked by make
    -ORG :=
    +ORG := localhost:5000/tinkerbell
     # makes sure there's no trailing / so we can just add them in the recipes which looks nicer
     ORG := $(shell echo "${ORG}" | sed 's|/*$$||')

    Changes above change the ORG variable to use a local registry (localhost:5000)

  4. Make changes shown in the following diff in the located in the root of the repo using your favorite editor.

    diff --git a/ b/
    index b2c5133..64e32b1 100644
    --- a/
    +++ b/
    @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
     ARCH = arm64
    -arches := amd64 arm64
    +arches := amd64
     modes := rel dbg
     hook-bootkit-deps := $(wildcard hook-bootkit/*)
    @@ -87,13 +87,12 @@ push-hook-bootkit push-hook-docker:
            docker buildx build --platform $$platforms --push -t $(ORG)/$(container):$T $(container)
     .PHONY: dist
    -dist: out/$T/rel/amd64/hook.tar out/$T/rel/arm64/hook.tar ## Build tarballs for distribution
    +dist: out/$T/rel/amd64/hook.tar ## Build tarballs for distribution
     dbg-dist: out/$T/dbg/$(ARCH)/hook.tar ## Build debug enabled tarball
     dist dbg-dist:
            for f in $^; do
            case $$f in
            *amd64*) arch=x86_64 ;;
     -      *arm64*) arch=aarch64 ;;
            *) echo unknown arch && exit 1;;
            d=$$(dirname $$(dirname $$f))

    Above changes are for the docker build command to only build for the immediately required platform (amd64 in this case) to save time.

  5. Modify the hook.yaml file located in the root of the repo with the following changes:

    diff --git a/hook.yaml b/hook.yaml
     index 0c5d789..b51b35e 100644
     net: host
    --- a/hook.yaml
    +++ b/hook.yaml
    @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    - image: (
    + image: localhost:5000/tinkerbell/hook-kernel:5.10.85
     cmdline: "console=tty0 console=ttyS0 console=ttyAMA0 console=ttysclp0"
     - linuxkit/init:v0.8
    @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ services:
     - /var/run:/var/run
     - name: docker
    - image: (
    + image: localhost:5000/tinkerbell/hook-docker:0.0
     - all
     net: host
    @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ services:
     - /var/run/docker
     - /var/run/worker
     - name: bootkit
    - image: (
    + image: localhost:5000/tinkerbell/hook-bootkit:0.0
     - all

    The changes above are for using local registry (localhost:5000) for hook-docker, hook-bootkit, and hook-kernel.

    NOTE: You may also need to modify the hook.yaml file if you want to add or change components that are used to build up the image. So far, for example, we have needed to change versions of init and getty and inject SSH keys. Take a look at the LinuxKit Examples site for examples.

  6. Make any planned custom modifications to the files under hook, if you are only making changes to bootkit or tink-docker.

  7. If you are modifying the kernel, such as to change kernel config parameters to add or modify drivers, follow these steps:

    • Change into kernel directory and make a local image for amd64 architecture:
    cd kernel; make kconfig_amd64
    • Run the image
    docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/src:z
    • You can now navigate to the source code and run the UI for configuring the kernel:
    cd linux-5-10
    make menuconfig
    • Once you have changed the necessary kernel configuration parameters, copy the new configuration:
    cp .config /src/config-5.10.x-x86_64

    Exit out of container into the repo’s kernel directory and run make:

    /linux-5.10.85 # exit
    user1 % make
  8. Install Linuxkit based on instructions from the LinuxKit page.

  9. Ensure that the linuxkit tool is in your PATH:

    export PATH=$PATH:/home/tink/linuxkit/bin
  10. Start a local registry:

    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -—name registry registry:2
  11. Compile by running the following in the root of the repo:

    make dist  
  12. Artifacts will be put under the dist directory in the repo’s root:

  13. To use the kernel (vmlinuz) and initial ram disk (initramfs) when you build your cluster, see the description of the hookImagesURLPath field in your Bare Metal configuration file.

3 - CloudStack

Preparing a CloudStack provider for EKS Anywhere

3.1 - Requirements for EKS Anywhere on CloudStack

CloudStack provider requirements for EKS Anywhere

To run EKS Anywhere, you will need:

Prepare Administrative machine

Set up an Administrative machine as described in Install EKS Anywhere .

Prepare a CloudStack environment

To prepare a CloudStack environment to run EKS Anywhere, you need the following:

  • A CloudStack 4.14 or later environment. CloudStack 4.16 is used for examples in these docs.

  • Capacity to deploy 6-10 VMs.

  • One shared network in CloudStack to use for the cluster. EKS Anywhere clusters need access to CloudStack through the network to enable self-managing and storage capabilities.

  • A Red Hat Enterprise Linux qcow2 image built using the image-builder tool as described in artifacts .

  • User credentials (CloudStack API key and Secret key) to create VMs and attach networks in CloudStack.

  • One IP address routable from the cluster but excluded from DHCP offering. This IP address is to be used as the Control Plane Endpoint IP. Below are some suggestions to ensure that this IP address is never handed out by your DHCP server. You may need to contact your network engineer.

    • Pick an IP address reachable from the cluster subnet which is excluded from DHCP range OR
    • Alter DHCP ranges to leave out an IP address(s) at the top and/or the bottom of the range OR
    • Create an IP reservation for this IP on your DHCP server. This is usually accomplished by adding a dummy mapping of this IP address to a non-existent mac address.

Each VM will require:

  • 2 vCPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 25GB Disk

The administrative machine and the target workload environment will need network access to:

CloudStack information needed before creating the cluster

You need at least the following information before creating the cluster. See CloudStack configuration for a complete list of options and Preparing CloudStack for instructions on creating the assets.

  • Static IP Addresses: You will need one IP address for the management cluster control plane endpoint, and a separate one for the controlplane of each workload cluster you add.

Let’s say you are going to have the management cluster and two workload clusters. For those, you would need three IP addresses, one for each. All of those addresses will be configured the same way in the configuration file you will generate for each cluster.

A static IP address will be used for each control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose IP addresses in your network range that do not conflict with other VMs and make sure they are excluded from your DHCP offering. An IP address will be the value of the property in the config file of the management cluster. A separate IP address must be assigned for each workload cluster.

  • CloudStack datacenter: You need the name of the CloudStack Datacenter plus the following for each Availability Zone (availabilityZones). Most items can be represented by name or ID:
    • Account (account): Account with permission to create a cluster (optional, admin by default).
    • Credentials (credentialsRef): Credentials provided in an ini file used to access the CloudStack API endpoint. See CloudStack Getting started for details.
    • Domain (domain): The CloudStack domain in which to deploy the cluster (optional, ROOT by default)
    • Management endpoint (managementApiEndpoint): Endpoint for a cloudstack client to make API calls to client.
    • Zone network ( Either name or ID of the network.
  • CloudStack machine configuration: For each set of machines (for example, you could configure separate set of machines for control plane, worker, and etcd nodes), obtain the following information. This must be predefined in the cloudStack instance and identified by name or ID:
    • Compute offering (computeOffering): Choose an existing compute offering (such as large-instance), reflecting the amount of resources to apply to each VM.
    • Operating system (template): Identifies the operating system image to use (such as rhel8-k8s-118).
    • Users ( Identifies users and SSH keys needed to access the VMs.

3.2 - Preparing CloudStack for EKS Anywhere

Set up a CloudStack cluster to prepare it for EKS Anywhere

Before you can create an EKS Anywhere cluster in CloudStack, you must do some setup on your CloudStack environment. This document helps you get what you need to fulfill the prerequisites described in the Requirements and values you need for CloudStack configuration .

Set up a domain and user credentials

Either use the ROOT domain or create a new domain to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster. One or more users are grouped under a domain. This example creates a user account for the domain with a Domain Administrator role. From the apachecloudstack console:

  1. Select Domains.

  2. Select Add Domain.

  3. Fill in the Name for the domain (eksa in this example) and select OK.

  4. Select Accounts -> Add Account, then fill in the form to add a user with DomainAdmin role, as shown in the following figure:

    Add a user account with the DomainAdmin role

  5. To generate API credentials for the user, select Accounts-> -> View Users -> and select the Generate Keys button.

  6. Select OK to confirm key generation. The API Key and Secret Key should appear as shown in the following figure:

    Generate API Key and Secret Key

  7. Copy the API Key and Secret Key to a credentials file to use when you generate your cluster. For example:

    api-url =
    api-key = OI7pm0xrPMYjLlMfqrEEj...
    secret-key = tPsgAECJwTHzbU4wMH...

Import template

You need to build at least one operating system image and import it as a template to use for your cluster nodes. Currently, only Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 images are supported. To build a RHEL-based image to use with EKS Anywhere, see Build node images .

  1. Make your image accessible from you local machine or from a URL that is accessible to your CloudStack setup.

  2. Select Images -> Templates, then select either Register Template from URL or Select local Template. The following figure lets you register a template from URL:

    Adding a RHEL-based EKS Anywhere image template

    This example imports a RHEL image (QCOW2), identifies the zone from which it will be available, uses KVM as the hypervisor, uses the osdefault Root disk controller, and identifies the OS Type as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0. Select OK to save the template.

  3. Note the template name and zone so you can use it later when you deploy your cluster.

Create CloudStack configurations

Take a look at the following CloudStack configuration settings before creating your EKS Anywhere cluster. You will need to identify many of these assets when you create you cluster specification:

DatacenterConfig information

Here is how to get information to go into the CloudStackDatacenterConfig section of the CloudStack cluster configuration file:

  • Domain: Select Domains, then select your domain name from under the ROOT domain. Select View Users, not the user with the Domain Admin role, and consider setting limits to what each user can consume from the Resources and Configure Limits tabs.

  • Zones: Select Infrastructure -> Zones. Find a Zone where you can deploy your cluster or create a new one.

    Select from available Zones

  • Network: Select Network -> Guest networks. Choose a network to use for your cluster or create a new one.

Here is what some of that information would look like in a cluster configuration:

kind: CloudStackDatacenterConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-datacenter
  - account: admin
    credentialsRef: global
    domain: eksa
    managementApiEndpoint: ""
    name: az-1
      name: Zone2
        name: "SharedNet2"

MachineConfig information

Here is how to get information to go into CloudStackMachineConfig sections of the CloudStack cluster configuration file:

  • computeOffering: Select Service Offerings -> Compute Offerings to see a list of available combinations of CPU cores, CPU, and memory to apply to your node instances. See the following figure for an example:

    Choose or add a compute offering to set node resources

  • template: Select Images -> Templates to see available operating system image templates.

  • diskOffering: Select Storage -> Volumes, the select Create Volume, if you want to create disk storage to attach to your nodes (optional). You can use this to store logs or other data you want saved outside of the nodes. When you later create the cluster configuration, you can identify things like where you want the device mounted, the type of file system, labels and other information.

  • AffinityGroupIds: Select Compute -> Affinity Groups, then select Add new affinity group (optional). By creating an affinity group, you can tell all VMs from a set of instances to either all run on different physical hosts (anti-affinity) or just run anywhere they can (affinity).

Here is what some of that information would look like in a cluster configuration:

kind: CloudStackMachineConfig
  name: my-cluster-name-cp
    name: "Medium Instance"
    name: "rhel8-kube-1.23-eksa"
    name: "Small"
    mountPath: "/data-small"
    device: "/dev/vdb"
    filesystem: "ext4"
    label: "data_disk"
    /var/log/kubernetes: /data-small/var/log/kubernetes
  - control-plane-anti-affinity

4 - Nutanix

Preparing a Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure provider for EKS Anywhere

See Create Nutanix production cluster to learn how to set up EKS Anywhere on Nutanix. Documents below describe how to prepare your Nutanix environment.

4.1 - Requirements for EKS Anywhere on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure

Preparing a Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure provider for EKS Anywhere

To run EKS Anywhere, you will need:

Prepare Administrative machine

Set up an Administrative machine as described in Install EKS Anywhere .

Prepare a Nutanix environment

To prepare a Nutanix environment to run EKS Anywhere, you need the following:

  • A Nutanix environment running AOS 5.20.4+ with AHV and Prism Central 2022.1+

  • Capacity to deploy 6-10 VMs

  • DHCP service or Nutanix IPAM running in your environment in the primary VM network for your workload cluster

  • One network in AOS to use for the cluster. EKS Anywhere clusters need access to Prism Central through the network to enable self-managing and storage capabilities.

  • A VM image imported into the Prism Image Service for the workload VMs

  • User credentials to create VMs and attach networks, etc

  • One IP address routable from cluster but excluded from DHCP/IPAM offering. This IP address is to be used as the Control Plane Endpoint IP

    Below are some suggestions to ensure that this IP address is never handed out by your DHCP server.

    You may need to contact your network engineer.

    • Pick an IP address reachable from cluster subnet which is excluded from DHCP range OR
    • Alter DHCP ranges to leave out an IP address(s) at the top and/or the bottom of the range OR
    • Create an IP reservation for this IP on your DHCP server. This is usually accomplished by adding a dummy mapping of this IP address to a non-existent mac address.
    • Block an IP address from the Nutanix IPAM managed network using aCLI

Each VM will require:

  • 2 vCPUs
  • 4GB RAM
  • 40GB Disk

The administrative machine and the target workload environment will need network access to:

  • Prism Central endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
  • Prism Element Data Services IP and CVM endpoints (for CSI storage connections)
  • (for pulling EKS Anywhere container images)
  • (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries and manifests)
  • (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
  • (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
  • (only if GitOps is enabled)

Nutanix information needed before creating the cluster

You need to get the following information before creating the cluster:

  • Static IP Addresses: You will need one IP address for the management cluster control plane endpoint, and a separate one for the controlplane of each workload cluster you add.

    Let’s say you are going to have the management cluster and two workload clusters. For those, you would need three IP addresses, one for each. All of those addresses will be configured the same way in the configuration file you will generate for each cluster.

    A static IP address will be used for control plane API server HA in each of your EKS Anywhere clusters. Choose IP addresses in your network range that do not conflict with other VMs and make sure they are excluded from your DHCP offering.

    An IP address will be the value of the property in the config file of the management cluster. A separate IP address must be assigned for each workload cluster.

    Import ova wizard

  • Prism Central FQDN or IP Address: The Prism Central fully qualified domain name or IP address.

  • Prism Element Cluster Name: The AOS cluster to deploy the EKS Anywhere cluster on.

  • VM Subnet Name: The VM network to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on.

  • Machine Template Image Name: The VM image to use for your EKS Anywhere cluster.

  • additionalTrustBundle (required if using a self-signed PC SSL certificate): The PEM encoded CA trust bundle of the root CA that issued the certificate for Prism Central.

4.2 - Preparing Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure for EKS Anywhere

Set up a Nutanix cluster to prepare it for EKS Anywhere

Certain resources must be in place with appropriate user permissions to create an EKS Anywhere cluster using the Nutanix provider.

Configuring Nutanix User

You need a Prism Admin user to create EKS Anywhere clusters on top of your Nutanix cluster.

Build Nutanix AHV node images

Follow the steps outlined in artifacts to create a Ubuntu-based image for Nutanix AHV and import it into the AOS Image Service.

4.3 -

  • Prism Central endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
  • Prism Element Data Services IP and CVM endpoints (for CSI storage connections)
  • (for pulling EKS Anywhere container images)
  • (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries and manifests)
  • (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
  • (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
  • (only if GitOps is enabled)

5 - VMware vSphere

Preparing a VMware vSphere provider for EKS Anywhere

5.1 - Requirements for EKS Anywhere on VMware vSphere

Preparing a VMware vSphere provider for EKS Anywhere

To run EKS Anywhere, you will need:

Prepare Administrative machine

Set up an Administrative machine as described in Install EKS Anywhere .

Prepare a VMware vSphere environment

To prepare a VMware vSphere environment to run EKS Anywhere, you need the following:

  • A vSphere 7+ environment running vCenter

  • Capacity to deploy 6-10 VMs

  • DHCP service running in vSphere environment in the primary VM network for your workload cluster

  • One network in vSphere to use for the cluster. EKS Anywhere clusters need access to vCenter through the network to enable self-managing and storage capabilities.

  • An OVA imported into vSphere and converted into a template for the workload VMs

  • User credentials to create VMs and attach networks, etc

  • One IP address routable from cluster but excluded from DHCP offering. This IP address is to be used as the Control Plane Endpoint IP

    Below are some suggestions to ensure that this IP address is never handed out by your DHCP server.

    You may need to contact your network engineer.

    • Pick an IP address reachable from cluster subnet which is excluded from DHCP range OR
    • Alter DHCP ranges to leave out an IP address(s) at the top and/or the bottom of the range OR
    • Create an IP reservation for this IP on your DHCP server. This is usually accomplished by adding a dummy mapping of this IP address to a non-existent mac address.

Each VM will require:

  • 2 vCPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 25GB Disk

The administrative machine and the target workload environment will need network access to:

  • vCenter endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
  • (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries, manifests and OVAs)
  • (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
  • (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
  • (only if GitOps is enabled)

vSphere information needed before creating the cluster

You need to get the following information before creating the cluster:

  • Static IP Addresses: You will need one IP address for the management cluster control plane endpoint, and a separate one for the controlplane of each workload cluster you add.

    Let’s say you are going to have the management cluster and two workload clusters. For those, you would need three IP addresses, one for each. All of those addresses will be configured the same way in the configuration file you will generate for each cluster.

    A static IP address will be used for each control plane VM in your EKS Anywhere cluster. Choose IP addresses in your network range that do not conflict with other VMs and make sure they are excluded from your DHCP offering.

    An IP address will be the value of the property in the config file of the management cluster. A separate IP address must be assigned for each workload cluster.

    Import ova wizard

  • vSphere Datacenter Name: The vSphere datacenter to deploy the EKS Anywhere cluster on.

    Import ova wizard

  • VM Network Name: The VM network to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on.

    Import ova wizard

  • vCenter Server Domain Name: The vCenter server fully qualified domain name or IP address. If the server IP is used, the thumbprint must be set or insecure must be set to true.

    Import ova wizard

  • thumbprint (required if insecure=false): The SHA1 thumbprint of the vCenter server certificate which is only required if you have a self-signed certificate for your vSphere endpoint.

    There are several ways to obtain your vCenter thumbprint. If you have govc installed , you can run the following command in the Administrative machine terminal, and take a note of the output:

    govc about.cert -thumbprint -k
  • template: The VM template to use for your EKS Anywhere cluster. This template was created when you imported the OVA file into vSphere.

    Import ova wizard

  • datastore: The vSphere datastore to deploy your EKS Anywhere cluster on.

    Import ova wizard

  • folder: The folder parameter in VSphereMachineConfig allows you to organize the VMs of an EKS Anywhere cluster. With this, each cluster can be organized as a folder in vSphere. You will have a separate folder for the management cluster and each cluster you are adding.

    Import ova wizard

  • resourcePool: The vSphere Resource pools for your VMs in the EKS Anywhere cluster. If there is a resource pool: /<datacenter>/host/<resource-pool-name>/Resources

    Import ova wizard

5.2 - Preparing vSphere for EKS Anywhere

Set up a vSphere cluster to prepare it for EKS Anywhere

Certain resources must be in place with appropriate user permissions to create an EKS Anywhere cluster using the vSphere provider.

Configuring Folder Resources

Create a VM folder:

For each user that needs to create workload clusters, have the vSphere administrator create a VM folder. That folder will host:

  • The VMs of the Control plane and Data plane nodes of each cluster.
  • A nested folder for the management cluster and another one for each workload cluster.
  • Each cluster VM in its own nested folder under this folder.

Follow these steps to create the user’s vSphere folder:

  1. From vCenter, select the Menus/VM and Template tab.
  2. Select either a datacenter or another folder as a parent object for the folder that you want to create.
  3. Right-click the parent object and click New Folder.
  4. Enter a name for the folder and click OK. For more details, see the vSphere Create a Folder documentation.

Configuring vSphere User, Group, and Roles

You need a vSphere user with the right privileges to let you create EKS Anywhere clusters on top of your vSphere cluster.

Configure via EKSA CLI

To configure a new user via CLI, you will need two things:

  • a set of vSphere admin credentials with the ability to create users and groups. If you do not have the rights to create new groups and users, you can invoke govc commands directly as outlined here.
  • a user.yaml file:
apiVersion: ""
kind: vSphereUser
  username: "eksa"                # optional, default eksa
  group: "MyExistingGroup"        # optional, default EKSAUsers
  globalRole: "MyGlobalRole"      # optional, default EKSAGlobalRole
  userRole: "MyUserRole"          # optional, default EKSAUserRole
  adminRole: "MyEKSAAdminRole"    # optional, default EKSACloudAdminRole
  datacenter: "MyDatacenter"
  vSphereDomain: "vsphere.local"  # this should be the domain used when you login, e.g. YourUsername@vsphere.local
    server: ""
    insecure: false
      - !!str "/MyDatacenter/network/My Network"
      - !!str "/MyDatacenter/datastore/MyDatastore2"
      - !!str "/MyDatacenter/host/Cluster-03/MyResourcePool" # NOTE: see below if you do not want to use a resource pool
      - !!str "/MyDatacenter/vm/OrgDirectory/MyVMs"
      - !!str "/MyDatacenter/vm/Templates/MyTemplates"

NOTE: if you do not want to create a resource pool, you can instead specify the cluster directly as /MyDatacenter/host/Cluster-03 in user.yaml, where Cluster-03 is your cluster name. In your cluster spec, you will need to specify /MyDatacenter/host/Cluster-03/Resources for the resourcePool field.

Set the admin credentials as environment variables:


If the user does not already exist, you can create the user and all the specified group and role objects by running:

eksctl anywhere exp vsphere setup user -f user.yaml --password '<NewUserPassword>'

If the user or any of the group or role objects already exist, use the force flag instead to overwrite Group-Role-Object mappings for the group, roles, and objects specified in the user.yaml config file:

eksctl anywhere exp vsphere setup user -f user.yaml --force

Please note that there is one more manual step to configure global permissions here .

Configure via govc

If you do not have the rights to create a new user, you can still configure the necessary roles and permissions using the govc cli .

#! /bin/bash
# govc calls to configure a user with minimal permissions
set -x
set -e




govc role.create "$GLOBAL_ROLE" $(curl | jq .[] | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -d '"')

govc role.create "$USER_ROLE" $(curl | jq .[] | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -d '"')

govc role.create "$ADMIN_ROLE" $(curl | jq .[] | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -d '"')

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$GLOBAL_ROLE" /

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$ADMIN_ROLE" "$FOLDER_VM"

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$ADMIN_ROLE" "$FOLDER_TEMPLATES"

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$USER_ROLE" "$NETWORK"

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$USER_ROLE" "$DATASTORE"

govc permissions.set -group=false -principal "$EKSA_USER"  -role "$USER_ROLE" "$RESOURCE_POOL"

NOTE: if you do not want to create a resource pool, you can instead specify the cluster directly as /MyDatacenter/host/Cluster-03 in user.yaml, where Cluster-03 is your cluster name. In your cluster spec, you will need to specify /MyDatacenter/host/Cluster-03/Resources for the resourcePool field.

Please note that there is one more manual step to configure global permissions here .

Configure via UI

Add a vCenter User

Ask your VSphere administrator to add a vCenter user that will be used for the provisioning of the EKS Anywhere cluster in VMware vSphere.

  1. Log in with the vSphere Client to the vCenter Server.
  2. Specify the user name and password for a member of the vCenter Single Sign-On Administrators group.
  3. Navigate to the vCenter Single Sign-On user configuration UI.
    • From the Home menu, select Administration.
    • Under Single Sign On, click Users and Groups.
  4. If vsphere.local is not the currently selected domain, select it from the drop-down menu. You cannot add users to other domains.
  5. On the Users tab, click Add.
  6. Enter a user name and password for the new user.
  7. The maximum number of characters allowed for the user name is 300.
  8. You cannot change the user name after you create a user. The password must meet the password policy requirements for the system.
  9. Click Add.

For more details, see vSphere Add vCenter Single Sign-On Users documentation.

Create and define user roles

When you add a user for creating clusters, that user initially has no privileges to perform management operations. So you have to add this user to groups with the required permissions, or assign a role or roles with the required permission to this user.

Three roles are needed to be able to create the EKS Anywhere cluster:

  1. Create a global custom role: For example, you could name this EKS Anywhere Global. Define it for the user on the vCenter domain level and its children objects. Create this role with the following privileges:

    > Content Library
    * Add library item
    * Check in a template
    * Check out a template
    * Create local library
    * Update files
    > vSphere Tagging
    * Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag
    * Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag on Object
    * Create vSphere Tag
    * Create vSphere Tag Category
    * Delete vSphere Tag
    * Delete vSphere Tag Category
    * Edit vSphere Tag
    * Edit vSphere Tag Category
    * Modify UsedBy Field For Category
    * Modify UsedBy Field For Tag
    > Sessions
    * Validate session
  2. Create a user custom role: The second role is also a custom role that you could call, for example, EKSAUserRole. Define this role with the following objects and children objects.

    • The pool resource level and its children objects. This resource pool that our EKS Anywhere VMs will be part of.
    • The storage object level and its children objects. This storage that will be used to store the cluster VMs.
    • The network VLAN object level and its children objects. This network that will host the cluster VMs.
    • The VM and Template folder level and its children objects.

    Create this role with the following privileges:

    > Content Library
    * Add library item
    * Check in a template
    * Check out a template
    * Create local library
    > Datastore
    * Allocate space
    * Browse datastore
    * Low level file operations
    > Folder
    * Create folder
    > vSphere Tagging
    * Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag
    * Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag on Object
    * Create vSphere Tag
    * Create vSphere Tag Category
    * Delete vSphere Tag
    * Delete vSphere Tag Category
    * Edit vSphere Tag
    * Edit vSphere Tag Category
    * Modify UsedBy Field For Category
    * Modify UsedBy Field For Tag
    > Network
    * Assign network
    > Resource
    * Assign virtual machine to resource pool
    > Scheduled task
    * Create tasks
    * Modify task
    * Remove task
    * Run task
    > Profile-driven storage
    * Profile-driven storage view
    > Storage views
    * View
    > vApp
    * Import
    > Virtual machine
    * Change Configuration
      - Add existing disk
      - Add new disk
      - Add or remove device
      - Advanced configuration
      - Change CPU count
      - Change Memory
      - Change Settings
      - Configure Raw device
      - Extend virtual disk
      - Modify device settings
      - Remove disk
    * Edit Inventory
      - Create from existing
      - Create new
      - Remove
    * Interaction
      - Power off
      - Power on
    * Provisioning
      - Clone template
      - Clone virtual machine
      - Create template from virtual machine
      - Customize guest
      - Deploy template
      - Mark as template
      - Read customization specifications
    * Snapshot management
      - Create snapshot
      - Remove snapshot
      - Revert to snapshot
  3. Create a default Administrator role: The third role is the default system role Administrator that you define to the user on the folder level and its children objects (VMs and OVA templates) that was created by the VSphere admistrator for you.

    To create a role and define privileges check Create a vCenter Server Custom Role and Defined Privileges pages.

Manually set Global Permissions role in Global Permissions UI

vSphere does not currently support a public API for setting global permissions. Because of this, you will need to manually assign the Global Role you created to your user or group in the Global Permissions UI.

Deploy an OVA Template

If the user creating the cluster has permission and network access to create and tag a template, you can skip these steps because EKS Anywhere will automatically download the OVA and create the template if it can. If the user does not have the permissions or network access to create and tag the template, follow this guide. The OVA contains the operating system (Ubuntu, Bottlerocket, or RHEL) for a specific EKS Distro Kubernetes release and EKS Anywhere version. The following example uses Ubuntu as the operating system, but a similar workflow would work for Bottlerocket or RHEL.

Steps to deploy the OVA

  1. Go to the artifacts page and download or build the OVA template with the newest EKS Distro Kubernetes release to your computer.
  2. Log in to the vCenter Server.
  3. Right-click the folder you created above and select Deploy OVF Template. The Deploy OVF Template wizard opens.
  4. On the Select an OVF template page, select the Local file option, specify the location of the OVA template you downloaded to your computer, and click Next.
  5. On the Select a name and folder page, enter a unique name for the virtual machine or leave the default generated name, if you do not have other templates with the same name within your vCenter Server virtual machine folder. The default deployment location for the virtual machine is the inventory object where you started the wizard, which is the folder you created above. Click Next.
  6. On the Select a compute resource page, select the resource pool where to run the deployed VM template, and click Next.
  7. On the Review details page, verify the OVF or OVA template details and click Next.
  8. On the Select storage page, select a datastore to store the deployed OVF or OVA template and click Next.
  9. On the Select networks page, select a source network and map it to a destination network. Click Next.
  10. On the Ready to complete page, review the page and click Finish. For details, see Deploy an OVF or OVA Template

To build your own Ubuntu OVA template check the Building your own Ubuntu OVA section in the following link .

To use the deployed OVA template to create the VMs for the EKS Anywhere cluster, you have to tag it with specific values for the os and eksdRelease keys. The value of the os key is the operating system of the deployed OVA template, which is ubuntu in our scenario. The value of the eksdRelease holds kubernetes and the EKS-D release used in the deployed OVA template. Check the following Customize OVAs page for more details.

Steps to tag the deployed OVA template:

  1. Go to the artifacts page and take notes of the tags and values associated with the OVA template you deployed in the previous step.
  2. In the vSphere Client, select Menu > Tags & Custom Attributes.
  3. Select the Tags tab and click Tags.
  4. Click New.
  5. In the Create Tag dialog box, copy the os tag name associated with your OVA that you took notes of, which in our case is os:ubuntu and paste it as the name for the first tag required.
  6. Specify the tag category os if it exist or create it if it does not exist.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Repeat steps 2-4.
  9. In the Create Tag dialog box, copy the os tag name associated with your OVA that you took notes of, which in our case is eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-21-eks-8 and paste it as the name for the second tag required.
  10. Specify the tag category eksdRelease if it exist or create it if it does not exist.
  11. Click Create.
  12. Navigate to the VM and Template tab.
  13. Select the folder that was created.
  14. Select deployed template and click Actions.
  15. From the drop-down menu, select Tags and Custom Attributes > Assign Tag.
  16. Select the tags we created from the list and confirm the operation.

5.3 - Customize OVAs: Ubuntu

Customizing Imported Ubuntu OVAs

There may be a need to make specific configuration changes on the imported ova template before using it to create/update EKS-A clusters.

Set up SSH Access for Imported OVA

SSH user and key need to be configured in order to allow SSH login to the VM template

Clone template to VM

Create an environment variable to hold the name of modified VM/template

export VM=<vm-name>

Clone the imported OVA template to create VM

govc vm.clone -on=false -vm=<full-path-to-imported-template> - folder=<full-path-to-folder-that-will-contain-the-VM> -ds=<datastore> $VM

Configure VM with cloud-init and the VMX GuestInfo datasource

Create a metadata.yaml file

instance-id: cloud-vm
local-hostname: cloud-vm
  version: 2
        name: ens*
      dhcp4: yes

Create a userdata.yaml file


  - default
  - name: <username>
    primary_group: <username>
    groups: sudo, wheel
    ssh_import_id: None
    lock_passwd: true
    - <user's ssh public key>

Export environment variable containing the cloud-init metadata and userdata

export METADATA=$(gzip -c9 <metadata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; }) \
       USERDATA=$(gzip -c9 <userdata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; })

Assign metadata and userdata to VM’s guestinfo

govc vm.change -vm "${VM}" \
  -e guestinfo.metadata="${METADATA}" \
  -e guestinfo.metadata.encoding="gzip+base64" \
  -e guestinfo.userdata="${USERDATA}" \
  -e guestinfo.userdata.encoding="gzip+base64"

Power the VM on

govc vm.power -on “$VM”

Customize the VM

Once the VM is powered on and fetches an IP address, ssh into the VM using your private key corresponding to the public key specified in userdata.yaml

ssh -i <private-key-file> username@<VM-IP>

At this point, you can make the desired configuration changes on the VM. The following sections describe some of the things you may want to do:

Add a Certificate Authority

Copy your CA certificate under /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run sudo update-ca-certificates which will place the certificate under the /etc/ssl/certs directory.

Add Authentication Credentials for a Private Registry

If /etc/containerd/config.toml is not present initially, the default configuration can be generated by running the containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml command. To configure a credential for a specific registry, create/modify the /etc/containerd/config.toml as follows:

# explicitly use v2 config format
version = 2

# The registry host has to be a domain name or IP. Port number is also
# needed if the default HTTPS or HTTP port is not used.
  username = ""
  password = ""
  auth = ""
  identitytoken = ""
 # The registry host has to be a domain name or IP. Port number is also
 # needed if the default HTTPS or HTTP port is not used.
  username = ""
  password = ""
  auth = ""
  identitytoken = ""

Restart containerd service with the sudo systemctl restart containerd command.

Convert VM to a Template

After you have customized the VM, you need to convert it to a template.

Cleanup the machine and power off the VM

This step is needed because of a known issue in Ubuntu which results in the clone VMs getting the same DHCP IP

sudo su
echo -n > /etc/machine-id
rm /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
ln -s /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
cloud-init clean -l --machine-id

Delete the hostname from file


Delete the networking config file

rm -rf /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

Edit the cloud init config to turn preserve_hostname to false

vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

Power the VM down

govc vm.power -off "$VM"

Take a snapshot of the VM

It is recommended to take a snapshot of the VM as it reduces the provisioning time for the machines and makes cluster creation faster.

If you do snapshot the VM, you will not be able to customize the disk size of your cluster VMs. If you prefer not to take a snapshot, skip this step.

govc snapshot.create -vm "$VM" root

Convert VM to template

govc vm.markastemplate $VM

Tag the template appropriately as described here

Use this customized template to create/upgrade EKS Anywhere clusters

5.4 - Import OVAs

Importing EKS Anywhere OVAs to vSphere

If you want to specify an OVA template, you will need to import OVA files into vSphere before you can use it in your EKS Anywhere cluster. This guide was written using VMware Cloud on AWS, but the VMware OVA import guide can be found here .

EKS Anywhere supports the following operating system families

  • Bottlerocket (default)
  • Ubuntu
  • RHEL

A list of OVAs for this release can be found on the artifacts page .

Using vCenter Web User Interface

  1. Right click on your Datacenter, select Deploy OVF Template Import ova drop down

  2. Select an OVF template using URL or selecting a local OVF file and click on Next. If you are not able to select an OVF template using URL, download the file and use Local file option.

    Note: If you are using Bottlerocket OVAs, please select local file option. Import ova wizard

  3. Select a folder where you want to deploy your OVF package (most of our OVF templates are under SDDC-Datacenter directory) and click on Next. You cannot have an OVF template with the same name in one directory. For workload VM templates, leave the Kubernetes version in the template name for reference. A workload VM template will support at least one prior Kubernetes major versions. Import ova wizard

  4. Select any compute resource to run (from cluster-1,, etc..) the deployed VM and click on Next Import ova wizard

  5. Review the details and click Next.

  6. Accept the agreement and click Next.

  7. Select the appropriate storage (e.g. “WorkloadDatastore“) and click Next.

  8. Select destination network (e.g. “sddc-cgw-network-1”) and click Next.

  9. Finish.

  10. Snapshot the VM. Right click on the imported VM and select Snapshots -> Take Snapshot… (It is highly recommended that you snapshot the VM. This will reduce the time it takes to provision machines and cluster creation will be faster. If you prefer not to take snapshot, skip to step 13) Import ova wizard

  11. Name your template (e.g. “root”) and click Create. Import ova wizard

  12. Snapshots for the imported VM should now show up under the Snapshots tab for the VM. Import ova wizard

  13. Right click on the imported VM and select Template and Convert to Template Import ova wizard

Steps to deploy a template using GOVC (CLI)

To deploy a template using govc, you must first ensure that you have GOVC installed . You need to set and export three environment variables to run govc GOVC_USERNAME, GOVC_PASSWORD and GOVC_URL.

  1. Import the template to a content library in vCenter using URL or selecting a local OVA file

    Using URL:

    govc library.import -k -pull <library name> <URL for the OVA file>

    Using a file from the local machine:

    govc library.import <library name> <path to OVA file on local machine>
  2. Deploy the template

    govc library.deploy -pool <resource pool> -folder <folder location to deploy template> /<library name>/<template name> <name of new VM>

    2a. If using Bottlerocket template for newer Kubernetes version than 1.21, resize disk 1 to 22G

    govc vm.disk.change -vm <template name> -disk.label "Hard disk 1" -size 22G

    2b. If using Bottlerocket template for Kubernetes version 1.21, resize disk 2 to 20G

    govc vm.disk.change -vm <template name> -disk.label "Hard disk 2" -size 20G
  3. Take a snapshot of the VM (It is highly recommended that you snapshot the VM. This will reduce the time it takes to provision machines and cluster creation will be faster. If you prefer not to take snapshot, skip this step)

    govc snapshot.create -vm ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.25.6 root
  4. Mark the new VM as a template

    govc vm.markastemplate <name of new VM>

Important Additional Steps to Tag the OVA

Using vCenter UI

Tag to indicate OS family

  1. Select the template that was newly created in the steps above and navigate to Summary -> Tags. Import ova wizard
  2. Click Assign -> Add Tag to create a new tag and attach it Import ova wizard
  3. Name the tag os:ubuntu or os:bottlerocket Import ova wizard

Tag to indicate eksd release

  1. Select the template that was newly created in the steps above and navigate to Summary -> Tags. Import ova wizard
  2. Click Assign -> Add Tag to create a new tag and attach it Import ova wizard
  3. Name the tag eksdRelease:{eksd release for the selected ova}, for example eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-25-eks-5 for the 1.25 ova. You can find the rest of eksd releases in the previous section . If it’s the first time you add an eksdRelease tag, you would need to create the category first. Click on “Create New Category” and name it eksdRelease. Import ova wizard

Using govc

Tag to indicate OS family

  1. Create tag category
govc tags.category.create -t VirtualMachine os
  1. Create tags os:ubuntu and os:bottlerocket
govc tags.create -c os os:bottlerocket
govc tags.create -c os os:ubuntu
  1. Attach newly created tag to the template
govc tags.attach os:bottlerocket <Template Path>
govc tags.attach os:ubuntu <Template Path>
  1. Verify tag is attached to the template
govc <Template Path> 

Tag to indicate eksd release

  1. Create tag category
govc tags.category.create -t VirtualMachine eksdRelease
  1. Create the proper eksd release Tag, depending on your template. You can find the eksd releases in the previous section . For example eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-25-eks-5 for the 1.25 template.
govc tags.create -c eksdRelease eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-25-eks-5
  1. Attach newly created tag to the template
govc tags.attach eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-25-eks-5 <Template Path>
  1. Verify tag is attached to the template
govc <Template Path> 

After you are done you can use the template for your workload cluster.

5.5 - Custom DHCP Configuration

Create a custom DHCP configuration for your vSphere deployment

If your vSphere deployment is not configured with DHCP, you may want to run your own DHCP server. It may be necessary to turn off DHCP snooping on your switch to get DHCP working across VM servers. If you are running your administration machine in vSphere, it would most likely be easiest to run the DHCP server on that machine. This example is for Ubuntu.


Install DHCP server

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

Configure /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Update the ip address range, subnet, mask, etc to suite your configuration similar to this:

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
ddns-update-style none;
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
 option domain-name-servers;

Configure /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server

Add the main NIC device interface to this file, such as eth0 (this example uses ens160).


Restart DHCP

service isc-dhcp-server restart

Verify your configuration

This example assumes the ens160 interface:

tcpdump -ni ens160 port 67 -vvvv
tcpdump: listening on ens160, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
09:13:54.297704 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 64, id 40258, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 327) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:50:56:90:56:cf, length 299, xid 0xf7a5aac5, secs 50310, Flags [none] (0x0000)
          Client-Ethernet-Address 00:50:56:90:56:cf
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Request
            Client-ID Option 61, length 19: hardware-type 255, 2d:1a:a1:33:00:02:00:00:ab:11:f2:c8:ef:ba:aa:5a:2f:33
            Parameter-Request Option 55, length 11:
              Subnet-Mask, Default-Gateway, Hostname, Domain-Name
              Domain-Name-Server, MTU, Static-Route, Classless-Static-Route
              Option 119, NTP, Option 120
            MSZ Option 57, length 2: 576
            Hostname Option 12, length 15: "prod-etcd-m8ctd"
            END Option 255, length 0
09:13:54.299762 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56218, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 328) > [bad udp cksum 0xe766 -> 0x502f!] BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300, xid 0xf7a5aac5, secs 50310, Flags [none] (0x0000)
          Client-Ethernet-Address 00:50:56:90:56:cf
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: ACK
            Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
            Lease-Time Option 51, length 4: 600
            Subnet-Mask Option 1, length 4:
            Default-Gateway Option 3, length 4:
            Domain-Name-Server Option 6, length 4:
            END Option 255, length 0
            PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 26

5.6 -

  • vCenter endpoint (must be accessible to EKS Anywhere clusters)
  • (to download the EKS Anywhere binaries, manifests and OVAs)
  • (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
  • (for EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container images)
  • (only if GitOps is enabled)

6 - Security best practices

Using security best practices with your EKS Anywhere deployments

If you discover a potential security issue in this project, we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page . Please do not create a public GitHub issue for security problems.

This guide provides advice about best practices for EKS Anywhere specific security concerns. For a more complete treatment of Kubernetes security generally please refer to the official Kubernetes documentation on Securing a Cluster and the Amazon EKS Best Practices Guide for Security .

The Shared Responsibility Model and EKS-A

AWS Cloud Services follow the Shared Responsibility Model, where AWS is responsible for security “of” the cloud, while the customer is responsible for security “in” the cloud. However, EKS Anywhere is an open-source tool and the distribution of responsibility differs from that of a managed cloud service like EKS.

AWS Responsibilities

AWS is responsible for building and delivering a secure tool. This tool will provision an initially secure Kubernetes cluster.

AWS is responsible for vetting and securely sourcing the services and tools packaged with EKS Anywhere and the cluster it creates (such as CoreDNS, Cilium, Flux, CAPI, and govc).

The EKS Anywhere build and delivery infrastructure, or supply chain, is secured to the standard of any AWS service and AWS takes responsibility for the secure and reliable delivery of a quality product which provisions a secure and stable Kubernetes cluster. When the eksctl anywhere plugin is executed, EKS Anywhere components are automatically downloaded from AWS. eksctl will then perform checksum verification on the components to ensure their authenticity.

AWS is responsible for the secure development and testing of the EKS Anywhere controller and associated custom resource definitions.

AWS is responsible for the secure development and testing of the EKS Anywhere CLI, and ensuring it handles sensitive data and cluster resources securely.

End user responsibilities

The end user is responsible for the entire EKS Anywhere cluster after it has been provisioned. AWS provides a mechanism to upgrade the cluster in-place, but it is the responsibility of the end user to perform that upgrade using the provided tools. End users are responsible for operating their clusters in accordance with Kubernetes security best practices, and for the ongoing security of the cluster after it has been provisioned. This includes but is not limited to:

  • creation or modification of RBAC roles and bindings
  • creation or modification of namespaces
  • modification of the default container network interface plugin
  • configuration of network ingress and load balancing
  • use and configuration of container storage interfaces
  • the inclusion of add-ons and other services

End users are also responsible for:

  • The hardware and software which make up the infrastructure layer (such as vSphere, ESXi, physical servers, and physical network infrastructure).

  • The ongoing maintenance of the cluster nodes, including the underlying guest operating systems. Additionally, while EKS Anywhere provides a streamlined process for upgrading a cluster to a new Kubernetes version, it is the responsibility of the user to perform the upgrade as necessary.

  • Any applications which run “on” the cluster, including their secure operation, least privilege, and use of well-known and vetted container images.

EKS Anywhere Security Best Practices

This section captures EKS Anywhere specific security best practices. Please read this section carefully and follow any guidance to ensure the ongoing security and reliability of your EKS Anywhere cluster.

Critical Namespaces

EKS Anywhere creates and uses resources in several critical namespaces. All of the EKS Anywhere managed namespaces should be treated as sensitive and access should be limited to only the most trusted users and processes. Allowing additional access or modifying the existing RBAC resources could potentially allow a subject to access the namespace and the resources that it contains. This could lead to the exposure of secrets or the failure of your cluster due to modification of critical resources. Here are rules you should follow when dealing with critical namespaces:

  • Avoid creating Roles in these namespaces or providing users access to them with ClusterRoles . For more information about creating limited roles for day-to-day administration and development, please see the official introduction to Role Based Access Control (RBAC) .

  • Do not modify existing Roles in these namespaces, bind existing roles to additional subjects , or create new Roles in the namespace.

  • Do not modify existing ClusterRoles or bind them to additional subjects.

  • Avoid using the cluster-admin role, as it grants permissions over all namespaces.

  • No subjects except for the most trusted administrators should be permitted to perform ANY action in the critical namespaces.

The critical namespaces include:

  • eksa-system
  • capv-system
  • flux-system
  • capi-system
  • capi-webhook-system
  • capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
  • capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system
  • cert-manager
  • kube-system (as with any Kubernetes cluster, this namespace is critical to the functioning of your cluster and should be treated with the highest level of sensitivity.)


EKS Anywhere stores sensitive information, like the vSphere credentials and GitHub Personal Access Token, in the cluster as native Kubernetes secrets . These secret objects are namespaced, for example in the eksa-system and flux-system namespace, and limiting access to the sensitive namespaces will ensure that these secrets will not be exposed. Additionally, limit access to the underlying node. Access to the node could allow access to the secret content.

EKS Anywhere does not currently support encryption-at-rest for Kubernetes secrets. EKS Anywhere support for Key Management Services (KMS) is planned.

The EKS Anywhere kubeconfig file

eksctl anywhere create cluster creates an EKS Anywhere-based Kubernetes cluster and outputs a kubeconfig file with administrative privileges to the $PWD/$CLUSTER_NAME directory.

By default, this kubeconfig file uses certificate-based authentication and contains the user certificate data for the administrative user.

The kubeconfig file grants administrative privileges over your cluster to the bearer and the certificate key should be treated as you would any other private key or administrative password.

The EKS Anywhere-generated kubeconfig file should only be used for interacting with the cluster via eksctl anywhere commands, such as upgrade, and for the most privileged administrative tasks. For more information about creating limited roles for day-to-day administration and development, please see the official introduction to Role Based Access Control (RBAC) .


GitOps enabled EKS Anywhere clusters maintain a copy of their cluster configuration in the user provided Git repository. This configuration acts as the source of truth for the cluster. Changes made to this configuration will be reflected in the cluster configuration.

AWS recommends that you gate any changes to this repository with mandatory pull request reviews. Carefully review pull requests for changes which could impact the availability of the cluster (such as scaling nodes to 0 and deleting the cluster object) or contain secrets.

GitHub Personal Access Token

Treat the GitHub PAT used with EKS Anywhere as you would any highly privileged secret, as it could potentially be used to make changes to your cluster by modifying the contents of the cluster configuration file through the API.

  • Never commit the PAT to a Git repository
  • Never share the PAT via untrusted channels
  • Never grant non-administrative subjects access to the flux-system namespace where the PAT is stored as a native Kubernetes secret.

Executing EKS Anywhere

Ensure that you execute eksctl anywhere create cluster on a trusted workstation in order to protect the values of sensitive environment variables and the EKS Anywhere generated kubeconfig file.

SSH Access to Cluster Nodes and ETCD Nodes

EKS Anywhere provides the option to configure an ssh authorized key for access to underlying nodes in a cluster, via vsphereMachineConfig.Users.sshAuthorizedKeys. This grants the associated private key the ability to connect to the cluster via ssh as the user capv with sudo permissions. The associated private key should be treated as extremely sensitive, as sudo access to the cluster and ETCD nodes can permit access to secret object data and potentially confer arbitrary control over the cluster.


Only download OVAs for cluster nodes from official sources, and do not allow untrusted users or processes to modify the templates used by EKS Anywhere for provisioning nodes.

Keeping Bottlerocket up to date

EKS Anywhere provides the most updated patch of operating systems with every release. It is recommended that your clusters are kept up to date with the latest EKS Anywhere release to ensure you get the latest security updates. Bottlerocket is an EKS Anywhere supported operating system that can be kept up to date without requiring a cluster update. The Bottlerocket Update Operator is a Kubernetes update operator that coordinates Bottlerocket updates on hosts in the cluster. Please follow the instructions here to install Bottlerocket update operator.

Baremetal Clusters

EKS Anywhere Baremetal clusters run directly on physical servers in a datacenter. Make sure that the physical infrastructure, including the network, is secure before running EKS Anywhere clusters.

Please follow industry best practices for securing your network and datacenter, including but not limited to the following

  • Only allow trusted devices on the network
  • Secure the network using a firewall
  • Never source hardware from an untrusted vendor
  • Inspect and verify the metal servers you are using for the clusters are the ones you intended to use
  • If possible, use a separate L2 network for EKS Anywhere baremetal clusters
  • Conduct thorough audits of access, users, logs and other exploitable venues periodically

Benchmark tests for cluster hardening

EKS Anywhere creates clusters with server hardening configurations out of the box, via the use of security flags and opinionated default templates. You can verify the security posture of your EKS Anywhere cluster by using a tool called kube-bench , that checks whether Kubernetes is deployed securely.

kube-bench runs checks documented in the CIS Benchmark for Kubernetes , such as, pod specification file permissions, disabling insecure arguments, and so on.

Refer to the EKS Anywhere CIS Self-Assessment Guide for more information on how to evaluate the security configurations of your EKS Anywhere cluster.

6.1 - CIS Self-Assessment Guide

CIS Benchmark Self-Assessment Guide for EKS Anywhere clusters

The CIS Benchmark self-assessment guide serves to help EKS Anywhere users evaluate the level of security of the hardened cluster configuration against Kubernetes benchmark controls from the Center for Information Security (CIS). This guide will walk through the various controls and provide updated example commands to audit compliance in EKS Anywhere clusters.

You can verify the security posture of your EKS Anywhere cluster by using a tool called kube-bench . The ideal way to run the benchmark tests on your EKS Anywhere cluster is to apply the Kube-bench Job YAMLs to the cluster. This runs the kube-bench tests on a Pod on the cluster, and the logs of the Pod provide the test results.

Kube-bench currently does not support unstacked etcd topology (which is the default for EKS Anywhere), so the following checks are skipped in the default kube-bench Job YAML. If you created your EKS Anywhere cluster with stacked etcd configuration, you can apply the stacked etcd Job YAML instead.

Check number Check description
1.1.7 Ensure that the etcd pod specification file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive
1.1.8 Ensure that the etcd pod specification file ownership is set to root:root
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictive
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcd

The following tests are also skipped, because they are not applicable or enforce settings that might make the cluster unstable.

Check number Check description Reason for skipping
Controlplane node configuration
1.2.6 Ensure that the –kubelet-certificate-authority argument is set as appropriate When generating serving certificates, functionality could break in conjunction with hostname overrides which are required for certain cloud providers
1.2.16 Ensure that the admission control plugin PodSecurityPolicy is set Enabling Pod Security Policy can cause applications to unexpectedly fail
1.2.32 Ensure that the –encryption-provider-config argument is set as appropriate Enabling encryption changes how data can be recovered as data is encrypted
1.2.33 Ensure that encryption providers are appropriately configured Enabling encryption changes how data can be recovered as data is encrypted
Worker node configuration
4.2.6 Ensure that the –protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true System level configurations are required before provisioning the cluster in order for this argument to be set to true
4.2.10 Ensure that the –tls-cert-file and –tls-private-key-file arguments are set as appropriate When generating serving certificates, functionality could break in conjunction with hostname overrides which are required for certain cloud providers

7 - Packages

List of EKS Anywhere curated packages

Curated package list

Name Description Versions GitHub
ADOT ADOT Collector is an AWS distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector, which provides a vendor-agnostic solution to receive, process and export telemetry data. v0.25.0
Cert-manager Cert-manager is a certificate manager for Kubernetes clusters. v1.9.1
Cluster Autoscaler Cluster Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes. v9.21.0
Emissary Ingress Emissary Ingress is an open source Ingress supporting API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer built on Envoy Proxy. v3.3.0
Harbor Harbor is an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. v2.7.1
MetalLB MetalLB is a virtual IP provider for services of type LoadBalancer supporting ARP and BGP. v0.13.7
Metrics Server Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines. v3.8.2
Prometheus Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit that collects and stores metrics as time series data. v2.41.0

7.1 - Packages configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for curated packages.

This is a generic template with detailed descriptions below for reference. To generate your own package configuration, follow instructions from Package Management section and modify it using descriptions below.

kind: PackageBundleController
  name: eksa-packages-bundle-controller
  namespace: eksa-packages
  activeBundle: v1-21-83
  privateRegistry: ""
  upgradeCheckInterval: 24h0m0s

kind: PackageBundle
  name: package-bundle
  namespace: eksa-packages
    - name: hello-eks-anywhere
        repository: hello-eks-anywhere
          - digest: sha256:c31242a2f94a58017409df163debc01430de65ded6bdfc5496c29d6a6cbc0d94
              - digest: sha256:26e3f2f9aa546fee833218ece3fe7561971fd905cef40f685fd1b5b09c6fb71d
                repository: hello-eks-anywhere
            name: 0.1.1-083e68edbbc62ca0228a5669e89e4d3da99ff73b
            schema: H4sIAJc5EW...

kind: Package
  name: my-hello-eks-anywhere
  namespace: eksa-packages
  config: |
        title: "My Hello"
  packageName: hello-eks-anywhere
  targetNamespace: eksa-packages

API Reference


Resource Types:


↩ Parent

PackageBundleController is the Schema for the packagebundlecontroller API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string PackageBundleController true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.
status object PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleControllerSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundleController.

Name Type Description Required
activeBundle string ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
bundleRepository string Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle

Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
createNamespace boolean Allow target namespace creation by the controller

Default: false
defaultImageRegistry string DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images

defaultRegistry string DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle

logLevel integer LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.

Format: int32
privateRegistry string PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
upgradeCheckInterval string UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 24h
upgradeCheckShortInterval string UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 1h


↩ Parent

PackageBundleControllerStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundleController.

Name Type Description Required
detail string Detail of the state.
spec object Spec previous settings
state enum State of the bundle controller.

Enum: ignored, active, disconnected, upgrade available


↩ Parent

Spec previous settings

Name Type Description Required
activeBundle string ActiveBundle is name of the bundle from which packages should be sourced.
bundleRepository string Repository portion of an OCI address to the bundle

Default: eks-anywhere-packages-bundles
createNamespace boolean Allow target namespace creation by the controller

Default: false
defaultImageRegistry string DefaultImageRegistry for pulling images

defaultRegistry string DefaultRegistry for pulling helm charts and the bundle

logLevel integer LogLevel controls the verbosity of logging in the controller.

Format: int32
privateRegistry string PrivateRegistry is the registry being used for all images, charts and bundles
upgradeCheckInterval string UpgradeCheckInterval is the time between upgrade checks. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 24h
upgradeCheckShortInterval string UpgradeCheckShortInterval time between upgrade checks if there is a problem. The format is that of time's ParseDuration.

Default: 1h


↩ Parent

PackageBundle is the Schema for the packagebundle API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string PackageBundle true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.
status object PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
packages []object Packages supported by this bundle.
minControllerVersion string Minimum required packages controller version


↩ Parent

BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.

Name Type Description Required
source object Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
name string Name of the package.
workloadonly boolean WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster


↩ Parent

Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).

Name Type Description Required
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
versions []object Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.


↩ Parent

SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
name string Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
dependencies []string Dependencies to be installed before the package
images []object Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
schema string Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.


↩ Parent

VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleStatus defines the observed state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
state enum PackageBundleStateEnum defines the observed state of PackageBundle.

Enum: available, ignored, invalid, controller upgrade required
spec object PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.


↩ Parent

PackageBundleSpec defines the desired state of PackageBundle.

Name Type Description Required
packages []object Packages supported by this bundle.
minControllerVersion string Minimum required packages controller version


↩ Parent

BundlePackage specifies a package within a bundle.

Name Type Description Required
source object Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).
name string Name of the package.
workloadonly boolean WorkloadOnly specifies if the package should be installed only on the workload cluster


↩ Parent

Source location for the package (probably a helm chart).

Name Type Description Required
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
versions []object Versions of the package supported by this bundle.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.


↩ Parent

SourceVersion describes a version of a package within a repository.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
name string Name is a human-friendly description of the version, e.g. "v1.0".
dependencies []string Dependencies to be installed before the package
images []object Images is a list of images used by this version of the package.
schema string Schema is a base64 encoded, gzipped json schema used to validate package configurations.


↩ Parent

VersionImages is an image used by a version of a package.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.


↩ Parent

Package is the Schema for the package API.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string Package true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.
status object PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.


↩ Parent

PackageSpec defines the desired state of an package.

Name Type Description Required
packageName string PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
config string Config for the package.
packageVersion string PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
targetNamespace string TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.


↩ Parent

PackageStatus defines the observed state of Package.

Name Type Description Required
currentVersion string Version currently installed.
source object Source associated with the installation.
detail string Detail of the state.
spec object Spec previous settings
state enum State of the installation.

Enum: initializing, installing, installing dependencies, installed, updating, uninstalling, unknown
targetVersion string Version to be installed.
upgradesAvailable []object UpgradesAvailable indicates upgraded versions in the bundle.


↩ Parent

Source associated with the installation.

Name Type Description Required
digest string Digest is a checksum value identifying the version of the package and its contents.
registry string Registry in which the package is found.
repository string Repository within the Registry where the package is found.
version string Versions of the package supported.


↩ Parent

Spec previous settings

Name Type Description Required
packageName string PackageName is the name of the package as specified in the bundle.
config string Config for the package.
packageVersion string PackageVersion is a human-friendly version name or sha256 checksum for the package, as specified in the bundle.
targetNamespace string TargetNamespace defines where package resources will be deployed.


↩ Parent

PackageAvailableUpgrade details the package’s available upgrade versions.

Name Type Description Required
tag string Tag is a specific version number or sha256 checksum for the package upgrade.
version string Version is a human-friendly version name for the package upgrade.

7.2 - Configuration Best Practice

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

7.3 - ADOT Configuration

OpenTelemetry Collector provides a vendor-agnostic solution to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. ADOT Collector is an AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for ADOT

7.3.1 - v0.21.1

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

7.3.2 - v0.23.0

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

7.3.3 - v0.25.0

Configuring ADOT in EKS Anywhere package spec


We included a sample configuration below for reference. For in-depth examples and use cases, please refer to ADOT workshop.

kind: Package
  name: my-adot
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: adot
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: | 
    mode: daemonset

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false
image.pullPolicy Specifies image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never. "IfNotPresent"
mode Specifies Collector deployment options: daemonset, deployment, or statefulset. "daemonset"
ports.[*].containerPort Specifies containerPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].enabled Indicates if a port is enabled. See footnote 1
ports.[*].hostPort Specifies hostPort used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].protocol Specifies protocol used. See footnote 1
ports.[*].servicePort Specifies servicePort used. See footnote 1
resources.limits.cpu Specifies CPU resource limits for containers. 1
resources.limits.memory Specifies memory resource limits for containers. "2Gi"
config.config Specifies Collector receiver, processor, exporter, and extensions configurations. Refer to aws-otel-collector for full details. Note EKS Anywhere ADOT package version matches the exact aws-otel-collector version. See footnote 2
config.config.receiver Specifies how data gets in the Collector. Receivers can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.processor Specifies how processors are run on data between the stage of being received and being exported. Processors are optional though some are recommended. See footnote 2
config.config.exporters Specifies how data gets sent to backends/destinations. Exporters can be either push or pull based, and support one or more data source. See footnote 2
config.config.extensions Specifies tasks that do not involve processing telemetry data. Examples of extensions include health monitoring, service discovery, and data forwarding. Extensions are optional. See footnote 2
config.config.service Specifies what components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured, but not defined within the service section, then it is not enabled. See footnote 2
Deployment mode only
replicaCount Specifies replicaCount for pods. 1
service.type Specifies service types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName. "ClusterIP"

  1. The default ports enables otlp and otlp-http. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4317
            servicePort: 4317
            hostPort: 4317
            protocol: TCP
            enabled: true
            containerPort: 4318
            servicePort: 4318
            hostPort: 4318
            protocol: TCP    
  2. The default config.config deploys an ADOT Collector with the metrics pipeline, which includes otlp and prometheus receiver, and logging exporter. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
                  - job_name: opentelemetry-collector
                    scrape_interval: 10s
                      - targets:
                          - ${MY_POD_IP}:8888
            batch: {}
            memory_limiter: null
              loglevel: info
            health_check: {}
            memory_ballast: {}
              - health_check
              - memory_ballast
                  - logging
                  - memory_limiter
                  - batch
                  - otlp
                  - prometheus    

7.4 - Cert-Manager Configuration

The cert-manager package adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Cert-Manager

7.4.1 - v1.9.1

Configuring Cert-Manager in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: my-cert-manager
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: cert-manager
  config: | 
        logLevel: 4

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace to use for installing cert-manager package cert-manager
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.logLevel The log level: integer from 0-6 2
webhook.timeoutSeconds The time in seconds to wait for the webhook to connect with the kube-api server 0

7.5 - Cluster Autoscaler Configuration

Cluster Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes.

Configuration options for Cluster Autoscaler

7.5.1 - v9.21.0

Configuring Cluster Autoscaler in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
cloudProvider Cluster Autoscaler cloud provider. This should always be clusterapi.
cloudProvider: “clusterapi”
autoDiscovery.clusterName Name of the kubernetes cluster this autoscaler package should autoscale.
autoDiscovery.clusterName: “mgmt-cluster”
clusterAPIMode Where Cluster Autoscaler should look for a kubeconfig to communicate with the cluster it will manage. See
clusterAPIMode: “incluster-kubeconfig”
clusterAPICloudConfigPath Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPICloudConfigPath: “/etc/kubernetes/value”
extraVolumeSecrets Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumeSecrets: {}

7.6 - Emissary Configuration

Emissary Ingress is an open-source Kubernetes-native API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer + Kubernetes Ingress built on Envoy Proxy.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Emissary

7.6.1 - v3.0.0

Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup .
hostNetwork: false
createDefaultListeners Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443.
createDefaultListeners: false
replicaCount Replica count for Emissary to deploy.
replicaCount: 2
daemonSet Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment
daemonSet: false

7.6.2 - v3.3.0

Emissary version 0.3.3 has decoupled the CRD portion of the package, and now supports installing multiple instances of the emissary package in the same cluster.

Configuring Emissary Ingress in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
hostNetwork Whether Emissary will use the host network, useful for on-premise setup .
hostNetwork: false
createDefaultListeners Whether Emissary should be created with default listeners, HTTP on port 8080 and HTTPS on port 8443.
createDefaultListeners: false
replicaCount Replica count for Emissary to deploy.
replicaCount: 2
daemonSet Whether to create Emissary as a Daemonset instead of a deployment
daemonSet: false

7.7 - Harbor configuration

Harbor is an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users such as security, identity and management. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can improve the image transfer efficiency. Harbor supports replication of images between registries, and also offers advanced security features such as user management, access control and activity auditing.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Harbor

7.7.1 - v2.5.0

Trivy, Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when the loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volumem, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

7.7.2 - v2.5.1

Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

7.7.3 - v2.7.1

Notary and Chartmuseum are not supported at this moment.

Configuring Harbor in EKS Anywhere package spec

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor package spec and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
externalURL The external URL for Harbor core service
imagePullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
logLevel The log level: debug, info, warning, error or fatal info
harborAdminPassword The initial password of the Harbor admin account. Change it from the portal after launching Harbor Harbor12345
secretKey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars ""
expose.type How to expose the service: nodePort or loadBalancer, other values will be ignored and the creation of the service will be skipped. nodePort
expose.tls.enabled Enable TLS or not. true
expose.tls.certSource The source of the TLS certificate. Set as auto, secret or none and fill the information in the corresponding section: 1) auto: generate the TLS certificate automatically 2) secret: read the TLS certificate from the specified secret. The TLS certificate can be generated manually or by cert manager 3) none: configure no TLS certificate. secret The common name used to generate the certificate. It’s necessary when expose.tls.certSource is set to auto
expose.tls.secret.secretName The name of the secret which contains keys named: tls.crt - the certificate; tls.key - the private key harbor-tls-secret The name of the NodePort service harbor
expose.nodePort.ports.http.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.nodePort.ports.http.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 30002
expose.nodePort.ports.https.port The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 443
expose.nodePort.ports.https.nodePort The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30003 The name of the service harbor
expose.loadBalancer.IP The IP address of the loadBalancer. It only works when loadBalancer supports assigning an IP address ""
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP 80
expose.loadBalancer.ports.httpsPort The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS 30002
expose.loadBalancer.annotations The annotations attached to the loadBalancer service {}
expose.loadBalancer.sourceRanges List of IP address ranges to assign to loadBalancerSourceRanges []
Internal TLS
internalTLS.enabled Enable TLS for the components (core, jobservice, portal, and registry) true
persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to keep to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation. Leaving it empty will delete PVCs after the chart is deleted. Does not affect PVCs created for internal database and redis components. keep
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.size The size of the volume 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobservice.jobLog.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size The size of the volume. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external database is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size The size of the volume. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored 1Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning. If an external Redis is used, the setting will be ignored ""
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.size The size of the volume 5Gi
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume, or the default StorageClass will be used (the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning ""
trivy.enabled The flag to enable Trivy scanner true
trivy.vulnType Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library. os,library
trivy.severity Comma-separated list of severities to be checked UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
trivy.skipUpdate The flag to disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub false
trivy.offlineScan The flag prevents Trivy from sending API requests to identify dependencies. false
registry.relativeurls If true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. Needed if harbor is behind a reverse proxy false

7.8 - MetalLB Configuration

MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for on-premises Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for MetalLB

7.8.1 - v0.12.1

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - IPAddressPools:
          - default
      - IPAddressPools:
          - bgp 
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default
IPAddressPools[] A list of IPAddressPool. None
L2Advertisements[] A list of L2Advertisement. None
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGPAdvertisement. None
BGPPeers[] A list of BGPPeer. None
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
IPAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. None
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected IPAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None
IPAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPools to advertise via this advertisement, selected by name. None
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
bfdProfile The name of the BFD Profile to be used for the BFD session associated to the BGP session. If not set, the BFD session won’t be set up. None
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None

7.8.2 - v0.13.5

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec

Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase. For example:

    - IPAddressPools:
        - default


    - ipAddressPools:
        - default

Top-level section names remain capitalized as they represent CRDs:

config: |


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp 
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False

7.8.3 - v0.13.7

FRRouting is currently not supported for MetalLB.

Configuring MetalLB in EKS Anywhere package spec

Starting at v0.13.5, keys within each config section start with lowercase. See v0.13.5 for details.


kind: Package
  name: mylb
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: metallb
  targetNamespace: metallb-system
  config: |
      - name: default
      - name: bgp
      - ipAddressPools:
          - default
      - ipAddressPools:
          - bgp 
        autoAssign: false
      - myASN: 123
        peerASN: 55001
        keepaliveTime: 30s
Parameter Description Default Required
IPAddressPools[] A list of ip address pools. See IPAddressPool. None False
L2Advertisements[] A list of Layer 2 advertisements. See L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisements[] A list of BGP advertisements. See BGPAdvertisement. None False
BGPPeers[] A list of BGP peers. See BGPPeer. None False
IPAddressPool A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool and they will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
name Name for the address pool. None True
addresses[] A list of string representing CIRD or IP ranges. None True
autoAssign AutoAssign flag used to prevent MetalLB from automatic allocation for a pool. true False
L2Advertisement L2Advertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the LoadBalancer IPs provided by the selected pools via L2.
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to advertise. None True
name Name for the L2Advertisement. None False
BGPAdvertisement BGPAdvertisement allows MetalLB to advertise the IPs coming from the selected ipAddressPools via BGP, setting the parameters of the BGP Advertisement.
aggregationLength The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /32s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 32. Works for IPv4 addresses. 32 False
aggregationLengthV6 The aggregation-length advertisement option lets you “roll up” the /128s into a larger prefix. Defaults to 128. Works for IPv6 addresses. 128 False
communities[] The BGP communities to be associated with the announcement. Each item can be a community of the form 1234:1234 or the name of an alias defined in the Community CRD. None False
ipAddressPools[] The list of IPAddressPool names to be advertised via BGP. None True
localPref The BGP LOCAL_PREF attribute which is used by BGP best path algorithm, Path with higher localpref is preferred over one with lower localpref. None False
peers[] List of peer names. Limits the bgppeer to advertise the ips of the selected pools to. When empty, the loadbalancer IP is announced to all the BGPPeers configured. None False
BGPPeer Peers for the BGP protocol.
holdTime Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. None False
keepaliveTime Requested BGP keepalive time, per RFC4271. None False
myASN AS number to use for the local end of the session. None True
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
peerASN AS number to expect from the remote end of the session. None True
peerAddress Address to dial when establishing the session. None True
peerPort Port to dial when establishing the session. 179 False
routerID BGP router ID to advertise to the peer. None False
sourceAddress Source address to use when establishing the session. None False
password Authentication password for routers enforcing TCP MD5 authenticated sessions. None False
passwordSecret passwordSecret is a reference to the authentication secret for BGP Peer. The secret must be of type ‘’ and the password stored under the “password” key. Example:
name: mySecret
namespace: metallb-system
None False

7.9 - Metrics Server Configuration

Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.

Configuration options for Metrics Server

7.9.1 - v3.8.2

Configuring Metrics Server in EKS Anywhere package spec

Parameter Description Default
args Additional args to provide to metrics-server
cloudProvider: ["–kubelet-insecure-tls"] 

7.10 - Prometheus Configuration

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects and stores metrics as time series data.

Best Practice

Any package configuration options listed under Reference/Packages should be modified through package yaml files (with kind: Package) through command eksctl anywhere apply package -f packageFileName. Modifying objects outside of package yaml files may lead to unpredictable behaviors.

For automatic namespace (targetNamespace) creation, see createNamespace field: PackagebundleController.spec

Configuration options for Prometheus

7.10.1 - v2.39.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: | 
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true

7.10.2 - v2.41.1

Configuring Prometheus in EKS Anywhere package spec


kind: Package
  name: generated-prometheus
  namespace: eksa-packages-<cluster-name>
  packageName: prometheus
  targetNamespace: observability
  config: |
      replicaCount: 2
        enabled: true

Configurable parameters and default values under spec.config

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Specifies if clusterRole / role and clusterRoleBinding / roleBinding will be created for prometheus-server and node-exporter true
sourceRegistry Specifies image source registry for prometheus-server and node-exporter ""
nodeExporter.enabled Indicates if node-exporter is enabled true
nodeExporter.hostNetwork Indicates if node-exporter shares the host network namespace true
nodeExporter.hostPID Indicates if node-exporter shares the host process ID namespace true
nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy Specifies node-exporter image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
nodeExporter.image.repository Specifies node-exporter image repository "prometheus/node-exporter"
nodeExporter.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the node-exporter container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
nodeExporter.service Specifies how to expose node-exporter as a network service See footnote 1
nodeExporter.tolerations Specifies node tolerations for node-exporter scheduling to nodes with taints. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation toleration field for more details. See footnote 2
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.annotations Specifies node-exporter service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create Indicates if node-exporter service account will be created true Specifies node-exporter service account name ""
server.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is enabled true Specifies how frequently the prometheus-server rules are evaluated "1m" Specifies how frequently prometheus-server will scrape targets "1m" Specifies how long until a prometheus-server scrape request times out "10s"
server.image.pullPolicy Specifies prometheus-server image pull policy: IfNotPresent, Always, Never "IfNotPresent"
server.image.repository Specifies prometheus-server image repository "prometheus/prometheus" Specifies prometheus-server container name "server"
server.persistentVolume.accessModes Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume access modes "ReadWriteOnce"
server.persistentVolume.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim true
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume existing claim name. It requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ""
server.persistentVolume.size Specifies prometheus-server data Persistent Volume size "8Gi"
server.remoteRead Specifies prometheus-server remote read configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_read for more details []
server.remoteWrite Specifies prometheus-server remote write configs. Refer to Prometheus docs remote_write for more details []
server.replicaCount Specifies the replicaCount for prometheus-server deployment / statefulSet. Note: server.statefulSet.enabled should be set to true if server.replicaCount is greater than 1 1
server.resources Specifies resource requests and limits of the prometheus-server container. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation ResourceRequirements field for more details {}
server.retention Specifies prometheus-server data retention period "15d"
server.service Specifies how to expose prometheus-server as a network service See footnote 3
server.statefulSet.enabled Indicates if prometheus-server is deployed as a statefulSet. If set to false, prometheus-server will be deployed as a deployment false
serverFiles.“prometheus.yml”.scrape_configs Specifies a set of targets and parameters for prometheus-server describing how to scrape them. Refer to Prometheus docs scrape_config for more details See footnote 4
serviceAccounts.server.annotations Specifies prometheus-server service account annotations {}
serviceAccounts.server.create Indicates if prometheus-server service account will be created true Specifies prometheus-server service account name ""

  1. Node-exporter service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9100 (controlled by nodeExporter.service.hostPort below) by default. Note the annotation "true" is mandatory in order for node-exporter to be discovered by prometheus-server as a scrape target. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            hostPort: 9100
            servicePort: 9100
            type: ClusterIP    
  2. Node-exporter pods have the following toleration by default, which allows daemonSet to be scheduled on control plane node.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            # For K8 version prior to 1.24
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
            # For K8 version 1.24+
            - key: ""
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"    
  3. Prometheus-server service is exposed as a clusterIP with port: 9090 (controlled by server.service.servicePort below) and targetPort: 9090 (not overridable) by default. See below specification for details.

    kind: Package
      config: |
            enabled: true
            servicePort: 9090
            type: ClusterIP    
  4. Prometheus-server by default has the following scrape configs.

    kind: Package
      config: | 
              - job_name: prometheus
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - targets:
                  - localhost:9090
              - job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: default;kubernetes;https
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: https
                  type: Bearer
                  credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
                  insecure_skip_verify: false
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
                  action: replace
                - role: node
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: node
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: endpoints
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: pushgateway
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-services
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                  - http_2xx
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /probe
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__address__]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __param_target
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: blackbox
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__param_target]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: instance
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: service
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - role: service
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 1m
                scrape_timeout: 10s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true
              - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
                honor_labels: true
                honor_timestamps: true
                scrape_interval: 5m
                scrape_timeout: 30s
                metrics_path: /metrics
                scheme: http
                follow_redirects: true
                enable_http2: true
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: "true"
                  replacement: $1
                  action: keep
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (https?)
                  target_label: __scheme__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+)
                  target_label: __metrics_path__
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.+?)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
                  target_label: __address__
                  replacement: $1:$2
                  action: replace
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_param_(.+)
                  replacement: __param_$1
                  action: labelmap
                - separator: ;
                  regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
                  replacement: $1
                  action: labelmap
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: namespace
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: (.*)
                  target_label: pod
                  replacement: $1
                  action: replace
                - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase]
                  separator: ;
                  regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed|Completed
                  replacement: $1
                  action: drop
                - role: pod
                  kubeconfig_file: ""
                  follow_redirects: true
                  enable_http2: true

8 - What's New?




  • Fix kubectl get call to point to full API name (#5342 )
  • Expand all kubectl calls to fully qualified names (#5347 )



  • --no-timeouts flag in create and upgrade commands to disable timeout for all wait operations
  • Management resources backup procedure with clusterctl



  • --aws-region flag to copy packages command.


  • CAPAS from v0.1.22 to v0.1.24.



  • Enabled support for Kubernetes version 1.25



  • support for authenticated pulls from registry mirror (#4796 )
  • option to override default nodeStartupTimeout in machine health check (#4800 )
  • Validate control plane endpoint with pods and services CIDR blocks(#4816 )


  • Fixed a issue where registry mirror settings weren’t being applied properly on Bottlerocket nodes for Tinkerbell provider



  • Add support for EKS Anywhere on AWS Snow (#1042 )
  • Static IP support for BottleRocket (#4359 )
  • Add registry mirror support for curated packages
  • Add copy packages command (#4420 )


  • Improve management cluster name validation for workload clusters



  • Multi-region support for all supported curated packages


  • Fixed nil pointer in eksctl anywhere upgrade plan command



  • Workload clusters full lifecycle API support for vSphere and Docker (#1090 )
  • Single node cluster support for Bare Metal provider
  • Cilium updated to version v1.11.10
  • CLI high verbosity log output is automatically included in the support bundle after a CLI cluster command error (#1703 implemented by #4289 )
  • Allow to configure machine health checks timeout through a new flag --unhealthy-machine-timeout (#3918 implemented by #4123 )
  • Ability to configure rolling upgrade for Bare Metal and Cloudstack via maxSurge and maxUnavailable parameters
  • New Nutanix Provider
  • Workload clusters support for Bare Metal
  • VM Tagging support for vSphere VM’s created in the cluster (#4228 )
  • Support for new curated packages:
    • Prometheus v2.39.1
  • Updated curated packages' versions:
    • ADOT v0.23.0 upgraded from v0.21.1
    • Emissary v3.3.0 upgraded from v3.0.0
    • Metallb v0.13.7 upgraded from v0.13.5
  • Support for packages controller to create target namespaces #601
  • (For more EKS Anywhere packages info: v0.13.0 )


  • Kubernetes version upgrades from 1.23 to 1.24 for Docker clusters (#4266 )
  • Added missing docker login when doing authenticated registry pulls

Breaking changes

  • Removed support for Kubernetes 1.20



  • Add support for Kubernetes 1.24 (CloudStack support to come in future releases)#3491


  • Fix authenticated registry mirror validations
  • Fix capc bug causing orphaned VM’s in slow environments
  • Bundle activation problem for package controller



  • Setting minimum wait time for nodes and machinedeployments (#3868, fixes #3822)


  • Fixed worker node count pointer dereference issue (#3852)
  • Fixed eks-anywhere-packages reference in go.mod (#3902)
  • Surface dropped error in Cloudstack validations (#3832)


⚠️ Breaking changes

  • Certificates signed with SHA-1 are not supported anymore for Registry Mirror. Users with a registry mirror and providing a custom CA cert will need to rotate the certificate served by the registry mirror endpoint before using the new EKS-A version. This is true for both new clusters (create cluster command) and existing clusters (upgrade cluster command).
  • The --source option was removed from several package commands. Use either --kube-version for registry or --cluster for cluster.


  • Add support for EKS Anywhere with provider CloudStack
  • Add support to upgrade Bare Metal cluster
  • Add support for using Registry Mirror for Bare Metal
  • Redhat-based node image support for vSphere, CloudStack and Bare Metal EKS Anywhere clusters
  • Allow authenticated image pull using Registry Mirror for Ubuntu on vSphere cluster
  • Add option to disable vSphere CSI driver #3148
  • Add support for skipping load balancer deployment for Bare Metal so users can use their own load balancers #3608
  • Add support to configure aws-iam-authenticator on workload clusters independent of management cluster #2814
  • Add EKS Anywhere Packages support for remote management on workload clusters. (For more EKS Anywhere packages info: v0.12.0 )
  • Add new EKS Anywhere Packages
    • AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT)
    • Cert Manager
    • Cluster Autoscaler
    • Metrics Server


  • Remove special cilium network policy with policyEnforcementMode set to always due to lack of pod network connectivity for vSphere CSI
  • Fixed #3391 #3560 for AWSIamConfig upgrades on EKS Anywhere workload clusters



  • Add validate session permission for vsphere


  • Fix datacenter naming bug for vSphere #3381
  • Fix os family validation for vSphere
  • Fix controller overwriting secret for vSphere #3404
  • Fix unintended rolling upgrades when upgrading from an older EKS-A version for CloudStack



  • Add some bundleRef validation
  • Enable kube-rbac-proxy on CloudStack cluster controller’s metrics port


  • Fix issue with fetching EKS-D CRDs/manifests with retries
  • Update BundlesRef when building a Spec from file
  • Fix worker node upgrade inconsistency in Cloudstack



  • Add a preflight check to validate vSphere user’s permissions #2744


  • Make DiskOffering in CloudStackMachineConfig optional


  • Fix upgrade failure when flux is enabled #3091 #3093
  • Add token-refresher to default images to fix import/download images commands
  • Improve retry logic for transient issues with kubectl applies and helm pulls #3167
  • Fix issue fetching curated packages images



  • Add --insecure flag to import/download images commands #2878


Breaking Changes

  • EKS Anywhere no longer distributes Ubuntu OVAs for use with EKS Anywhere clusters. Building your own Ubuntu-based nodes as described in Building node images is the only supported way to get that functionality.


  • Add support for Kubernetes 1.23 #2159
  • Add support for Support Bundle for validating control plane IP with vSphere provider
  • Add support for aws-iam-authenticator on Bare Metal
  • Curated Packages General Availability
  • Added Emissary Ingress Curated Package


  • Install and enable GitOps in the existing cluster with upgrade command



  • Updated EKS Distro versions to latest release


  • Fixed control plane nodes not upgraded for same kube version #2636



  • Added support for EKS Anywhere on bare metal with provider tinkerbell . EKS Anywhere on bare metal supports complete provisioning cycle, including power on/off and PXE boot for standing up a cluster with the given hardware data.
  • Support for node CIDR mask config exposed via the cluster spec. #488


  • Upgraded cilium from 1.9 to 1.10. #1124
  • Changes for EKS Anywhere packages v0.10.0


  • Fix issue using self-signed certificates for registry mirror #1857



  • Fix issue by avoiding processing Snow images when URI is empty




  • Adding support to EKS Anywhere for a generic git provider as the source of truth for GitOps configuration management. #9
  • Allow users to configure Cloud Provider and CSI Driver with different credentials. #1730
  • Support to install, configure and maintain operational components that are secure and tested by Amazon on EKS Anywhere clusters.#2083
  • A new Workshop section has been added to EKS Anywhere documentation.
  • Added support for curated packages behind a feature flag #1893


  • Fix issue specifying proxy configuration for helm template command #2009



  • Fix issue with upgrading cluster from a previous minor version #1819



  • Fix issue with downloading artifacts #1753



  • SSH keys and Users are now mutable #1208
  • OIDC configuration is now mutable #676
  • Add support for Cilium’s policy enforcement mode #726


  • Install Cilium networking through Helm instead of static manifest

v0.7.2 - 2022-02-28


  • Fix issue with downloading artifacts #1327

v0.7.1 - 2022-02-25


  • Support for taints in worker node group configurations #189
  • Support for taints in control plane configurations #189
  • Support for labels in worker node group configuration #486
  • Allow removal of worker node groups using the eksctl anywhere upgrade command #1054

v0.7.0 - 2022-01-27


  • Support for aws-iam-authenticator as an authentication option in EKS-A clusters #90
  • Support for multiple worker node groups in EKS-A clusters #840
  • Support for IAM Role for Service Account (IRSA) #601
  • New command upgrade plan cluster lists core component changes affected by upgrade cluster #499
  • Support for workload cluster’s control plane and etcd upgrade through GitOps #1007
  • Upgrading a Flux managed cluster previously required manual steps. These steps have now been automated. #759 , #1019
  • Cilium CNI will now be upgraded by the upgrade cluster command #326


  • EKS-A now uses Cluster API (CAPI) v1.0.1 and v1beta1 manifests, upgrading from v0.3.23 and v1alpha3 manifests.
  • Kubernetes components and etcd now use TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as the configured TLS cipher suite #657 , #759
  • Automated git repository structure changes during Flux component upgrade workflow #577

v0.6.0 - 2021-10-29


  • Support to create and manage workload clusters #94
  • Support for upgrading eks-anywhere components #93 , Cluster upgrades
    • IMPORTANT: Currently upgrading existing flux manged clusters requires performing a few additional steps . The fix for upgrading the existing clusters will be published in 0.6.1 release to improve the upgrade experience.
  • k8s CIS compliance #193
  • Support bundle improvements #92
  • Ability to upgrade control plane nodes before worker nodes #100
  • Ability to use your own container registry #98
  • Make namespace configurable for anywhere resources #177


  • Fix ova auto-import issue for multi-datacenter environments #437
  • OVA import via EKS-A CLI sometimes fails #254
  • Add proxy configuration to etcd nodes for bottlerocket #195


  • overrideClusterSpecFile field in cluster config



  • Initial release of EKS-A

9 - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about EKS Anywhere

AuthN / AuthZ

How do my applications running on EKS Anywhere authenticate with AWS services using IAM credentials?

You can now leverage the IAM Role for Service Account (IRSA) feature by following the IRSA reference guide for details.

Does EKS Anywhere support OIDC (including Azure AD and AD FS)?

Yes, EKS Anywhere can create clusters that support API server OIDC authentication. This means you can federate authentication through AD FS locally or through Azure AD, along with other IDPs that support the OIDC standard. In order to add OIDC support to your EKS Anywhere clusters, you need to configure your cluster by updating the configuration file before creating the cluster. Please see the OIDC reference for details.

Does EKS Anywhere support LDAP?

EKS Anywhere does not support LDAP out of the box. However, you can look into the Dex LDAP Connector .

Can I use AWS IAM for Kubernetes resource access control on EKS Anywhere?

Yes, you can install the aws-iam-authenticator on your EKS Anywhere cluster to achieve this.


How much does EKS Anywhere cost?

EKS Anywhere is free, open source software that you can download, install on your existing hardware, and run in your own data centers. It includes management and CLI tooling for all supported cluster topologies on all supported providers . You are responsible for providing infrastructure where EKS Anywhere runs (e.g. VMware, bare metal), and some providers require third party hardware and software contracts.

The EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription provides access to curated packages and enterprise support. This is an optional—but recommended—cost based on how many clusters and how many years of support you need.

Can I connect my EKS Anywhere cluster to EKS?

Yes, you can install EKS Connector to connect your EKS Anywhere cluster to AWS EKS. EKS Connector is a software agent that you can install on the EKS Anywhere cluster that enables the cluster to communicate back to AWS. Once connected, you can immediately see a read-only view of the EKS Anywhere cluster with workload and cluster configuration information on the EKS console, alongside your EKS clusters.

How does the EKS Connector authenticate with AWS?

During start-up, the EKS Connector generates and stores an RSA key-pair as Kubernetes secrets. It also registers with AWS using the public key and the activation details from the cluster registration configuration file. The EKS Connector needs AWS credentials to receive commands from AWS and to send the response back. Whenever it requires AWS credentials, it uses its private key to sign the request and invokes AWS APIs to request the credentials.

How does the EKS Connector authenticate with my Kubernetes cluster?

The EKS Connector acts as a proxy and forwards the EKS console requests to the Kubernetes API server on your cluster. In the initial release, the connector uses impersonation with its service account secrets to interact with the API server. Therefore, you need to associate the connector’s service account with a ClusterRole, which gives permission to impersonate AWS IAM entities.

How do I enable an AWS user account to view my connected cluster through the EKS console?

For each AWS user or other IAM identity, you should add cluster role binding to the Kubernetes cluster with the appropriate permission for that IAM identity. Additionally, each of these IAM entities should be associated with the IAM policy to invoke the EKS Connector on the cluster.

Can I use Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) on EKS Anywhere?

Yes, you can leverage AWS services from your EKS Anywhere clusters on-premises through Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) .

Can I deploy EKS Anywhere on other clouds?

EKS Anywhere can be installed on any infrastructure with the required Bare Metal, Cloudstack, or VMware vSphere components. See EKS Anywhere Baremetal , CloudStack , or vSphere documentation.

How is EKS Anywhere different from ECS Anywhere?

Amazon ECS Anywhere is an option for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) to run containers on your on-premises infrastructure. The ECS Anywhere Control Plane runs in an AWS region and allows you to install the ECS agent on worker nodes that run outside of an AWS region. Workloads that run on ECS Anywhere nodes are scheduled by ECS. You are not responsible for running, managing, or upgrading the ECS Control Plane.

EKS Anywhere runs the Kubernetes Control Plane and worker nodes on your infrastructure. You are responsible for managing the EKS Anywhere Control Plane and worker nodes. There is no requirement to have an AWS account to run EKS Anywhere.

If you’d like to see how EKS Anywhere compares to EKS please see the information here.

How can I manage EKS Anywhere at scale?

You can perform cluster life cycle and configuration management at scale through GitOps-based tools. EKS Anywhere offers git-driven cluster management through the integrated Flux Controller. See Manage cluster with GitOps documentation for details.

Can I run EKS Anywhere on ESXi?

No. EKS Anywhere is only supported on providers listed on the Create production cluster page. There would need to be a change to the upstream project to support ESXi.

Can I deploy EKS Anywhere on a single node?

Yes. Single node cluster deployment is supported for Bare Metal. See workerNodeGroupConfigurations

10 - Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting reference for your EKS Anywhere Cluster

Read more about troubleshooting in the tasks section.

11 - Support

Support for EKS Anywhere

11.1 - Support scope

Support scope for EKS Anywhere

Enterprise support for Amazon EKS Anywhere is available to Amazon customers who pay for the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise subscription. If you would like to purchase the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription, contact an AWS specialist.

EKS Anywhere is an open source project and it is supported by the community. If you have a problem, open an issue and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you discover a potential security issue in this project, we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public GitHub issue for security problems.

Operating system support

EKS Anywhere has some level of support for the following operating system nodes:

  • Bottlerocket: Bottlerocket is the only fully-supported operating system for EKS Anywhere nodes. Bottlerocket OVAs and Raw images are distributed by the EKS Anywhere project. See the Artifacts page for details on how to download Bottlerocket images for EKS Anywhere.

  • Ubuntu: EKS Anywhere has been tested with Ubuntu-based nodes. Amazon will assist with troubleshooting and configuration guidance with Ubuntu-based nodes under the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To build your own Ubuntu-based EKS Anywhere node image, refer to Building node images . For official Ubuntu support, see the Canonical Support page.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): EKS Anywhere has been tested with RHEL-based nodes. As with Ubuntu, Amazon will assist with troubleshooting and configuration guidance with RHEL-based nodes under the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To build your own RHEL-based EKS Anywhere node image, refer to Building node images . For official Red Hat support, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscriptions page.

Curated packages support

Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are Amazon-curated software packages that extend the core functionalities of Kubernetes on your EKS Anywhere clusters. All curated packages, including the curated OSS packages, are supported under the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription.

11.2 - Version support

EKS Anywhere and Kubernetes version support policy

To see supported versions of Kubernetes for each release of EKS Anywhere, and information about that support, refer to the content below.

Kubernetes support

Each EKS Anywhere version generally includes support for multiple Kubernetes versions, with the exception of the initial few releases. Starting from EKS Anywhere version 0.11, the latest version supports at least four recent versions of Kubernetes. The end of support date of a Kubernetes version aligns with Amazon EKS in AWS as documented on the Amazon EKS Kubernetes release calendar .

Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) patches and bug fixes, including those for the supported Kubernetes versions, are back-ported to the latest EKS Anywhere version (version n). The following table shows EKS Anywhere version support for different Kubernetes versions:

Kubernetes version Supported EKS Anywhere version First supported End of support
1.25 0.14 February 16, 2023 April 2024
1.24 0.14, 0.13, 0.12 November 17, 2022 January 2024
1.23 0.14, 0.13, 0.12, 0.11 August 18, 2022 October 2023
1.22 0.14, 0.13, 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.9, 0.8 March 31, 2022 May 2023
1.21 0.14, 0.13, 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 September 8, 2021 March 30, 2023
1.20 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 September 8, 2021 November 1, 2022
1.19 Not supported
1.18 Not supported

The following table notes which EKS Anywhere and related Kubernetes versions are currently supported for CVE patches and bug fixes:

EKS Anywhere version Kubernetes versions included EKS Anywhere Release Date CVE patches and bug fixes back-ported?
0.14 1.25, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21 January 19, 2023 Yes
0.13 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21 December 15, 2022 Yes
0.12 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20 October 20, 2022 No
0.11 1.23, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20 August 18, 2022 No
0.10 1.22, 1.21, 1.20 June 30, 2022 No
0.9 1.21, 1.20 May 12, 2022 No
0.8 1.22, 1.21, 1.20 March 31, 2022 No
0.7 1.21, 1.20 January 27, 2022 No
0.6 1.21, 1.20 October 29, 2021 No
0.5 1.21, 1.20 September 8, 2021 No

EKS Anywhere version support FAQs

What is the difference between an Amazon EKS Anywhere minor version versus a patch version?

An Amazon EKS Anywhere minor version includes new Amazon EKS Anywhere capabilities, bug fixes, security patches, and a new Kubernetes minor version if there is one. An Amazon EKS Anywhere patch version generally includes only bug fixes, security patches, and Kubernetes patch version. Amazon EKS Anywhere patch versions are released more frequently than the Amazon EKS Anywhere minor versions so you can receive the latest security and bug fixes sooner.

Where can I find the content of the Amazon EKS Anywhere versions?

You can find the content of the previous Amazon EKS Anywhere minor versions and patch versions on the What’s New page.

Will I get notified when there is a new Amazon EKS Anywhere version release?

You will get notified if you have subscribed as documented on the Release Alerts page.

Can I skip Amazon EKS Anywhere minor versions during cluster upgrade (such as going from v0.9 directly to v0.11)?

No. We perform regular upgrade reliability testing for sequential version upgrade (e.g. going from version 0.9 to 0.10, then from version 0.10 to 0.11), but we do not perform testing on non-sequential upgrade path (e.g. going from version 0.9 directly to 0.11). You should not skip minor versions during cluster upgrade. However, you can choose to skip patch versions.

What kind of fixes are back-ported to the previous versions?*

Back-ported fixes include CVE patches and bug fixes for the Amazon EKS Anywhere components and the Kubernetes versions that are supported by the corresponding Amazon EKS Anywhere versions.

What happens on the end of support date for a Kubernetes version?

On the end of support date, you can still create a new cluster with the unsupported Kubernetes version using an old version of the Amazon EKS Anywhere toolkit that was released with this Kubernetes version. Any existing Amazon EKS Anywhere clusters with the unsupported Kubernetes version will continue to function. If you have the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise subscription , AWS Support will continue to provide troubleshooting support and configuration guidance to those clusters as long as their Amazon EKS Anywhere versions are still being supported. However, you will not be able to receive CVE patches or bug fixes for the unsupported Kubernetes version.

Will I get notified when support is ending for a Kubernetes version on Amazon EKS Anywhere?

Not automatically. You should check this page regularly and take note of the end of support date for the Kubernetes version you’re using.

12 - Artifacts

Artifacts associated with this release: OVAs and images.

EKS Anywhere supports three different node operating systems:

  • Bottlerocket: For vSphere and Bare Metal providers
  • Ubuntu: For vSphere, Bare Metal, Nutanix, and Snow providers
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): For vSphere, CloudStack, and Bare Metal providers

Bottlerocket OVAs and images are distributed by the EKS Anywhere project. To build your own Ubuntu-based or RHEL-based EKS Anywhere node, see Building node images .

Bare Metal artifacts

Artifacts for EKS Anyware Bare Metal clusters are listed below. If you like, you can download these images and serve them locally to speed up cluster creation. See descriptions of the osImageURL and hookImagesURLPath fields for details.

Ubuntu or RHEL OS images for Bare Metal

EKS Anywhere does not distribute Ubuntu or RHEL OS images. However, see Building node images for information on how to build EKS Anywhere images from those Linux distributions.

Bottlerocket OS images for Bare Metal

Bottlerocket vends its Baremetal variant Images using a secure distribution tool called tuftool. Please refer to Download Bottlerocket node images to download Bottlerocket image. You can also get the download URIs for Bottlerocket Baremetal images from the bundle release by running the following command:

LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[].eksD.raw.bottlerocket.uri"

HookOS (kernel and initial ramdisk) for Bare Metal


LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].tinkerbell.tinkerbellStack.hook.vmlinuz.amd.uri"

initial ramdisk:

LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].tinkerbell.tinkerbellStack.hook.initramfs.amd.uri"

vSphere artifacts

Bottlerocket OVAs

Bottlerocket vends its VMware variant OVAs using a secure distribution tool called tuftool. Please refer Download Bottlerocket node images to download Bottlerocket OVA. You can also get the download URIs for Bottlerocket OVAs from the bundle release by running the following command:

LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -sL | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[].eksD.ova.bottlerocket.uri"

Bottlerocket Template Tags

OS Family - os:bottlerocket

EKS Distro Release

1.25 - eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-25-eks-7

1.24 - eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-24-eks-11

1.23 - eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-23-eks-16

1.22 - eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-22-eks-21

1.21 - eksdRelease:kubernetes-1-21-eks-26

Ubuntu OVAs

EKS Anywhere no longer distributes Ubuntu OVAs for use with EKS Anywhere clusters. Building your own Ubuntu-based nodes as described in Building node images is the only supported way to get that functionality.

Download Bottlerocket node images

Bottlerocket vends its VMware variant OVAs and Baremetal variants images using a secure distribution tool called tuftool. Please follow instructions down below to download Bottlerocket node images.

  1. Install Rust and Cargo
curl -sSf | sh
  1. Install tuftool using Cargo
CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true cargo install --force tuftool
  1. Download the root role that will be used by tuftool to download the Bottlerocket images
curl -O ""
sha512sum -c <<<"b81af4d8eb86743539fbc4709d33ada7b118d9f929f0c2f6c04e1d41f46241ed80423666d169079d736ab79965b4dd25a5a6db5f01578b397496d49ce11a3aa2  root.json"
  1. Export the desired Kubernetes version. EKS Anywhere currently supports 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24 and 1.25.
export KUBEVERSION="1.25"
  1. Download Bottlerocket node image

    a. To download VMware variant Bottlerocket OVA

    tuftool download ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/bottlerocket-ovas} --target-name "${OVA}" \
       --root ./root.json \
       --metadata-url "${KUBEVERSION}/x86_64/" \
       --targets-url ""

    The above command will download a Bottlerocket OVA. Please refer Deploy an OVA Template to proceed with the downloaded OVA.

    b. To download Baremetal variant Bottlerocket image

    tuftool download ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/bottlerocket-metal} --target-name "${IMAGE}" \
       --root ./root.json \
       --metadata-url "${KUBEVERSION}/x86_64/" \
       --targets-url ""

    The above command will download a Bottlerocket lz4 compressed image. Decompress and gzip the image with the following commands and host the image on a webserver for using it for an EKS Anywhere Baremetal cluster.

    lz4 --decompress ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/bottlerocket-metal}/${IMAGE} ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/bottlerocket-metal}/bottlerocket.img
    gzip ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/bottlerocket-metal}/bottlerocket.img

Building node images

The image-builder CLI lets you build your own Ubuntu-based vSphere OVAs, Nutanix qcow2 images, RHEL-based qcow2 images, or Bare Metal gzip images to use in EKS Anywhere clusters. When you run image-builder, it will pull in all components needed to build images to be used as Kubernetes nodes in an EKS Anywhere cluster, including the latest operating system, Kubernetes control plane components, and EKS Distro security updates, bug fixes, and patches. When building an image using this tool, you get to choose:

  • Operating system type (for example, ubuntu, redhat)
  • Provider (vsphere, cloudstack, baremetal, ami, nutanix)
  • Release channel for EKS Distro (generally aligning with Kubernetes releases)
  • vSphere only: configuration file providing information needed to access your vSphere setup
  • CloudStack only: configuration file providing information needed to access your CloudStack setup
  • Snow AMI only: configuration file providing information needed to customize your Snow AMI build parameters
  • Nutanix only: configuration file providing information needed to access Nutanix Prism Central

Because image-builder creates images in the same way that the EKS Anywhere project does for their own testing, images built with that tool are supported.

The table below shows the support matrix for the hypervisor and OS combinations that image-builder supports.

vSphere Baremetal CloudStack Nutanix Snow


To use image-builder, you must meet the following prerequisites:

System requirements

image-builder has been tested on Ubuntu, RHEL and Amazon Linux 2 machines. The following system requirements should be met for the machine on which image-builder is run:

  • AMD 64-bit architecture
  • 50 GB disk space
  • 2 vCPUs
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Baremetal only: Run on a bare metal machine with virtualization enabled

Network connectivity requirements

  • (to download container images from EKS Anywhere)
  • (to download the EKS Anywhere artifacts such as binaries, manifests and OS images)
  • (to download EKS Distro binaries and manifests)
  • (to pull the EKS Anywhere and EKS Distro ECR container images)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package authentication matching your region)
  • (for EKS Anywhere package ECR container)
  • (to download binaries and tools required for image builds from GitHub releases)
  • (to download Packer binary for image builds)
  • (to download Ansible packages from Ansible Galaxy)
  • vSphere only: VMware vCenter endpoint
  • CloudStack only: Apache CloudStack endpoint
  • Nutanix only: Nutanix Prism Central endpoint
  • Red Hat only: (to download RPMs and GPG keys for RHEL image builds)
  • Ubuntu only: (to download Ubuntu server ISOs for Ubuntu image builds)

vSphere requirements

image-builder uses the Hashicorp vsphere-iso Packer Builder for building vSphere OVAs.


Configure a user with a role containing the following permissions.

The role can be configured programmatically with the govc command below, or configured in the vSphere UI using the table below as reference.

Note that no matter how the role is created, it must be assigned to the user or user group at the Global Permissions level.

Unfortunately there is no API for managing vSphere Global Permissions, so they must be set on the user via the UI under Administration > Access Control > Global Permissions.

To generate a role named EKSAImageBuilder with the required privileges via govc, run the following:

govc role.create "EKSAImageBuilder" $(curl | jq .[] | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -d '"')

If creating a role with these privileges via the UI, refer to the table below.

Category UI Privilege Programmatic Privilege
Content Library Add library item ContentLibrary.AddLibraryItem
Content Library Delete library item ContentLibrary.DeleteLibraryItem
Content Library Download files ContentLibrary.DownloadSession
Content Library Evict library item ContentLibrary.EvictLibraryItem
Content Library Update library item ContentLibrary.UpdateLibraryItem
Datastore Allocate space Datastore.AllocateSpace
Datastore Browse datastore Datastore.Browse
Datastore Low level file operations Datastore.FileManagement
Network Assign network Network.Assign
Resource Assign virtual machine to resource pool Resource.AssignVMToPool
vApp Export vApp.Export
VirtualMachine Configuration > Add new disk VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk
VirtualMachine Configuration > Add or remove device VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice
VirtualMachine Configuration > Advanced configuration VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedConfiguration
VirtualMachine Configuration > Change CPU count VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount
VirtualMachine Configuration > Change memory VirtualMachine.Config.Memory
VirtualMachine Configuration > Change settings VirtualMachine.Config.Settings
VirtualMachine Configuration > Change Resource VirtualMachine.Config.Resource
VirtualMachine Configuration > Set annotation VirtualMachine.Config.Annotation
VirtualMachine Edit Inventory > Create from existing VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateFromExisting
VirtualMachine Edit Inventory > Create new VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create
VirtualMachine Edit Inventory > Remove VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete
VirtualMachine Interaction > Configure CD media VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia
VirtualMachine Interaction > Configure floppy media VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFloppyMedia
VirtualMachine Interaction > Connect devices VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceConnection
VirtualMachine Interaction > Inject USB HID scan codes VirtualMachine.Interact.PutUsbScanCodes
VirtualMachine Interaction > Power off VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff
VirtualMachine Interaction > Power on VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn
VirtualMachine Interaction > Create template from virtual machine VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CreateTemplateFromVM
VirtualMachine Interaction > Mark as template VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsTemplate
VirtualMachine Interaction > Mark as virtual machine VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsVM
VirtualMachine State > Create snapshot VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot

CloudStack requirements

Refer to the CloudStack Permissions for CAPC doc for required CloudStack user permissions.

Snow AMI requirements

Packer will require prior authentication with your AWS account to launch EC2 instances for the Snow AMI build. Refer to the Authentication guide for Amazon EBS Packer builder for possible modes of authentication. We recommend that you run image-builder on a pre-existing Ubuntu EC2 instance and use an IAM instance role with the required permissions .

Nutanix permissions

Prism Central Administrator permissions are required to build a Nutanix image using image-builder.

Optional Proxy configuration

You can use a proxy server to route outbound requests to the internet. To configure image-builder tool to use a proxy server, export these proxy environment variables:

export HTTP_PROXY=<HTTP proxy URL e.g.>
export HTTPS_PROXY=<HTTPS proxy URL e.g.>
export NO_PROXY=<No proxy>

Build vSphere OVA node images

These steps use image-builder to create an Ubuntu-based or RHEL-based image for vSphere. Before proceeding, ensure that the above system-level, network-level and vSphere-specific prerequisites have been met.

  1. Create a linux user for running image-builder.

    sudo adduser image-builder

    Follow the prompt to provide a password for the image-builder user.

  2. Add image-builder user to the sudo group and change user as image-builder providing in the password from previous step when prompted.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo image-builder
    su image-builder
    cd /home/$USER
  3. Install packages and prepare environment:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install jq unzip make ansible python3-pip -y
    sudo snap install yq
    mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
    echo "HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
    echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
  4. Get image-builder:

    cd /tmp
    LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
    BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
    IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI=$(curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].eksD.imagebuilder.uri")
    curl -s $IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI | tar xz ./image-builder
    sudo cp ./image-builder /usr/local/bin
    cd -
  5. Get the latest version of govc:

    curl -L -o - "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xvzf - govc
  6. Create a content library on vSphere:

    govc library.create "<library name>"
  7. Create a vsphere configuration file (for example, vsphere-connection.json):

      "cluster": "<vsphere cluster used for image building>",
      "convert_to_template": "false",
      "create_snapshot": "<creates a snapshot on base OVA after building if set to true>",
      "datacenter": "<vsphere datacenter used for image building>",
      "datastore": "<datastore used to store template/for image building>",
      "folder": "<folder on vsphere to create temporary VM>",
      "insecure_connection": "true",
      "linked_clone": "false",
      "network": "<vsphere network used for image building>",
      "password": "<vcenter password>",
      "resource_pool": "<resource pool used for image building VM>",
      "username": "<vcenter username>",
      "vcenter_server": "<vcenter fqdn>",
      "vsphere_library_name": "<vsphere content library name>"

    For RHEL images, add the following fields:

      "iso_url": "<https://endpoint to RHEL ISO endpoint or path to file>",
      "iso_checksum": "<for example: ea5f349d492fed819e5086d351de47261c470fc794f7124805d176d69ddf1fcd>",
      "iso_checksum_type": "<for example: sha256>",
      "rhel_username": "<rhsm username>",
      "rhel_password": "<rhsm password>"
  8. Create an Ubuntu or Redhat image:

    • To create an Ubuntu-based image, run image-builder with the following options:

      • --os: ubuntu
      • --hypervisor: For vSphere use vsphere
      • --release-channel: Supported EKS Distro releases include 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24 and 1-25.
      • --vsphere-config: vSphere configuration file (vsphere-connection.json in this example)
      image-builder build --os ubuntu --hypervisor vsphere --release-channel 1-25 --vsphere-config vsphere-connection.json
    • To create a RHEL-based image, run image-builder with the following options:

      • --os: redhat
      • --hypervisor: For vSphere use vsphere
      • --release-channel: Supported EKS Distro releases include 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24 and 1-25.
      • --vsphere-config: vSphere configuration file (vsphere-connection.json in this example)
      image-builder build --os redhat --hypervisor vsphere --release-channel 1-25 --vsphere-config vsphere-connection.json

Build Bare Metal node images

These steps use image-builder to create an Ubuntu-based or RHEL-based image for Bare Metal. Before proceeding, ensure that the above system-level, network-level and baremetal-specific prerequisites have been met.

  1. Create a linux user for running image-builder.

    sudo adduser image-builder

    Follow the prompt to provide a password for the image-builder user.

  2. Add image-builder user to the sudo group and change user as image-builder providing in the password from previous step when prompted.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo image-builder
    su image-builder
    cd /home/$USER
  3. Install packages and prepare environment:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install jq make python3-pip qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients virtinst cpu-checker libguestfs-tools libosinfo-bin unzip ansible -y
    sudo snap install yq
    sudo usermod -a -G kvm $USER
    sudo chmod 666 /dev/kvm
    sudo chown root:kvm /dev/kvm
    mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
    echo "HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
    echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
  4. Get image-builder:

    cd /tmp
    LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
    BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
    IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI=$(curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].eksD.imagebuilder.uri")
    curl -s $IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI | tar xz ./image-builder
    sudo cp ./image-builder /usr/local/bin
    cd -
  5. Create an Ubuntu or Red Hat image.


    Run image-builder with the following options:

    • --os: ubuntu
    • --hypervisor: baremetal
    • --release-channel: A supported EKS Distro release formatted as “[major]-[minor]"; for example “1-25”
    image-builder build --os ubuntu --hypervisor baremetal --release-channel 1-25

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

    RHEL images require a configuration file to identify the location of the RHEL 8 ISO image and Red Hat subscription information. The image-builder command will temporarily consume a Red Hat subscription that is returned once the image is built.

      "iso_url": "<https://endpoint to RHEL ISO endpoint or path to file>",
      "iso_checksum": "<for example: ea5f349d492fed819e5086d351de47261c470fc794f7124805d176d69ddf1fcd>",
      "iso_checksum_type": "<for example: sha256>",
      "rhel_username": "<rhsm username>",
      "rhel_password": "<rhsm password>",
      "extra_rpms": "<space-separated list of RPM packages; useful for adding required drivers or other packages>"

    Run the image-builder with the following options:

    • --os: redhat
    • --hypervisor: baremetal
    • --release-channel: A supported EKS Distro release formatted as “[major]-[minor]"; for example “1-25”
    • --baremetal-config: Bare metal config file
    image-builder build --os redhat --hypervisor baremetal --release-channel 1-25 --baremetal-config baremetal.json
  6. To consume the image, serve it from an accessible web server, then create the bare metal cluster spec configuring the osImageURL field URL of the image. For example:

    osImageURL: "http://<artifact host address>/my-ubuntu-v1.23.9-eks-a-17-amd64.gz"

    See descriptions of osImageURL for further information.

Build CloudStack node images

These steps use image-builder to create a RHEL-based image for CloudStack. Before proceeding, ensure that the above system-level, network-level and CloudStack-specific prerequisites have been met.

  1. Create a linux user for running image-builder.

    sudo adduser image-builder

    Follow the prompt to provide a password for the image-builder user.

  2. Add image-builder user to the sudo group and change user as image-builder providing in the password from previous step when prompted.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo image-builder
    su image-builder
    cd /home/$USER
  3. Install packages and prepare environment:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install jq make python3-pip qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients virtinst cpu-checker libguestfs-tools libosinfo-bin unzip ansible -y
    sudo snap install yq
    sudo usermod -a -G kvm $USER
    sudo chmod 666 /dev/kvm
    sudo chown root:kvm /dev/kvm
    mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
    echo "HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
    echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
  4. Get image-builder:

    cd /tmp
    LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
    BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
    IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI=$(curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].eksD.imagebuilder.uri")
    curl -s $IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI | tar xz ./image-builder
    sudo cp ./image-builder /usr/local/bin
    cd -
  5. Create a CloudStack configuration file (for example, cloudstack.json) to identify the location of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 ISO image and related checksum and Red Hat subscription information:

      "iso_url": "<https://endpoint to RHEL ISO endpoint or path to file>",
      "iso_checksum": "<for example: ea5f349d492fed819e5086d351de47261c470fc794f7124805d176d69ddf1fcd>",
      "iso_checksum_type": "<for example: sha256>",
      "rhel_username": "<rhsm username>",
      "rhel_password": "<rhsm password>"

    NOTE: To build the RHEL-based image, image-builder temporarily consumes a Red Hat subscription. That subscription is returned once the image is built.

  6. To create a RHEL-based image, run image-builder with the following options:

    • --os: redhat
    • --hypervisor: For CloudStack use cloudstack
    • --release-channel: Supported EKS Distro releases include 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24 and 1-25.
    • --cloudstack-config: CloudStack configuration file (cloudstack.json in this example)
    image-builder build --os redhat --hypervisor cloudstack --release-channel 1-25 --cloudstack-config cloudstack.json
  7. To consume the resulting RHEL-based image, add it as a template to your CloudStack setup as described in Preparing CloudStack .

Build Snow node images

These steps use image-builder to create an Ubuntu-based Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is backed by EBS volumes for Snow. Before proceeding, ensure that the above system-level, network-level and AMI-specific prerequisites have been met

  1. Create a linux user for running image-builder.

    sudo adduser image-builder

    Follow the prompt to provide a password for the image-builder user.

  2. Add the image-builder user to the sudo group and switch user to image-builder, providing in the password from previous step when prompted.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo image-builder
    su image-builder
    cd /home/$USER
  3. Install packages and prepare environment:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install jq unzip make ansible python3-pip -y
    sudo snap install yq
    mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
    echo "HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
    echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
  4. Get image-builder:

    cd /tmp
    LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
    BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
    IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI=$(curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].eksD.imagebuilder.uri")
    curl -s $IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI | tar xz ./image-builder
    sudo cp ./image-builder /usr/local/bin
    cd -
  5. Create an AMI configuration file (for example, ami.json) that contains various AMI parameters.

      "ami_filter_name": "<Regular expression to filter a source AMI (default: ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-*)>",
      "ami_filter_owners": "<AWS account ID or AWS owner alias such as 'amazon', 'aws-marketplace', etc (default: 679593333241 - the AWS Marketplace AWS account ID)>",
      "ami_regions": "<A list of AWS regions to copy the AMI to>",
      "aws_region": "<The AWS region in which to launch the EC2 instance to create the AMI>",
      "ansible_extra_vars": "<The absolute path to the additional variables to pass to Ansible. These are converted to the `--extra-vars` command-line argument. This path must be prefix with '@'>",
      "builder_instance_type": "<The EC2 instance type to use while building the AMI (default: t3.small)>",
      "custom_role": "<If set to true, this will run a custom Ansible role before the `sysprep` role to allow for further customization>",
      "custom_role_name_list" : "<Array of strings representing the absolute paths of custom Ansible roles to run. This field is mutually exclusive with custom_role_names>",
      "custom_role_names": "<Space-delimited string of the custom roles to run. This field is mutually exclusive with custom_role_name_list and is provided for compatibility with Ansible's input format>",
      "manifest_output": "<The absolute path to write the build artifacts manifest to. If you wish to export the AMI using this manifest, ensure that you provide a path that is not inside the '/home/$USER/eks-anywhere-build-tooling' path since that will be cleaned up when the build finishes>",
      "root_device_name": "<The device name used by EC2 for the root EBS volume attached to the instance>",
      "subnet_id": "<The ID of the subnet where Packer will launch the EC2 instance. This field is required when using a non-default VPC>",
      "volume_size": "<The size of the root EBS volume in GiB>",
      "volume_type": "<The type of root EBS volume, such as gp2, gp3, io1, etc.>"
  6. To create an Ubuntu-based image, run image-builder with the following options:

    • --os: ubuntu
    • --hypervisor: For AMI, use ami
    • --release-channel: Supported EKS Distro releases include 1-21, 1-22, 1-23 and 1-24.
    • --ami-config: AMI configuration file (ami.json in this example)
    image-builder build --os ubuntu --hypervisor ami --release-channel 1-24 --ami-config ami.json
  7. After the build, the Ubuntu AMI will be available in your AWS account in the AWS region specified in your AMI configuration file. If you wish to export it as a Raw image, you can achieve this using the AWS CLI.

    ARTIFACT_ID=$(cat <manifest output location> | jq -r '.builds[0].artifact_id')
    AMI_ID=$(echo $ARTIFACT_ID | cut -d: -f2)
    AMI_EXPORT_BUCKET_NAME=<S3 bucket to export the AMI to>
    AMI_EXPORT_PREFIX=<S3 prefix for the exported AMI object>
    EXPORT_RESPONSE=$(aws ec2 export-image --disk-image-format $IMAGE_FORMAT --s3-export-location S3Bucket=$AMI_EXPORT_BUCKET_NAME,S3Prefix=$AMI_EXPORT_PREFIX --image-id $AMI_ID)
    EXPORT_TASK_ID=$(echo $EXPORT_RESPONSE | jq -r '.ExportImageTaskId')

    The exported image will be available at the location s3://$AMI_EXPORT_BUCKET_NAME/$AMI_EXPORT_PREFIX/$EXPORT_IMAGE_TASK_ID.raw.

Build Nutanix node images

These steps use image-builder to create a Ubuntu-based image for Nutanix AHV and import it into the AOS Image Service. Before proceeding, ensure that the above system-level, network-level and Nutanix-specific prerequisites have been met.

  1. Download an Ubuntu cloud image for the build and upload it to the AOS Image Service using Prism. You will need to specify this image name as the source_image_name in the nutanix-connection.json config file specified below.

  2. Create a linux user for running image-builder.

    sudo adduser image-builder

    Follow the prompt to provide a password for the image-builder user.

  3. Add image-builder user to the sudo group and change user as image-builder providing in the password from previous step when prompted.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo image-builder
    su image-builder
    cd /home/$USER
  4. Install packages and prepare environment:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install jq unzip make ansible python3-pip -y
    sudo snap install yq
    mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
    echo "HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
    echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa" >> /home/$USER/.ssh/config
  5. Get image-builder:

    cd /tmp
    LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
    BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl -s | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$LATEST_EKSA_RELEASE_VERSION\").bundleManifestUrl")
    IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI=$(curl -s $BUNDLE_MANIFEST_URL | yq ".spec.versionsBundles[0].eksD.imagebuilder.uri")
    curl -s $IMAGEBUILDER_TARBALL_URI | tar xz ./image-builder
    sudo cp ./image-builder /usr/local/bin
    cd -
  6. Create a nutanix-connection.json config file. More details on values can be found in the image-builder documentation . See example below:

      "nutanix_cluster_name": "Name of PE Cluster",
      "source_image_name": "Name of Source Image",
      "image_name": "Name of Destination Image",
      "nutanix_subnet_name": "Name of Subnet",
      "nutanix_endpoint": "Prism Central IP / FQDN",
      "nutanix_insecure": "false",
      "nutanix_port": "9440",
      "nutanix_username": "PrismCentral_Username",
      "nutanix_password": "PrismCentral_Password"
  7. Run image-builder with the following options:

    • --os: ubuntu
    • --hypervisor: For Nutanix use nutanix
    • --release-channel: Supported EKS Distro releases include 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24 and 1-25.
    • --nutanix-config: Nutanix configuration file (nutanix-connection.json in this example)
    cd /home/$USER
    image-builder build --os ubuntu --hypervisor nutanix --release-channel 1-25 --nutanix-config nutanix-connection.json


The various images for EKS Anywhere can be found in the EKS Anywhere ECR repository . The various images for EKS Distro can be found in the EKS Distro ECR repository .

13 - Ports and protocols

Ports used with an EKS Anywhere cluster

EKS Anywhere requires that various ports on control plane and worker nodes be open. Some Kubernetes-specific ports need open access only from other Kubernetes nodes, while others are exposed externally. Beyond Kubernetes ports, someone managing an EKS Anywhere cluster must also have external access to ports on the underlying EKS Anywhere provider (such as VMware) and to external tooling (such as Jenkins).

If you are responsible for network firewall rules between nodes on your EKS Anywhere clusters, the following tables describe both Kubernetes and EKS Anywhere-specific ports you should be aware of.

Kubernetes control plane

The following table represents the ports published by the Kubernetes project that must be accessible on any Kubernetes control plane.

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 6443 Kubernetes API server All
TCP Inbound 10250 Kubelet API Self, Control plane
TCP Inbound 10259 kube-scheduler Self
TCP Inbound 10257 kube-controller-manager Self

Although etcd ports are included in control plane section, you can also host your own etcd cluster externally or on custom ports.

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 2379-2380 etcd server client API kube-apiserver, etcd

Use the following to access the SSH service on the control plane and etcd nodes:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 22 SSHD server SSH clients

Kubernetes worker nodes

The following table represents the ports published by the Kubernetes project that must be accessible from worker nodes.

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 10250 Kubelet API Self, Control plane
TCP Inbound 30000-32767 NodePort Services All

The API server port that is sometimes switched to 443. Alternatively, the default port is kept as is and API server is put behind a load balancer that listens on 443 and routes the requests to API server on the default port.

Use the following to access the SSH service on the worker nodes:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 22 SSHD server SSH clients

Bare Metal provider

On the Admin machine for a Bare Metal provider, the following ports need to be accessible to all the nodes in the cluster, from the same level 2 network, for initially network booting:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
UDP Inbound 67 Boots DHCP All nodes, for network boot
UDP Inbound 69 Boots TFTP All nodes, for network boot
TCP Inbound 80 Boots HTTP All nodes, for network boot
TCP Inbound 42113 Tink-server gRPC All nodes, talk to Tinkerbell
TCP Inbound 50061 Hegel HTTP All nodes, talk to Tinkerbell
TCP Outbound 623 Rufio IPMI All nodes, out-of-band power and next boot (optional )
TCP Outbound 80,443 Rufio Redfish All nodes, out-of-band power and next boot (optional )

VMware provider

The following table displays ports that need to be accessible from the VMware provider running EKS Anywhere:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 443 vCenter Server vCenter API endpoint
TCP Inbound 6443 Kubernetes API server Kubernetes API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2379 Manager Etcd API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2380 Manager Etcd API endpoint

Nutanix provider

The following table displays ports that need to be accessible from the Nutanix provider running EKS Anywhere:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 9440 Prism Central Server Prism Central API endpoint
TCP Inbound 6443 Kubernetes API server Kubernetes API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2379 Manager Etcd API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2380 Manager Etcd API endpoint

Snow provider

In addition to the Ports Required to Use AWS Services on an AWS Snowball Edge Device , the following table displays ports that need to be accessible from the Snow provider running EKS Anywhere:

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 9092 Device Controller EKS Anywhere and CAPAS controller
TCP Inbound 8242 EC2 HTTPS endpoint EKS Anywhere and CAPAS controller
TCP Inbound 6443 Kubernetes API server Kubernetes API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2379 Manager Etcd API endpoint
TCP Inbound 2380 Manager Etcd API endpoint

Control plane management tools

A variety of control plane management tools are available to use with EKS Anywhere. One example is Jenkins.

Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By
TCP Inbound 8080 Jenkins Server HTTP Jenkins endpoint
TCP Inbound 8443 Jenkins Server HTTPS Jenkins endpoint

14 - Release Alerts

SNS Alerts for EKS Anywhere release

EKS Anywhere uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to notify availability of a new release. It is recommended that your clusters are kept up to date with the latest EKS Anywhere release. Please follow the instructions below to subscribe to SNS notification.

  • Sign in to your AWS Account
  • Select us-east-1 region
  • Go to the SNS Console
  • In the left navigation pane, choose “Subscriptions”
  • On the Subscriptions page, choose “Create subscription”
  • On the Create subscription page, in the Details section enter the following information
    • Topic ARN
    • Protocol - Email
    • Endpoint - Your preferred email address
  • Choose Create Subscription
  • In few minutes, you will receive an email asking you to confirm the subscription
  • Click the confirmation link in the email

15 - eksctl anywhere CLI reference

Details on the options and parameters for eksctl anywhere CLI

The eksctl CLI, with the EKS Anywhere plugin added, lets you create and manage EKS Anywhere clusters. While a cluster is running, most EKS Anywhere administration can be done using kubectl or other native Kubernetes tools.

Use this page as a reference to useful eksctl anywhere command examples for working with EKS Anywhere clusters. Available eksctl anywhere commands include:

  • create cluster To create an EKS Anywhere cluster
  • upgrade To upgrade a workload cluster
  • delete cluster To delete an EKS Anywhere cluster
  • generate [clusterconfig | support-bundle | support-bundle-config | packages | hardware] To generate cluster, support configs, package configs, and tinkerbell hardware files
  • help To get help information
  • version To get the EKS Anywhere version

Options used with multiple commands include:

  • -h or --help To get help for a command or subcommand
  • -v int or --verbosity int To set log level verbosity from 0-9
  • -f filenameor–filename filename` To identify the filename containing the cluster config
  • --force-cleanup To force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  • -w string or --w-config string To identify the kubeconfig file when needed to create a support bundle or upgrade a cluster

Other available options and arguments are listed with the command examples that follow.

eksctl anywhere generate

With eksctl anywhere generate, you can output sets of cluster resources to create a new cluster or troubleshoot an existing cluster. Here are some examples.

eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig

Using eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig you can generate a cluster configuration for a specific provider (-p or --providerprovider_name). Here are examples:

Generate a configuration file to create an EKS Anywhere cluster for a vsphere provider:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME} -p vsphere > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Generate a configuration file to create an EKS Anywhere cluster for a Docker provider:

export CLUSTER_NAME=docker01
eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME} -p docker > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Once you have generated the yaml configuration file, edit that file to add configuration information before you use the file to create your cluster. See local and production cluster creation procedures for details.

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle-config

If you would like to customize your support bundle, you can generate a support bundle configuration file (support-bundle-config), edit that file to choose the data you want to gather, then gather the selected data into a support bundle (support-bundle).

Generate a support bundle config file (then edit that file to select the log data you want to gather):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle-config > ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml 

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle

Once you have a bundle config file, generate a support bundle from an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. Additional options available for this command include:

  • --bundle-config string To identify the bundle config file to use to generate the support bundle
  • --since string To collect pod logs in the latest duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
  • --since-time string To collect pod logs after a specific datetime(RFC3339) like 2021-06-28T15:04:05Z

Here is an example:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle --bundle-config ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml \
   -w ${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig \
   --since 2h -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.yaml

The example just shown:

  • Uses ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle.yaml as the file to hold the results
  • Collects pod logs for the past two hours (2h)
  • Identifies the bundle config file to use (${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml)
  • Identifies the .kubeconfig file to use for a workload cluster

To change the command to generate a support bundle that gathers pod logs starting from a specific date (September 8, 2021) and time (1:27 PM):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle --bundle-config ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle_config.yaml \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig \
   --since-time 2021-09-8T13:27:00Z 2h -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}_bundle.yaml

eksctl anywhere create cluster

Create an EKS Anywhere cluster from a cluster configuration file you generated (and modified) earlier. This example sets verbosity to most verbose (-v 9):

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere create cluster -v 9 -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

See local and production cluster creation procedures for details.

eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster

Upgrade an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. This example uses maximum verbosity and forces a cleanup of the previously created bootstrap cluster:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml --force-cleanup -v9 \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig 

For more information on this and other ways to upgrade a cluster, see Upgrade cluster .

eksctl anywhere delete cluster

Delete an existing EKS Anywhere cluster. This example deletes all VMs and the forces the deletion of the previously created bootstrap cluster:

export CLUSTER_NAME=vsphere01
eksctl anywhere delete cluster -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml \
   --force-cleanup \
   -w KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig 

For more information on deleting a cluster, see Delete cluster .

eksctl anywhere version

View the version of eksctl anywhere:

eksctl anywhere version

eksctl anywhere help

Use eksctl anywhere help or the -h option to see general options or options specific to a particular set of commands.

View general help information using help:

eksctl anywhere help

Use eksctl anywhere to build your own self-managing cluster on your hardware with the best of Amazon EKS

  eksctl anywhere [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create resources
  delete      Delete resources
  generate    Generate resources
  help        Help about any command
  upgrade     Upgrade resources
  version     Get the eksctl version

  -h, --help            help for eksctl
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity

Use "eksctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Display help options for generating a support bundle:

eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle -h

This command is used to create a support bundle to troubleshoot a cluster

  eksctl anywhere generate support-bundle -f my-cluster.yaml [flags]

      --bundle-config string   Bundle Config file to use when generating support bundle
  -f, --filename string        Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                   help for support-bundle
      --since string           Collect pod logs in the latest duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
      --since-time string      Collect pod logs after a specific datetime(RFC3339) like 2021-06-28T15:04:05Z
  -w, --w-config string        Kubeconfig file to use when creating support bundle for a workload cluster

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity

Display options for creating a cluster:

eksctl anywhere create cluster -h
This command is used to create workload clusters

  eksctl anywhere create cluster [flags]

  -f, --filename string   Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
      --force-cleanup     Force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  -h, --help              help for cluster

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity

15.1 - anywhere


Amazon EKS Anywhere


Use eksctl anywhere to build your own self-managing cluster on your hardware with the best of Amazon EKS


  -h, --help            help for anywhere
  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.2 - anywhere apply

anywhere apply

Apply resources


Use eksctl anywhere apply to apply resources


  -h, --help   help for apply

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.3 - anywhere apply package(s)

anywhere apply package(s)

Apply curated packages


Apply Curated Packages Custom Resources to the cluster

anywhere apply package(s) [flags]


  -f, --filename string     Filename that contains curated packages custom resources to apply
  -h, --help                help for package(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.4 - anywhere check-images

anywhere check-images

Check images used by EKS Anywhere do exist in the target registry


This command is used to check images used by EKS-Anywhere for cluster provisioning do exist in the target registry

anywhere check-images [flags]


  -f, --filename string   Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help              help for check-images

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.5 - anywhere copy

anywhere copy

Copy resources


Copy EKS Anywhere resources and artifacts


  -h, --help   help for copy

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.6 - anywhere copy packages

anywhere copy packages

Copy curated package images and charts from a source to a destination


Copy all the EKS Anywhere curated package images and helm charts from a source to a destination.

anywhere copy packages [flags]


      --aws-region string   Region to copy images from
  -b, --bundle string       EKS-A bundle file to read artifact dependencies from
      --dry-run             Dry run copy to print images that would be copied
      --dst-cert string     TLS certificate for destination registry
  -h, --help                help for packages
      --insecure            Skip TLS verification while copying images and charts
      --src-cert string     TLS certificate for source registry

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.7 - anywhere create

anywhere create

Create resources


Use eksctl anywhere create to create resources, such as clusters


  -h, --help   help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.8 - anywhere create cluster

anywhere create cluster

Create workload cluster


This command is used to create workload clusters

anywhere create cluster -f <cluster-config-file> [flags]


      --bundles-override string          Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string                  Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
      --force-cleanup                    Force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  -z, --hardware-csv string              Path to a CSV file containing hardware data.
  -h, --help                             help for cluster
      --install-packages string          Location of curated packages configuration files to install to the cluster
      --kubeconfig string                Management cluster kubeconfig file
      --no-timeouts                      Disable timeout for all wait operations
      --skip-ip-check                    Skip check for whether cluster control plane ip is in use
      --tinkerbell-bootstrap-ip string   Override the local tinkerbell IP in the bootstrap cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.9 - anywhere create package(s)

anywhere create package(s)

Create curated packages


Create Curated Packages Custom Resources to the cluster

anywhere create package(s) [flags]


  -f, --filename string     Filename that contains curated packages custom resources to create
  -h, --help                help for package(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.10 - anywhere delete

anywhere delete

Delete resources


Use eksctl anywhere delete to delete clusters


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.11 - anywhere delete cluster

anywhere delete cluster

Workload cluster


This command is used to delete workload clusters created by eksctl anywhere

anywhere delete cluster (<cluster-name>|-f <config-file>) [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string           Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration, required if <cluster-name> is not provided
      --force-cleanup             Force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  -h, --help                      help for cluster
      --kubeconfig string         kubeconfig file pointing to a management cluster
  -w, --w-config string           Kubeconfig file to use when deleting a workload cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.12 - anywhere delete package(s)

anywhere delete package(s)

Delete package(s)


This command is used to delete the curated packages custom resources installed in the cluster

anywhere delete package(s) [flags]


      --cluster string      Cluster for package deletion.
  -h, --help                help for package(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.13 - anywhere describe

anywhere describe

Describe resources


Use eksctl anywhere describe to show details of a specific resource or group of resources


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.14 - anywhere describe package(s)

anywhere describe package(s)

Describe curated packages in the cluster

anywhere describe package(s) [flags]


      --cluster string      Cluster to describe packages.
  -h, --help                help for package(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.15 - anywhere download

anywhere download

Download resources


Use eksctl anywhere download to download artifacts (manifests, bundles) used by EKS Anywhere


  -h, --help   help for download

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.16 - anywhere download artifacts

anywhere download artifacts

Download EKS Anywhere artifacts/manifests to a tarball on disk


This command is used to download the S3 artifacts from an EKS Anywhere bundle manifest and package them into a tarball

anywhere download artifacts [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -d, --download-dir string       Directory to download the artifacts to (default "eks-anywhere-downloads")
      --dry-run                   Print the manifest URIs without downloading them
  -f, --filename string           [Deprecated] Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                      help for artifacts
  -r, --retain-dir                Do not delete the download folder after creating a tarball

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.17 - anywhere download images

anywhere download images

Download all eks-a images to disk


Creates a tarball containing all necessary images to create an eks-a cluster for any of the supported Kubernetes versions.

anywhere download images [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -h, --help                      help for images
      --include-packages          this flag no longer works, use copy packages instead (DEPRECATED: use copy packages command)
      --insecure                  Flag to indicate skipping TLS verification while downloading helm charts
  -o, --output string             Output tarball containing all downloaded images

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.18 - anywhere exp

anywhere exp

experimental commands


Use eksctl anywhere experimental commands


  -h, --help   help for exp

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.19 - anywhere exp validate

anywhere exp validate

Validate resource or action


Use eksctl anywhere validate to validate a resource or action


  -h, --help   help for validate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.20 - anywhere exp validate create

anywhere exp validate create

Validate create resources


Use eksctl anywhere validate create to validate the create action on resources, such as cluster


  -h, --help   help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.21 - anywhere exp validate create cluster

anywhere exp validate create cluster

Validate create cluster


Use eksctl anywhere validate create cluster to validate the create cluster action

anywhere exp validate create cluster -f <cluster-config-file> [flags]


  -f, --filename string                  Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -z, --hardware-csv string              Path to a CSV file containing hardware data.
  -h, --help                             help for cluster
      --tinkerbell-bootstrap-ip string   Override the local tinkerbell IP in the bootstrap cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.22 - anywhere exp vsphere

anywhere exp vsphere

Utility vsphere operations


Use eksctl anywhere vsphere to perform utility operations on vsphere


  -h, --help   help for vsphere

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.23 - anywhere exp vsphere setup

anywhere exp vsphere setup

Setup vSphere objects


Use eksctl anywhere vsphere setup to configure vSphere objects


  -h, --help   help for setup

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.24 - anywhere exp vsphere setup user

anywhere exp vsphere setup user

Setup vSphere user


Use eksctl anywhere vsphere setup user to configure EKS Anywhere vSphere user

anywhere exp vsphere setup user -f <config-file> [flags]


  -f, --filename string   Filename containing vsphere setup configuration
      --force             Force flag. When set, setup user will proceed even if the group and role objects already exist. Mutually exclusive with --password flag, as it expects the user to already exist. default: false
  -h, --help              help for user
  -p, --password string   Password for creating new user

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.25 - anywhere generate

anywhere generate

Generate resources


Use eksctl anywhere generate to generate resources, such as clusterconfig yaml


  -h, --help   help for generate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.26 - anywhere generate clusterconfig

anywhere generate clusterconfig

Generate cluster config


This command is used to generate a cluster config yaml for the create cluster command

anywhere generate clusterconfig <cluster-name> (max 80 chars) [flags]


  -h, --help              help for clusterconfig
  -p, --provider string   Provider to use (vsphere or tinkerbell or docker)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.27 - anywhere generate hardware

anywhere generate hardware

Generate hardware files


Generate Kubernetes hardware YAML manifests for each Hardware entry in the source.

anywhere generate hardware [flags]


  -z, --hardware-csv string   Path to a CSV file containing hardware data.
  -h, --help                  help for hardware
  -o, --output string         Path to output hardware YAML.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.28 - anywhere generate packages

anywhere generate packages

Generate package(s) configuration


Generates Kubernetes configuration files for curated packages

anywhere generate packages [flags] package


      --cluster string        Name of cluster for package generation
  -h, --help                  help for packages
      --kube-version string   Kubernetes Version of the cluster to be used. Format <major>.<minor>
      --kubeconfig string     Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.
      --registry string       Used to specify an alternative registry for package generation

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.29 - anywhere generate support-bundle

anywhere generate support-bundle

Generate a support bundle


This command is used to create a support bundle to troubleshoot a cluster

anywhere generate support-bundle -f my-cluster.yaml [flags]


      --bundle-config string   Bundle Config file to use when generating support bundle
  -f, --filename string        Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                   help for support-bundle
      --since string           Collect pod logs in the latest duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
      --since-time string      Collect pod logs after a specific datetime(RFC3339) like 2021-06-28T15:04:05Z
  -w, --w-config string        Kubeconfig file to use when creating support bundle for a workload cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.30 - anywhere generate support-bundle-config

anywhere generate support-bundle-config

Generate support bundle config


This command is used to generate a default support bundle config yaml

anywhere generate support-bundle-config [flags]


  -f, --filename string   Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help              help for support-bundle-config

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.31 - anywhere get

anywhere get

Get resources


Use eksctl anywhere get to display one or many resources


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.32 - anywhere get package(s)

anywhere get package(s)

Get package(s)


This command is used to display the curated packages installed in the cluster

anywhere get package(s) [flags]


      --cluster string      Cluster to get list of packages.
  -h, --help                help for package(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file.
  -o, --output string       Specifies the output format (valid option: json, yaml)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.33 - anywhere get packagebundle(s)

anywhere get packagebundle(s)

Get packagebundle(s)


This command is used to display the currently supported packagebundles

anywhere get packagebundle(s) [flags]


  -h, --help                help for packagebundle(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file.
  -o, --output string       Specifies the output format (valid option: json, yaml)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.34 - anywhere get packagebundlecontroller(s)

anywhere get packagebundlecontroller(s)

Get packagebundlecontroller(s)


This command is used to display the current packagebundlecontrollers

anywhere get packagebundlecontroller(s) [flags]


  -h, --help                help for packagebundlecontroller(s)
      --kubeconfig string   Path to an optional kubeconfig file.
  -o, --output string       Specifies the output format (valid option: json, yaml)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.35 - anywhere import

anywhere import

Import resources


Use eksctl anywhere import to import resources, such as images and helm charts


  -h, --help   help for import

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.36 - anywhere import images

anywhere import images

Import images and charts to a registry from a tarball


Import all the images and helm charts necessary for EKS Anywhere clusters into a registry. Use this command in conjunction with download images, passing it output tarball as input to this command.

anywhere import images [flags]


  -b, --bundles string     Bundles file to read artifact dependencies from
  -h, --help               help for images
      --include-packages   Flag to indicate inclusion of curated packages in imported images (DEPRECATED: use copy packages command)
  -i, --input string       Input tarball containing all images and charts to import
      --insecure           Flag to indicate skipping TLS verification while pushing helm charts
  -r, --registry string    Registry where to import images and charts

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.37 - anywhere install

anywhere install

Install resources to the cluster


Use eksctl anywhere install to install resources into a cluster


  -h, --help   help for install

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.38 - anywhere install package

anywhere install package

Install package


This command is used to Install a curated package. Use list to discover curated packages

anywhere install package [flags] package


      --cluster string        Target cluster for installation.
  -h, --help                  help for package
      --kube-version string   Kubernetes Version of the cluster to be used. Format <major>.<minor>
      --kubeconfig string     Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.
  -n, --package-name string   Custom name of the curated package to install
      --registry string       Used to specify an alternative registry for discovery
      --set stringArray       Provide custom configurations for curated packages. Format key:value

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.39 - anywhere install packagecontroller

anywhere install packagecontroller

Install packagecontroller on the cluster


This command is used to Install the packagecontroller on to an existing cluster

anywhere install packagecontroller [flags]


  -f, --filename string     Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                help for packagecontroller
      --kubeConfig string   Management cluster kubeconfig file

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.40 - anywhere list

anywhere list

List resources


Use eksctl anywhere list to list images and artifacts used by EKS Anywhere


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.41 - anywhere list images

anywhere list images

Generate a list of images used by EKS Anywhere


This command is used to generate a list of images used by EKS-Anywhere for cluster provisioning

anywhere list images [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string           Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                      help for images

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.42 - anywhere list ovas

anywhere list ovas

List the OVAs that are supported by current version of EKS Anywhere


This command is used to list the vSphere OVAs from the EKS Anywhere bundle manifest for the current version of the EKS Anywhere CLI

anywhere list ovas [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string           Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                      help for ovas

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.43 - anywhere list packages

anywhere list packages

Lists curated packages available to install

anywhere list packages [flags]


      --cluster string        Name of cluster for package list.
  -h, --help                  help for packages
      --kube-version string   Kubernetes version <major>.<minor> of the packages to list, for example: "1.23".
      --kubeconfig string     Path to a kubeconfig file to use when source is a cluster.
      --registry string       Specifies an alternative registry for packages discovery.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.44 - anywhere upgrade

anywhere upgrade

Upgrade resources


Use eksctl anywhere upgrade to upgrade resources, such as clusters


  -h, --help   help for upgrade

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.45 - anywhere upgrade cluster

anywhere upgrade cluster

Upgrade workload cluster


This command is used to upgrade workload clusters

anywhere upgrade cluster [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string           Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
      --force-cleanup             Force deletion of previously created bootstrap cluster
  -z, --hardware-csv string       Path to a CSV file containing hardware data.
  -h, --help                      help for cluster
      --kubeconfig string         Management cluster kubeconfig file
      --no-timeouts               Disable timeout for all wait operations
  -w, --w-config string           Kubeconfig file to use when upgrading a workload cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.46 - anywhere upgrade packages

anywhere upgrade packages

Upgrade all curated packages to the latest version

anywhere upgrade packages [flags]


      --bundle-version string   Bundle version to use
      --cluster string          Cluster to upgrade.
  -h, --help                    help for packages
      --kubeconfig string       Path to an optional kubeconfig file to use.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.47 - anywhere upgrade plan

anywhere upgrade plan

Provides information for a resource upgrade


Use eksctl anywhere upgrade plan to get information for a resource upgrade


  -h, --help   help for plan

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.48 - anywhere upgrade plan cluster

anywhere upgrade plan cluster

Provides new release versions for the next cluster upgrade


Provides a list of target versions for upgrading the core components in the workload cluster

anywhere upgrade plan cluster [flags]


      --bundles-override string   Override default Bundles manifest (not recommended)
  -f, --filename string           Filename that contains EKS-A cluster configuration
  -h, --help                      help for cluster
      --kubeconfig string         Management cluster kubeconfig file
  -o, --output string             Output format: text|json (default "text")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity


15.49 - anywhere version

anywhere version

Get the eksctl anywhere version


This command prints the version of eksctl anywhere

anywhere version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity