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Getting started

The Getting started section includes information on starting to set up your own EKS Anywhere local or production environment.

EKS Anywhere can be deployed as a simple, unsupported local environment or as a production-quality environment that can become a supported on-premises Kubernetes platform. This section lists the different ways to set up and run EKS Anywhere. When you install EKS Anywhere, choose an installation type based on: ease of maintenance, security, control, available resources, and expertise required to operate and manage a cluster.

Install EKS Anywhere

To create an EKS Anywhere cluster you’ll need to download the command line tool that is used to create and manage a cluster. You can install it using the installation guide

Local environment

If you just want to try out EKS Anywhere, there is a single-system method for installing and running EKS Anywhere using Docker. See EKS Anywhere local environment .

Production environment

When evaluating a solution for a production environment consider deploying EKS Anywhere on providers listed on the Create production cluster page.

1 - Install EKS Anywhere

EKS Anywhere will create and manage Kubernetes clusters on multiple providers. Currently we support creating development clusters locally using Docker and production clusters from providers listed on the Create production cluster page.

Creating an EKS Anywhere cluster begins with setting up an Administrative machine where you will run Docker and add some binaries. From there, you create the cluster for your chosen provider. See Create cluster workflow for an overview of the cluster creation process.

To create an EKS Anywhere cluster you will need eksctl and the eksctl-anywhere plugin. This will let you create a cluster in multiple providers for local development or production workloads.

NOTE: For Snow provider, the Snow devices will come with a pre-configured Admin AMI which can be used to create an Admin instance with all the necessary binaries, dependencies and artifacts to create an EKS Anywhere cluster. Skip the below steps and see Create Snow production cluster to get started with EKS Anywhere on Snow.

Administrative machine prerequisites

  • Docker 20.x.x
  • Mac OS 10.15 / Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (See Note on newer Ubuntu versions)
  • 4 CPU cores
  • 16GB memory
  • 30GB free disk space
  • Administrative machine must be on the same Layer 2 network as the cluster machines (Bare Metal provider only).

If you are using Ubuntu, use the Docker CE installation instructions to install Docker and not the Snap installation, as described here.

If you are using Ubuntu 21.10 or 22.04, you will need to switch from cgroups v2 to cgroups v1. For details, see Troubleshooting Guide.

If you are using Docker Desktop, you need to know that:

  • For EKS Anywhere Bare Metal, Docker Desktop is not supported
  • For EKS Anywhere vSphere, if you are using Mac OS Docker Desktop 4.4.2 or newer "deprecatedCgroupv1": true must be set in ~/Library/Group\ Containers/

Install EKS Anywhere CLI tools

Via Homebrew (macOS and Linux)

You can install eksctl and eksctl-anywhere with homebrew . This package will also install kubectl and the aws-iam-authenticator which will be helpful to test EKS Anywhere clusters.

brew install aws/tap/eks-anywhere

Manually (macOS and Linux)

Install the latest release of eksctl. The EKS Anywhere plugin requires eksctl version 0.66.0 or newer.

curl "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" \
    --silent --location \
    | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin/

Install the eksctl-anywhere plugin.

RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl --silent --location | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
EKS_ANYWHERE_TARBALL_URL=$(curl --silent --location | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$RELEASE_VERSION\").eksABinary.$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z).uri")
    --silent --location \
    | tar xz ./eksctl-anywhere
sudo mv ./eksctl-anywhere /usr/local/bin/

Install the kubectl Kubernetes command line tool. This can be done by following the instructions here .

Or you can install the latest kubectl directly with the following.

export OS="$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)" ARCH=$(test "$(uname -m)" = 'x86_64' && echo 'amd64' || echo 'arm64')
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s${OS}/${ARCH}/kubectl"
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Upgrade eksctl-anywhere

If you installed eksctl-anywhere via homebrew you can upgrade the binary with

brew update
brew upgrade aws/tap/eks-anywhere

If you installed eksctl-anywhere manually you should follow the installation steps to download the latest release.

You can verify your installed version with

eksctl anywhere version

Prepare for airgapped deployments (optional)

When creating an EKS Anywhere cluster, there may be times where you need to do so in an airgapped environment. In this type of environment, cluster nodes are connected to the Admin Machine, but not to the internet. In order to download images and artifacts, however, the Admin machine needs to be temporarily connected to the internet.

An airgapped environment is especially important if you require the most secure networks. EKS Anywhere supports airgapped installation for creating clusters using a registry mirror. For airgapped installation to work, the Admin machine must have:

  • Temporary access to the internet to download images and artifacts
  • Ample space (80 GB or more) to store artifacts locally

To create a cluster in an airgapped environment, perform the following:

  1. Download the artifacts and images that will be used by the cluster nodes to the Admin machine using the following command:

    eksctl anywhere download artifacts

    A compressed file eks-anywhere-downloads.tar.gz will be downloaded.

  2. To decompress this file, use the following command:

    tar -xvf eks-anywhere-downloads.tar.gz

    This will create an eks-anywhere-downloads folder that we’ll be using later.

  3. In order for the next command to run smoothly, ensure that Docker has been pre-installed and is running. Then run the following:

    eksctl anywhere download images -o images.tar

    For the remaining steps, the Admin machine no longer needs to be connected to the internet or the bastion host.

  4. Next, you will need to set up a local registry mirror to host the downloaded EKS Anywhere images. In order to set one up, refer to Registry Mirror configuration.

  5. Now that you’ve configured your local registry mirror, you will need to import images to the local registry mirror using the following command (be sure to replace with the url of the local registry mirror you created in step 4):

    eksctl anywhere import images -i images.tar -r <registryUrl> \
       -- bundles ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml

You are now ready to deploy a cluster by following instructions to Create local cluster or Create production cluster. See text below for specific provider instructions.

For Bare Metal (Tinkerbell)

You will need to have hookOS and its OS artifacts downloaded and served locally from an HTTP file server. You will also need to modify the hookImagesURLPath and the osImageURL in the cluster configuration files. Ensure that structure of the files is set up as described in hookImagesURLPath.

For vSphere

If you are using the vSphere provider, be sure that the requirements in the Prerequisite checklist have been met.

Deploy a cluster

Once you have the tools installed you can deploy a local cluster or production cluster in the next steps.

2 - Create local cluster

EKS Anywhere docker provider deployments

EKS Anywhere supports a Docker provider for development and testing use cases only. This allows you to try EKS Anywhere on your local system before deploying to a supported provider to create either:

  • A single, standalone cluster or
  • Multiple management/workload clusters on the same provider, as described in Cluster topologies . The management/workload topology is recommended for production clusters and can be tried out here using both eksctl and GitOps tools.

Create a standalone cluster

Prerequisite Checklist

To install the EKS Anywhere binaries and see system requirements please follow the installation guide .


  1. Generate a cluster config

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider docker > $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml

    The command above creates a file named eksa-cluster.yaml with the contents below in the path where it is executed. The configuration specification is divided into two sections:

    • Cluster
    • DockerDatacenterConfig
    kind: Cluster
       name: mgmt
             cilium: {}
          count: 1
          kind: DockerDatacenterConfig
          name: mgmt
          count: 1
       kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
          name: mgmt
          - count: 1
             name: md-0
    kind: DockerDatacenterConfig
       name: mgmt
    spec: {}
    • Apart from the base configuration, you can add additional optional configuration to enable supported features:
  2. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2"

    NOTE: The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. Due to this there might be some warnings in the CLI if proper authentication is not set up.

  3. Create Cluster:

    For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml

    For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster 
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml \
       --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml

    Example command output

    Performing setup and validations
    ✅ validation succeeded {"validation": "docker Provider setup is valid"}
    Creating new bootstrap cluster
    Installing cluster-api providers on bootstrap cluster
    Provider specific setup
    Creating new workload cluster
    Installing networking on workload cluster
    Installing cluster-api providers on workload cluster
    Moving cluster management from bootstrap to workload cluster
    Installing EKS-A custom components (CRD and controller) on workload cluster
    Creating EKS-A CRDs instances on workload cluster
    Installing GitOps Toolkit on workload cluster
    GitOps field not specified, bootstrap flux skipped
    Deleting bootstrap cluster
    🎉 Cluster created!
    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the
    Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription
    Installing curated packages controller on management cluster
    secret/aws-secret created
    job.batch/eksa-auth-refresher created

    NOTE: to install curated packages during cluster creation, use --install-packages packages.yaml flag

  4. Use the cluster

    Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl get ns

    Example command output

    NAME                                STATUS   AGE
    capd-system                         Active   21m
    capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system       Active   21m
    capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system   Active   21m
    capi-system                         Active   21m
    capi-webhook-system                 Active   21m
    cert-manager                        Active   22m
    default                             Active   23m
    eksa-packages                       Active   23m
    eksa-system                         Active   20m
    kube-node-lease                     Active   23m
    kube-public                         Active   23m
    kube-system                         Active   23m

    You can now use the cluster like you would any Kubernetes cluster. Deploy the test application with:

    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in the deploy test application section .

Create management/workload clusters

To try the recommended EKS Anywhere topology, you can create a management cluster and one or more workload clusters on the same Docker provider.

Prerequisite Checklist

To install the EKS Anywhere binaries and see system requirements please follow the installation guide .

Create a management cluster

  1. Generate a management cluster config (named mgmt for this example):

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider docker > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  2. Modify the management cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) you could use the same one described earlier or modify it to use GitOps, as shown below:

    kind: Cluster
      name: mgmt
      namespace: default
        name: bundles-1
        namespace: eksa-system
          cilium: {}
        count: 1
        kind: DockerDatacenterConfig
        name: mgmt
        count: 1
        kind: FluxConfig
        name: mgmt
      kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
        name: mgmt
      - count: 1
        name: md-1
    kind: DockerDatacenterConfig
      name: mgmt
      namespace: default
    spec: {}
    kind: FluxConfig
      name: mgmt
      namespace: default
      branch: main
      clusterConfigPath: clusters/mgmt
        owner: <your github account, such as example for>
        personal: true
        repository: <your github repo, such as test for>
      systemNamespace: flux-system
  3. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"  
  4. Create cluster:

    For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \ 
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml

    For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml \
       --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml
  5. Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  6. Check the initial cluster’s CRD:

    To ensure you are looking at the initial cluster, list the CRD to see that the name of its management cluster is itself:

    kubectl get clusters mgmt -o yaml

    Example command output

    kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
      name: mgmt

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps to have your management cluster create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider docker > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml

    Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings.

    NOTE: Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, DockerDatacenterConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

  2. Create a workload cluster in one of the following ways:

    • GitOps: See Manage separate workload clusters with GitOps

    • Terraform: See Manage separate workload clusters with Terraform

    • Kubernetes CLI: The cluster lifecycle feature lets you use kubectl to manage a workload cluster. For example:

      kubectl apply -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml 
    • eksctl CLI: Useful for temporary cluster configurations. To create a workload cluster with eksctl, do one of the following. For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:

      eksctl anywhere create cluster \
          -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
         # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
          --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

      For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:

      eksctl create cluster \
         # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
         -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml \
         --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml \
          --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

      As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

  3. To check the workload cluster, get the workload cluster credentials and run a test workload:

    • If your workload cluster was created with eksctl, change your credentials to point to the new workload cluster (for example, w01), then run the test application with:

      export CLUSTER_NAME=w01
      export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""
    • If your workload cluster was created with GitOps or Terraform, you can get credentials and run the test application as follows:

      kubectl get secret -n eksa-system w01-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.value}' | base64 —decode > w01.kubeconfig
      export KUBECONFIG=w01.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""

      NOTE: For Docker, you must modify the server field of the kubeconfig file by replacing the IP with and the port with its value. The port’s value can be found by running docker ps and checking the workload cluster’s load balancer.

  4. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.

3 - Create production cluster

EKS Anywhere allows you to provision and manage Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure. To get started with different production-quality EKS Anywhere providers, choose from the providers below:

3.1 - Create Bare Metal production cluster

Create a production-quality cluster on Bare Metal

EKS Anywhere supports a Bare Metal provider for production grade EKS Anywhere deployments. EKS Anywhere allows you to provision and manage Kubernetes clusters based on Amazon EKS software on your own infrastructure.

This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal as a standalone, self-managed cluster or combined set of management/workload clusters. See Cluster topologies for details.

Prerequisite checklist

EKS Anywhere needs:

Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.


The following steps are divided into two sections:

  • Create an initial cluster (used as a management or self-managed cluster)
  • Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

Create an initial cluster

Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a self-managed cluster (for running workloads itself).

  1. Set an environment variables for your cluster name

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt
  2. Generate a cluster config file for your Bare Metal provider (using tinkerbell as the provider type).

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME --provider tinkerbell > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  3. Modify the cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) by referring to the Bare Metal configuration reference documentation.

  4. Set License Environment Variable

    If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'

    After you have created your eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml and set your credential environment variables, you will be ready to create the cluster.

  5. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2" 
  6. Create the cluster, using the hardware.csv file you made in Bare Metal preparation .

    For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       --hardware-csv hardware.csv \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml

    For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:

    eksctl anywhere create cluster
       --hardware-csv hardware.csv \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml \
       --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml
  7. Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  8. Check the cluster nodes:

    To check that the cluster completed, list the machines to see the control plane and worker nodes:

    kubectl get machines -A

    Example command output:

    NAMESPACE     NAME                        CLUSTER   NODENAME        PROVIDERID                              PHASE     AGE   VERSION
    eksa-system   mgmt-47zj8                  mgmt      eksa-node01     tinkerbell://eksa-system/eksa-node01    Running   1h    v1.23.7-eks-1-23-4
    eksa-system   mgmt-md-0-7f79df46f-wlp7w   mgmt      eksa-node02     tinkerbell://eksa-system/eksa-node02    Running   1h    v1.23.7-eks-1-23-4
  9. Check the cluster:

    You can now use the cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. To try it out, run the test application with:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in Deploy test workload .

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider tinkerbell > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml

    Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings. Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, TinkerbellDatacenterConfig, TinkerbellMachineConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names. Keep the tinkerbellIP of workload cluster the same as tinkerbellIP of the management cluster.

  2. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

    For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:

    kind: Cluster
      name: w01
        name: mgmt
  3. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  4. Create a workload cluster

    To create a new workload cluster from your management cluster run this command, identifying:

    • The workload cluster YAML file
    • The initial cluster’s credentials (this causes the workload cluster to be managed from the management cluster)
    With hardware CSV
    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
        -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
        # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
        --hardware-csv <hardware.csv>
        # --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml \ # uncomment for airgapped install
        --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    Without hardware CSV
    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
        -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
        # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
        # --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml \ # uncomment for airgapped install
        --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

    As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

  5. Check the workload cluster:

    You can now use the workload cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. Change your credentials to point to the new workload cluster (for example, mgmt-w01), then run the test application with:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt-w01
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in the deploy test application section.

  6. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.

3.2 - Create CloudStack production cluster

Create a production-quality cluster on CloudStack

EKS Anywhere supports a CloudStack provider for production grade EKS Anywhere deployments. This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on CloudStack in a way that:

  • Deploys an initial cluster on your CloudStack environment. That cluster can be used as a standalone cluster (to run workloads) or a management cluster (to create and manage other clusters)
  • Deploys zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

If your initial cluster is a management cluster, it is intended to stay in place so you can use it later to modify, upgrade, and delete workload clusters. Using a management cluster makes it faster to provision and delete workload clusters. Also it lets you keep CloudStack credentials for a set of clusters in one place: on the management cluster. The alternative is to simply use your initial cluster to run workloads. See Cluster topologies for details.

Prerequisite Checklist

EKS Anywhere needs to:

Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.


The following steps are divided into two sections:

  • Create an initial cluster (used as a management or standalone cluster)
  • Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

Create an initial cluster

Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a standalone cluster (for running workloads itself).

  1. Generate an initial cluster config (named mgmt for this example):

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt
    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider cloudstack > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  2. Create credential file

    Create a credential file (for example, cloud-config) and add the credentials needed to access your CloudStack environment. The file should include:

    • api-key: Obtained from CloudStack
    • secret-key: Obtained from CloudStack
    • api-url: The URL to your CloudStack API endpoint

    For example:

    api-key     =  -Dk5uB0DE3aWng
    secret-key  =  -0DQLunsaJKxCEEHn44XxP80tv6v_RB0DiDtdgwJ
    api-url     =

    You can have multiple credential entries. To match this example, you would enter global as the credentialsRef in the cluster config file for your CloudStack availability zone. You can configure multiple credentials for multiple availability zones.

  3. Modify the initial cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) as follows:

    • Refer to Cloudstack configuration for information on configuring this cluster config for a CloudStack provider.
    • Add Optional configuration settings as needed.
    • Create at least two control plane nodes, three worker nodes, and three etcd nodes for a production cluster, to provide high availability and rolling upgrades.
  4. Set Environment Variables

    Convert the credential file into base64 and set the following environment variable to that value:

    export EKSA_CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET=$(base64 -i cloud-config)
  5. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  6. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2"  
  7. Disable Kubevip load balancer

    Skip this step if you want to use the Kubevip load balancer with your cluster. If you want to use a different load balancer, you can disable Kubevip as follows:

  8. Create cluster

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  9. Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  10. Check the cluster nodes:

    To check that the cluster completed, list the machines to see the control plane, etcd, and worker nodes:

    kubectl get machines -A

    Example command output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                PROVIDERID        PHASE    VERSION
    eksa-system mgmt-b2xyz          cloudstack:/xxxxx    Running  v1.23.1-eks-1-21-5
    eksa-system mgmt-etcd-r9b42     cloudstack:/xxxxx    Running  
    eksa-system mgmt-md-8-6xr-rnr   cloudstack:/xxxxx    Running  v1.23.1-eks-1-21-5

    The etcd machine doesn’t show the Kubernetes version because it doesn’t run the kubelet service.

  11. Check the initial cluster’s CRD:

    To ensure you are looking at the initial cluster, list the CRD to see that the name of its management cluster is itself:

    kubectl get clusters mgmt -o yaml

    Example command output

    kubernetesVersion: "1.23"
      name: mgmt

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider cloudstack > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml
  2. Modify the workload cluster config (eksa-w01-cluster.yaml) as follows. Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings. In particular:

    • Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, CloudDatacenterConfig, CloudStackMachineConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names.
  3. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

    For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:

    kind: Cluster
      name: w01
        name: mgmt
  4. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  5. Create a workload cluster

    To create a new workload cluster from your management cluster run this command, identifying:

    • The workload cluster YAML file
    • The initial cluster’s credentials (this causes the workload cluster to be managed from the management cluster)
    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
        -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
        # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
        --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

    As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

  6. Check the workload cluster:

    You can now use the workload cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. Change your credentials to point to the new workload cluster (for example, mgmt-w01), then run the test application with:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt-w01
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in the deploy test application section.

  7. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.

3.3 - Create Nutanix production cluster

Create a production-quality cluster on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure with AHV

EKS Anywhere supports a Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) provider for production grade EKS Anywhere deployments. This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure with AHV in a way that:

  • Deploys an initial cluster in your Nutanix environment. That cluster can be used as a self-managed cluster (to run workloads) or a management cluster (to create and manage other clusters)
  • Deploys zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

If your initial cluster is a management cluster, it is intended to stay in place so you can use it later to modify, upgrade, and delete workload clusters. Using a management cluster makes it faster to provision and delete workload clusters. It also lets you keep NCI credentials for a set of clusters in one place: on the management cluster. The alternative is to simply use your initial cluster to run workloads. See Cluster topologies for details.

Prerequisite Checklist

EKS Anywhere needs to:

Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.


The following steps are divided into two sections:

  • Create an initial cluster (used as a management or self-managed cluster)
  • Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

Create an initial cluster

Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a self-managed cluster (for running workloads itself).

  1. Generate an initial cluster config (named mgmt for this example):

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider nutanix > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  2. Modify the initial cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) as follows:

    • Refer to Nutanix configuration for information on configuring this cluster config for a Nutanix provider.
    • Add Optional configuration settings as needed.
    • Create at least three control plane nodes, and three worker nodes for a production cluster, to provide high availability and rolling upgrades.
  3. Set Credential Environment Variables

    Before you create the initial cluster, you will need to set and export these environment variables for your Nutanix Prism Central user name and password. Make sure you use single quotes around the values so that your shell does not interpret the values:

    export EKSA_NUTANIX_USERNAME='billy'
    export EKSA_NUTANIX_PASSWORD='t0p$ecret'
  4. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'

    After you have created your eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml and set your credential environment variables, you will be ready to create the cluster.

  5. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2"  
  6. Create cluster

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  7. Once the cluster is created, you can access it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  8. Check the cluster nodes:

    To check that the cluster is ready, list the machines to see the control plane, and worker nodes:

    kubectl get machines -n eksa-system

    Example command output

       NAME              CLUSTER  NODENAME                                 PROVIDERID       PHASE     AGE   VERSION
       mgmt-4gtt2        mgmt     mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-2m4ln   nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
       mgmt-d42xn        mgmt     mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-jbfxt   nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
       mgmt-md-0-9868m   mgmt     mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-lkmxw            nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
       mgmt-md-0-njpk2   mgmt     mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-9clbz            nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
       mgmt-md-0-p4gp2   mgmt     mgmt-md-0-1670343878901-mbktx            nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
       mgmt-zkwrr        mgmt     mgmt-control-plane-1670343878900-jrdkk   nutanix://xxxx   Running   11m   v1.24.7-eks-1-24-4
  9. Check the initial cluster’s CRD:

    To ensure you are looking at the initial cluster, list the cluster CRD to see that the name of its management cluster is itself:

    kubectl get clusters mgmt -o yaml

    Example command output

    kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
      name: mgmt

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider nutanix > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml

    Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings. Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, NutanixDatacenterConfig, NutanixMachineConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names.

  2. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

    For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:

    kind: Cluster
      name: w01
        name: mgmt
  3. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  4. Create a workload cluster

    To create a new workload cluster from your management cluster run this command, identifying:

    • The workload cluster YAML file
    • The initial cluster’s kubeconfig (this causes the workload cluster to be managed from the management cluster)
    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
        -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
        # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
        --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

    As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

  5. Check the workload cluster:

    You can now use the workload cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. Change your kubeconfig to point to the new workload cluster (for example, w01), then run the test application with:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=w01
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in the deploy test application section.

  6. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.

3.4 - Create Snow production cluster

Create a production-quality cluster on AWS Snow

EKS Anywhere supports an AWS Snow provider for production grade EKS Anywhere deployments.

This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on Snow as a standalone, self-managed cluster or combined set of management/workload clusters. See Cluster topologies for details.

Prerequisite checklist

EKS Anywhere on Snow needs:

Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.


The following steps are divided into two sections:

  • Create an initial cluster (used as a management or standalone cluster)
  • Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

Create an initial cluster

Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a standalone cluster (for running workloads itself).

  1. Set an environment variables for your cluster name

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt
  2. Generate a cluster config file for your Snow provider

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME --provider snow > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  3. Optionally import images to private registry

    This optional step imports EKS Anywhere artifacts and release bundle to a local registry. This is required for air-gapped installation.

    eksctl anywhere import images \
       --input /usr/lib/eks-a/artifacts/artifacts.tar.gz \
       --bundles /usr/lib/eks-a/manifests/bundle-release.yaml \
       --registry $PRIVATE_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT \
  4. Modify the cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) as follows:

    • Refer to the Snow configuration for information on configuring this cluster config for a Snow provider.
    • Add Optional configuration settings as needed.
  5. Set License Environment Variable

    If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  6. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be generated. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2" 

    Curated packages are not yet supported on air-gapped installation.

  7. Set Credential Environment Variables

    Before you create the initial cluster, you will need to use the credentials and ca-bundles files that are in the Admin instance, and export these environment variables for your AWS Snowball device credentials. Make sure you use single quotes around the values so that your shell does not interpret the values:


    After you have created your eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml and set your credential environment variables, you will be ready to create the cluster.

  8. Create cluster

    a. For none air-gapped environment

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml

    b. For air-gapped environment

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml \
       --bundles-override /usr/lib/eks-a/manifests/bundle-release.yaml
  9. Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  10. Check the cluster nodes:

    To check that the cluster completed, list the machines to see the control plane and worker nodes:

    kubectl get machines -A

    Example command output:

    NAMESPACE    NAME                        CLUSTER  NODENAME                    PROVIDERID                                       PHASE    AGE    VERSION
    eksa-system  mgmt-etcd-dsxb5             mgmt                                 aws-snow:///  Running  4m59s  
    eksa-system  mgmt-md-0-7b7c69cf94-99sll  mgmt     mgmt-md-0-1-58nng           aws-snow:///  Running  4m58s  v1.24.9-eks-1-24-7
    eksa-system  mgmt-srrt8                  mgmt     mgmt-control-plane-1-xs4t9  aws-snow:///  Running  4m58s  v1.24.9-eks-1-24-7
  11. Check the cluster:

    You can now use the cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster. To try it out, run the test application with:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt
    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
    kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in Deploy test workload .

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider snow > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml

    Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings.

    NOTE: Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, SnowDatacenterConfig, SnowMachineConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names.

  2. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

    For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:

    kind: Cluster
      name: w01
        name: mgmt
  3. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  4. Create a workload cluster in one of the following ways:

    • GitOps: See Manage separate workload clusters with GitOps

    • Terraform: See Manage separate workload clusters with Terraform

      NOTE: snowDatacenterConfig.spec.identityRef and a Snow bootstrap credentials secret need to be specified when provisioning a cluster through GitOps or Terraform, as EKS Anywhere Cluster Controller will not create a Snow bootstrap credentials secret like eksctl CLI does when field is empty.

      snowMachineConfig.spec.sshKeyName must be specified to SSH into your nodes when provisioning a cluster through GitOps or Terraform, as the EKS Anywhere Cluster Controller will not generate the keys like eksctl CLI does when the field is empty.

    • eksctl CLI: To create a workload cluster with eksctl, run:

      eksctl anywhere create cluster \
          -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
          --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

      As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

    • kubectl CLI: The cluster lifecycle feature lets you use kubectl, or other tools that that can talk to the Kubernetes API, to create a workload cluster. To use kubectl, run:

      kubectl apply -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml
  5. Check the workload cluster:

    You can now use the workload cluster as you would any Kubernetes cluster.

    • If your workload cluster was created with eksctl, change your credentials to point to the new workload cluster (for example, w01), then run the test application with:

      export CLUSTER_NAME=w01
      export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""
    • If your workload cluster was created with GitOps or Terraform, the kubeconfig for your new cluster is stored as a secret on the management cluster. You can get credentials and run the test application as follows:

      kubectl get secret -n eksa-system w01-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.value}' | base64 —decode > w01.kubeconfig
      export KUBECONFIG=w01.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""

    Verify the test application in the deploy test application section.

  6. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.

3.5 - Create vSphere production cluster

Create a production-quality cluster on VMware vSphere

EKS Anywhere supports a VMware vSphere provider for production grade EKS Anywhere deployments. This document walks you through setting up EKS Anywhere on vSphere in a way that:

  • Deploys an initial cluster on your vSphere environment. That cluster can be used as a self-managed cluster (to run workloads) or a management cluster (to create and manage other clusters)
  • Deploys zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

If your initial cluster is a management cluster, it is intended to stay in place so you can use it later to modify, upgrade, and delete workload clusters. Using a management cluster makes it faster to provision and delete workload clusters. Also it lets you keep vSphere credentials for a set of clusters in one place: on the management cluster. The alternative is to simply use your initial cluster to run workloads. See Cluster topologies for details.

Prerequisite Checklist

EKS Anywhere needs to:

Also, see the Ports and protocols page for information on ports that need to be accessible from control plane, worker, and Admin machines.


The following steps are divided into two sections:

  • Create an initial cluster (used as a management or self-managed cluster)
  • Create zero or more workload clusters from the management cluster

Create an initial cluster

Follow these steps to create an EKS Anywhere cluster that can be used either as a management cluster or as a self-managed cluster (for running workloads itself).

  1. Generate an initial cluster config (named mgmt for this example):

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider vsphere > eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  2. Modify the initial cluster config (eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml) as follows:

    • Refer to vsphere configuration for information on configuring this cluster config for a vSphere provider.
    • Add Optional configuration settings as needed. See Github provider to see how to identify your Git information.
    • Create at least two control plane nodes, three worker nodes, and three etcd nodes for a production cluster, to provide high availability and rolling upgrades.
  3. Set Credential Environment Variables

    Before you create the initial cluster, you will need to set and export these environment variables for your vSphere user name and password. Make sure you use single quotes around the values so that your shell does not interpret the values:

    export EKSA_VSPHERE_USERNAME='billy'
    export EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD='t0p$ecret'
  4. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'

    After you have created your eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml and set your credential environment variables, you will be ready to create the cluster.

  5. Configure Curated Packages

    The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. To request a free trial, talk to your Amazon representative or connect with one here . Cluster creation will succeed if authentication is not set up, but some warnings may be genered. Detailed package configurations can be found here .

    If you are going to use packages, set up authentication. These credentials should have limited capabilities :

    export EKSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your*access*id"
    export EKSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your*secret*key"
    export EKSA_AWS_REGION="us-west-2"  
  6. Create cluster

    eksctl anywhere create cluster \
       # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
       -f eksa-mgmt-cluster.yaml
  7. Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated KUBECONFIG file in your local directory:

    export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
  8. Check the cluster nodes:

    To check that the cluster completed, list the machines to see the control plane, etcd, and worker nodes:

    kubectl get machines -A

    Example command output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                PROVIDERID        PHASE    VERSION
    eksa-system mgmt-b2xyz          vsphere:/xxxxx    Running  v1.24.2-eks-1-24-5
    eksa-system mgmt-etcd-r9b42     vsphere:/xxxxx    Running  
    eksa-system mgmt-md-8-6xr-rnr   vsphere:/xxxxx    Running  v1.24.2-eks-1-24-5

    The etcd machine doesn’t show the Kubernetes version because it doesn’t run the kubelet service.

  9. Check the initial cluster’s CRD:

    To ensure you are looking at the initial cluster, list the CRD to see that the name of its management cluster is itself:

    kubectl get clusters mgmt -o yaml

    Example command output

    kubernetesVersion: "1.25"
      name: mgmt

Create separate workload clusters

Follow these steps if you want to use your initial cluster to create and manage separate workload clusters.

  1. Generate a workload cluster config:

    eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \
       --provider vsphere > eksa-w01-cluster.yaml

    Refer to the initial config described earlier for the required and optional settings.

    NOTE: Ensure workload cluster object names (Cluster, vSphereDatacenterConfig, vSphereMachineConfig, etc.) are distinct from management cluster object names.

  2. Be sure to set the managementCluster field to identify the name of the management cluster.

    For example, the management cluster, mgmt is defined for our workload cluster w01 as follows:

    kind: Cluster
      name: w01
        name: mgmt
  3. Set License Environment Variable

    Add a license to any cluster for which you want to receive paid support. If you are creating a licensed cluster, set and export the license variable (see License cluster if you are licensing an existing cluster):

    export EKSA_LICENSE='my-license-here'
  4. Create a workload cluster in one of the following ways:

    • GitOps: See Manage separate workload clusters with GitOps

    • Terraform: See Manage separate workload clusters with Terraform

      NOTE: spec.users[0].sshAuthorizedKeys must be specified to SSH into your nodes when provisioning a cluster through GitOps or Terraform, as the EKS Anywhere Cluster Controller will not generate the keys like eksctl CLI does when the field is empty.

    • eksctl CLI: To create a workload cluster with eksctl, run:

      eksctl anywhere create cluster \
          -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml  \
          # --install-packages packages.yaml \ # uncomment to install curated packages at cluster creation
          --kubeconfig mgmt/mgmt-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig

      As noted earlier, adding the --kubeconfig option tells eksctl to use the management cluster identified by that kubeconfig file to create a different workload cluster.

    • kubectl CLI: The cluster lifecycle feature lets you use kubectl, or other tools that that can talk to the Kubernetes API, to create a workload cluster. To use kubectl, run:

      kubectl apply -f eksa-w01-cluster.yaml 
  5. To check the workload cluster, get the workload cluster credentials and run a test workload:

    • If your workload cluster was created with eksctl, change your credentials to point to the new workload cluster (for example, w01), then run the test application with:

      export CLUSTER_NAME=w01
      export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""
    • If your workload cluster was created with GitOps or Terraform, the kubeconfig for your new cluster is stored as a secret on the management cluster. You can get credentials and run the test application as follows:

      kubectl get secret -n eksa-system w01-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.value}' | base64 —decode > w01.kubeconfig
      export KUBECONFIG=w01.kubeconfig
      kubectl apply -f ""
  6. Add more workload clusters:

    To add more workload clusters, go through the same steps for creating the initial workload, copying the config file to a new name (such as eksa-w02-cluster.yaml), modifying resource names, and running the create cluster command again.

Next steps:

  • See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.

  • See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.